Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Trump/Kushner lavished more taxpayer cash on US foreign aggression group NED, allowing $10,778,481 to be spent inciting discord on the ground in Russia in 2020. When is Mr. Putin going to rightfully ban NED from his country?


In 2020, US foreign interference group NED spent $10,778,481 sowing discord on the ground in Russia, a 70% increase from $6,347,976 spent there in 2018. Instead of defunding NED, whose Board of Directors includes vicious warmongers such as Elliott Abrams, Trump/Kushner doubled down and in Dec. 2019 increased overall NED funding to $300 million for 2020, a 66% increase from 2019’s $180 million total. Why does Mr. Putin continue to allow these pompous leeches to operate in Russia? Russia or any country would be completely justified in retaliating against the US.

US Grim Reaper image: “State Department’s Mission: Coup d’etat,” Technocratic Tyranny

From NED website, 2020 expenditures in Russia:

2/18/21, Russia 2020,, Published on

A Human Rights Organization

Human Rights


To raise awareness of human rights abuses, improve access to legal aid, and encourage increased responsiveness to the needs of victims of human rights violations. Legal aid will be offered, assistance will be provided in filing complaints, and efforts to raise awareness of human rights abuses and political repression will continue.

Activist Network

Freedom of Information


To provide independent news and analysis on social, political, and human rights developments and to develop civic activism among youth. The organization will maintain a website with reporting and analysis on the development of democratic norms and competitive politics. A training and networking program for young activists will also be organized.

Aiding Corruption Investigations

Accountability and Governance


To strengthen anti-corruption initiatives that investigate transborder corruption and to foster cooperation with international networks of specialists and legal experts. Activists will be connected to media outlets that can expand the audience for their work, foreign experts who can assist with investigations, and legal experts familiar with relevant international legal anti-corruption mechanisms.

Amplifying Independent Media

Freedom of Information


To amplify the public’s awareness of and access to high-quality independent Russian-language media content and investigative reporting, and to foster the capacity of independent  media to effectively promote and disseminate content digitally. Digital capacity building and development will be supported in order to broaden the audience and impact of significant reporting.

Amplifying Independent Media

Freedom of Information

Supplement $16,376

To amplify the public’s awareness of and access to high-quality independent Russian-language media content and investigative reporting, and to foster the capacity of independent Russian media to effectively promote and disseminate content digitally. Digital capacity building and development for independent media in order to broaden the audience and impact of significant reporting will be supported.

Building Civic Activism

Civic Education


To foster and support civic activism and grassroots initiatives, to encourage youth activism, and to build activist networks and create opportunities for knowledge and experience sharing amongst activists. Workshops, public events, webinars, and a conference will be held, and trainings and opportunities for activists to network and develop projects will be provided.

Capacity Building for Activists

Rule of Law


To improve the accountability of the government and to promote respect for the rule of law. A series of trainings will be held for young activists interested in participating in monitoring violations of the rule of law. Educational materials about monitoring methods will be published and analytical reports on monitoring and rule of law issues will be produced.

Civic Education

Civic Education


To promote civic engagement and democratic ideas and values. Seminars and trainings will be conducted on civic education and the benefits of activism to local communities. In addition, legal and informational consultations will be offered to activists who are interested in protecting their rights. An online educational platform will also be developed to impart practical organizing and communications skills to youth activists.

Civic Leadership Training

Civic Education


To develop the capacities, skills, and knowledge of aspiring civil society leaders, and to foster networks and promote new collaborations among civic activists. To foster public discussion of necessary reforms in the case of a major political transformation. A leadership education and development program will be implemented and discussions and public presentations of reforms by experts will be organized.

Civil Rights Education

Civic Education


To raise the capacity of local activists to teach young people and their families about their rights and to engage with their communities. Free legal and informational sessions will be provided to young people and citizens about their civic and human rights and independent digital discussion platforms for activists and local citizens will be maintained.

