Wednesday, November 24, 2021

No offense Pres. Putin, US empire’s #1 enemy is US taxpayers who had to be silenced and enslaved in a lawless, open borders cesspool before US could “export democracy” globally at gunpoint-Justin Raimondo


“Even as they put on a great show of “liberating” foreign peoples, to “export” democracy to the four corners of the globe, at gunpoint…they are in the process of enslaving the American people, and destroying the remnants of the Constitution.”…

March 19, 2003, Shine, Perishing Republic: Kiss the good old USA good-bye, say hello to the American Empire,” by Justin Raimondo,

“A future of endless conflicts, perpetual war for perpetual peace, and color-coded terror unto infinity – that is what we have to look forward to….

Our old Republic, once the enemy of kings and contemptuous of empires, is now donning the imperial purple….[Its rulers speak] of “liberation” when they mean conquest;…say “freedom” to signify subjugation, can commit war crimes and still call for the prosecution of war criminals, can do the Devil’s work and still invoke almighty God….

But their revolution is not directed primarily against foreign tyrants: for even as they put on a great show of “liberating” foreign peoples, they are in the process of enslaving the American people, and destroying the remnants of the Constitution….

The America we loved is lost, perhaps forever. That is the meaning of this [2003 Iraq] war. The republic that bound its rulers with the chains of the Constitution and freed the rest of us to live in peace is no more….They invoke “Americanism” to implement the most anti-American agenda imaginable….They seek to “export” democracy to the four corners of the globe, at gunpoint….

The era of the American Republic is over, and age of Empire is begun.”…



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