Friday, January 21, 2022

Despite narratives to the contrary Jared Kushner runs and staffs Trump’s lucrative post presidential empire and will do so as long as Ivanka is Trump’s daughter-Gonzalez


8/22/21, Despite the media narrative that Kushner is no longer involved with Trump, the America First Policy Institute is run and staffed by Kushner allies, and Trump’s inner circle is still dominated by Kushner allies. You get the package deal for as long as Ivanka is Trump’s daughter. emeriticus, Pedro Gonzalez 






Added: “It is a curious thing that the greatest obstacle to an authentic populist and nationalist agenda is Trump himself and his coterie of hangers-on."…

July 30, 2021, Just how America First is the America First Policy Institute?” Pedro L. Gonzalez,

AFPI [America First Policy Institute] seems to actively seek out people who hold populism and nationalism in contempt..”… 

“It is a curious thing that the greatest obstacle to an authentic populist and nationalist agenda is Trump himself and his coterie of hangers-on."…


Added: Once elected [Trump] immediately turned around and prioritized the core  interests of oligarchy."

4/8/2019,Trump Cares About Two Things–Empire and the Stock Market," Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg

Once elected [Trump] immediately turned around and prioritized the core interests of oligarchy....When it comes to militarism and empire, Trump’s hypocrisy and bait and switch is one for the record books...It’s nevertheless extraordinary to watch Donald Trump publicly and shamelessly morph into a George W. Bush era neocon.”


Added: NY Times: Jared Kushner oversees “the most vital arm of the new [Trump] family business: politics.”

““It is completely, thoroughly ironic that Trump, who ran against anything to do with the R.N.C. and the establishment, is the guy who is breathing new life into the party, said WinRed’s chairman, Henry Barbour. Perhaps no one better represents the new outside-in reality than Mr. Barbour — nephew of the former Republican Party chairman Haley Barbour — who once said it would be “very hard” to vote for Mr. Trump….

With WinRed, donors could contribute with a few clicks, and candidates could reap windfalls through joint appeals with the president….

The younger Mr. Barbour is also chairman of the other central pillar of the Republican machine, Data Trust a storehouse of personal, commercial and demographic voter data…controlled by a board of Republican grandees.

Working under the aegis of Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, with the cooperation of Trump appointees at the Republican National Committee, the operatives have consolidated power–and made money–in a way not possible in an earlier, more transparent analog era….

The Trump family looms over the whole operation, starting with Mr. Kushner. While his White House portfolio has variously encompassed everything from immigration to the Middle East, his most consistent assignment has been informal campaign chairman, overseeing the most vital arm of the new family business: politics.”…NY Times,How the Trump Campaign Took Over the G.O.P.,” “The president’s campaign manager [Jared] and his allies commandeered Republican voter data and fund-raising engines, consolidating power–and profiting–in ways never before possible.”…3/9/20, updated 12/24/20


[Blog editor’s note: As the NY Times article makes clear, its headline is the exact opposite of reality. Instead of How the Trump Campaign Took Over the G.O.P.,” it should read: To the shock and delight of the GOP Establishment who were historically defeated in 2016 by Trump voters, Trump has turned around and voluntarily merged his entire hard-won Trump/Kushner fundraising operation with the RNC, “breathing new life” into the Oligarchy, and completing the greatest con job on voters in history.3/9/20, updated 12/24/20

How the Trump Campaign Took Over the G.O.P.,” “The president’s campaign manager [Jared] and his allies commandeered Republican voter data and fund-raising engines, consolidating power–and profiting–in ways never before possible."3/9/20, updated 12/24/20


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