Civil Society Connection

Democratic Ideas and Values


To raise awareness of issues concerning human rights, political freedom, and civil society among international actors. The organization will organize advocacy missions for activists, experts, and advocates for democracy issues to meet with policymakers and experts, as well as solidarity missions demonstrating support for victims whose rights have been abused.

Combatting Hate Speech

Human Rights


To raise awareness of the problem of hate speech and to improve the effectiveness of legal mechanisms in protecting human rights. Monitoring into instances of human rights violations will be conducted and a report will be produced; informational materials will be produced and published online; and legal assistance will be offered to victims of human rights violations.

Crimes Against History

Human Rights


To increase awareness of and advocate for historians and civil society actors under pressure for advancing historical narratives contrary to state-sanctioned propaganda. A report will be published and disseminated and advocacy efforts to strengthen international protections for those working on historical memory will be undertaken. Additionally, legal assistance will be provided to historians and civil society actors in country facing ongoing persecution for challenging official dogma.

Curbing Corruption

Accountability and Governance


To promote accountability and increase transparency among Eurasian public officials and to counter the destructive influence of transnational kleptocracy on European democratic institutions and rule of law. The organization will research these issues and will continue to update and improve its website in order to encourage adherence to anti-corruption and anti-money laundering legislation.

Defending Human Rights

Human Rights


To raise the awareness of human rights violations committed in the region and to lower tensions between minority communities and local officials. Free legal aid will be provided and a series of roundtables, press conferences, private meetings will be held with relevant stakeholders to deepen local understanding of human rights.

Defending Human Rights

Human Rights


To counter systemic impunity for perpetrators of human rights violations by providing legal assistance to victims of human rights. Legal assistance will be offered to victims of gross human rights violations and outreach activities will be undertaken to inform the public about the human rights situation in the region.

Defending Human Rights

Human Rights


To defend victims of human rights abuses and raise awareness of human rights violations. The organization will provide free legal aid to the victims of rights violations, monitor abuses, conduct national and international advocacy and awareness-raising campaigns, and organize seminars to build the legal capacity of activists and human rights defenders.

Defending Human Rights

Human Rights


To defend human rights and raise awareness of gross human rights violations. Project staff will provide free legal aid to some of the more vulnerable elements of society, raise awareness about human rights abuses through press conferences and interviews, organize new initiatives, and provide support to grassroots activists.

Defending Indigenous Rights

Human Rights


To defend the rights of minority populations. The organization will monitor rights violations, facilitate improved institutionalization and coordination among activists, raise awareness of the human rights situation facing these communities, provide free legal consultations, and develop an online platform to disseminate news and map rights violations. Activists will also raise these issues with relevant stakeholders and local and international institutions.

Defending Internet Freedom

Freedom of Information


To defend the digital rights of citizens, including their rights to freedom of expression and association, security, and privacy online, and to promote public awareness and engagement around significant internet freedom issues. Strategic litigation, public awareness raising, and advocacy will be conducted on significant digital rights issues, and related monitoring and analysis will be regularly published online.

Democracy Network

NGO Strengthening


To support the development of a resource hub for civil society organizations operating from inside and outside the country. The organization will offer technical resources to help activists continue their work in increasingly challenging conditions. It will also support the ongoing development of a hub for democratic civil society activism.

Development and Support of Civic Activists

Civic Education


To increase the capacity of civic activists. The program will engage regional youth in discussions of democratic values and policy. Seminars will be held to help activists develop outreach strategies and network with colleagues. Participants in these seminars will receive training to strengthen the capacity of local initiatives and will also compete for project support and programmatic guidance.

Digital Investigative Journalism and Training

Freedom of Information


To provide the public with accurate information on Russian foreign and security policy, and to foster the capacity of Russian journalists and NGOs to utilize new digital tools and research techniques in their work, along with regional networks among them. In-depth investigative reporting, coverage of current events, and analysis will be published online; a regional training and mentorship program will be conducted, and a resource center will be provided.

Digital Tools And Human Rights

Democratic Ideas and Values


To facilitate interest in studying history and to raise greater public awareness of past political repressions. New technologies will be used to create interactive educational materials about human rights and historical events, which will be made available to the public to facilitate greater discussion of these issues among activists and the wider population.

Documenting Human Rights Abuses

Human Rights


To improve access to information pertaining to the violation of fundamental human rights and international law. A database of such violations and instances will be regularly updated with news and information, and relevant information from the database will be shared with activists, journalists, and lawyers.

Documenting Repression

Democratic Ideas and Values


To develop and expand a unified information platform linking databases of information on political repression in the former Soviet Union. The platform will be augmented with new data sources  and new functionality will be incorporated into the platform to allow students, researchers, and the public easier access to historical materials.

Engaging Regional Activists

NGO Strengthening


To increase the professionalism of local civic activists and to promote cooperation among local activists. Research on local-level civic activism will be conducted and organizations will be helped to develop their capacity to conduct information and advocacy campaigns and to address systemic rights violations and other issues in their communities.

Fostering Global Solidarity with Russia’s Democratic Movement

Democratic Ideas and Values


To foster global solidarity with democratic civil society, and to strengthen networks among activists and European politicians and opinion leaders. To provide an independent source of information from credible in-country sources to counter official propaganda narratives. Awareness raising and networking activities will be carried out and a series of analytical reports will be produced.

Human Rights Education

Human Rights


To promote the rule of law and the defense of human rights using legal mechanisms, and to increase the capacity of those striving to defend them. A training and practical skills program dedicated to a human rights topic will be conducted, and an online course on human rights litigation will be developed.

Human Rights Education

Civic Education


To promote and explain the practical importance of respect for human rights and to implement civic education in regional university and school communities. To provide human rights trainings, including seminars on human rights pedagogy for school and university teachers; to organize regional competitions in the practical application of human rights norms; and to maintain an online presence.

Human Rights Education

Human Rights


To raise awareness of the problems facing civil society and to improve public understanding of the role of political repression. The organization will develop online outreach tools that relay stories of individual and collective experiences of past abuse. The organization will continue educational outreach by digitizing its collection, responding to public requests for historical information, and hosting public events.

Human Rights Education

Civic Education


To educate and encourage discussion among youth and educators about the ramifications of political repression and other human rights violations. The organization will continue to hold seminars for educators and activists on methods for teaching human rights. A series of community events will also be held to commemorate historical human rights abuses.

Human Rights Litigation

Human Rights


To defend victims of human rights abuses and to raise the public’s awareness of systemic human rights issues. The organization will monitor instances of human rights abuses, provide legal aid to victims, and use advocacy, monitoring and strategic litigation to challenge government practices violating fundamental rights.

Human Rights Monitoring

Human Rights


To improve knowledge of and respect for international human rights standards; to raise awareness of individual rights; to improve access to justice for prisoners; and to build the capacity of civil society activists. Programs on human rights, legal education, and leadership will be conducted. Legal assistance will be offered, and a resource center will be maintained.

Increasing Access to Justice

Human Rights


To promote adherence to the rule of law by advocating for compliance with and implementation of international norms and domestic legislation. To increase domestic and international awareness about the use of international mechanisms as a tool to address human rights violations. Monitoring will be conducted and technical assistance will be offered to victims of human rights violations. Documentary videos will be produced to shed light on the experiences of victims.

Increasing Activists’ Digital Communications Capacity

Strengthening Political Institutions


To sustain democratic activism, the organization will conduct a program to increase the capacity of civic activists to engage with citizens around the principles of democratic governance through online platforms. The organization will provide customized and tailored training on best practices for online communication and outreach strategies to various civic actors.

Increasing Civic Participation

Civic Education


To increase civic participation at the municipal level and improve access to information about human rights violations and environmental issues. Activities will include monitoring and publicizing public hearings, building the capacity of citizens to participate in civic processes, providing legal aid to activists and grassroots initiatives, publishing a journal connecting environmental problems and human rights issues, and maintaining a website with information about relevant legislation, activism, and human rights.

Independent Information

Freedom of Information


To provide the public with an independent source of reliable and accurate information about local events, news, and significant social, economic, and political developments. News reporting, analysis of local trends, and information about civil society and human rights related issues will be collected and will be regularly published online.

Independent Internet Television

Freedom of Information


To provide the public with an independent source of reporting in video format on significant developments in the region. To address the lack of quality independent reporting on state-controlled TV news channels, an internet television program to provide viewers with engaging commentary on and live coverage of significant political and social developments will be produced and published online.

Independent Livestream Journalism

Freedom of Information


To provide an independent source of information on current events and to increase access for Russian-language audiences to grassroots movements and civil society actors. Regular video programming that specializes in reporting on significant events organized by civic activists, grassroots movements, and human rights defenders will be produced and published online.

Independent News and Analysis

Freedom of Information


To increase the availability of high-quality independent news and analysis on significant political, economic, and social developments and to promote open debate and discussion around topics of public interest. Analytical reporting and commentary on current events will be published online, and the development of a new generation of Russia analysts will be fostered.

Independent Video News and Commentary

Freedom of Information


To provide an independent source of national news and commentary in video format to Russian-language audiences, and to strengthen the network of online video content creators. Video news programs featuring analysis of current events and reporting on significant social issues through commentary by influential pro-democratic personalities will be produced and published online through social media networks.

Independent Video Reporting

Freedom of Information


To provide an independent source of national-level news and analysis of current events to the public. An online video series will be produced with engaging coverage and analysis of significant developments related to news and social topics. Investigative reporting and independent analysis will be conducted and disseminated across social media platforms.

Investigating Transnational Crime and Corruption

Accountability and Governance


To expand understanding of the scope and nature of kleptocracy in the form of international corruption scandals and of the threat that corrupt activities pose to democracy. Investigations into specific major cases will be conducted, research will be undertaken to better gauge the scope of such activities, and results of the investigations will be published.

Investigative Journalism and Independent News

Freedom of Information


To increase the availability of high-quality Russian-language investigative journalism and to provide the Russian-language public with an independent source of news and analysis on significant developments in Russia and the world. Investigative reporting and analytical articles on a variety of topics will be published and current events coverage will be regularly updated online.

Legal Assistance and Human Rights

Human Rights


To improve access to justice for the victims of human rights violations, especially those belonging to ethnic minorities. Activities will include monitoring hate crimes, offering legal assistance to minorities, publishing reports, and conducting domestic and international advocacy campaigns to raise awareness of human rights violations and the problem of xenophobia in society.

Legal Assistance for Human Rights

Rule of Law


To promote the rule of law and adherence to human rights. Specialized legal training will be provided for a group of lawyers to improve and coordinate litigation methods and strategies. Expert legal assistance will be provided by participants to clients seeking justice and respect for their rights. Following the trainings, participants will defend citizens’ rights in courts.

Legal Defense of Human Rights

Human Rights


To increase access to justice for victims of human rights violations and build the capacity of lawyers to pursue strategic litigation. Cases will be brought to international legal bodies, free consultations and mentoring will be offered to members of the legal community, and activities will be carried out to raise public awareness of the mechanisms and methods of human rights and freedoms protection.

Legal Resource Center

Human Rights


To improve access to justice and support local activism. Free legal services will be offered and human rights violations will be monitored and reported upon. In addition, information about the region’s social and political situation will be disseminated, and support will be offered to local civil society groups and initiatives.

Local Media and Civic Education Initiative

Freedom of Information


To foster civic awareness and promote engagement around local issues. An independent online media outlet will be maintained that will provide objective coverage of regional news. A series of topical roundtables will also be held to educate citizens on their rights and provide a platform for public discussion and debate. Legal assistance will be offered to individuals whose rights have been violated.

Monitoring Online Manipulation

Freedom of Information


To defend citizens’ right to free expression and association, security, and privacy on the internet, and to provide accurate information and promote public awareness and engagement around significant internet issues. The organization will maintain informational resources online to raise public awareness about a significant digital rights topic, including by monitoring relevant trends, compiling data, and analyzing related developments.

Multimedia School

Freedom of Information


To develop and improve professional capacities of regional journalists and to cultivate independent journalism networks among participants and trainers. A comprehensive multimedia training, including  training on digital and personal security, will take place to train regional journalists and bloggers. Continued engagement through the creation of an alumni network will strengthen a network of independent regional journalists.

Promoting Academic Freedom

Freedom of Information


To raise awareness of government efforts to limit academic freedom. The organization will conduct research and carry out advocacy and awareness raising activities. Laws and regulations impacting academic freedom will be reviewed, subjects will be interviewed, and publicity will be generated through press outreach, public events, and participation in conferences.

Promoting Civic Engagement

Freedom of Information


To raise awareness and promote public discussion of local developments and activism at the neighborhood, municipal, and regional level and facilitate cooperation between local civil society organizations. Independent, high quality reporting on news and corruption investigations will be published on an online platform and support will be offered to local NGOs to organize civic initiatives.

Promoting Human Rights

Rule of Law


To provide legal assistance to victims of human rights violations and raise awareness of such abuses. Human rights violations will be monitored and investigated, legal aid will be offered, advocacy efforts will be undertaken at the national and international level, and a public awareness campaign will be conducted through numerous online platforms.

Promoting Independent Media

Freedom of Information


To promote the independent assessment of significant political and social developments and to provide the public with an independent source of information about human rights violations. A publication providing independent analysis of and information on political, social, and human rights developments will be regularly produced and distributed to its readership.

Promoting Regional Journalism and Civic Activism

Freedom of Information


To improve the amount of unbiased, locally relevant information available to the public and to foster the growth of civic activism and engagement by citizens around significant issues impacting their lives. An online platform for use by independent journalists and civic activists will be maintained and information on local developments will regularly be published.

Protecting Activists

Human Rights


To foster the respect of, and adherence to, international norms on human rights, the rule of law, and democratic values, and to raise domestic and international awareness of these issues. Legal proceedings will be monitored and research will be conducted on cases dealing with human rights abuses and political repression.

Protecting Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information


To enhance the legal security of journalists and the capacity of lawyers working to defend freedom of expression. The capacity of lawyers to successfully advise and defend their clients will be increased, and awareness will be raised at both the national and international levels of infringements on the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

Protecting Human Rights

Human Rights


To reduce the incidence of human rights violations, and to raise citizens’ awareness and knowledge of their rights and the means available to protect them. Information will be collected about human rights violations and legal assistance will be provided to victims. Regional and international instruments for the protection of human rights will be promoted and utilized among human rights defenders and civil society organizations.

Protecting Human Rights

Human Rights


To increase access to justice and encourage the development of democratic values and civic consciousness. Free legal assistance will be offered, and a resource center will be maintained to coordinate and support civil society and civic initiatives. The organization will also plan and carry out public inspections into government malfeasance and misconduct.

Protecting Human Rights

Human Rights


To reduce incidences of human rights violations, to strengthen compliance with international human rights standards, and to help citizens understand their rights. Legal support will be provided, and informational campaigns will be conducted. A special project will highlight significant cases of human rights abuse and misconduct in two regions.

Protecting the Right to Information

Freedom of Information


To assist citizens in realizing their right to information and to improve the implementation of laws guaranteeing citizens’ right to information. A series of activities will be conducted including strategic litigation and informational campaigns to raise the awareness of the right among the legal community, government bodies, and the public. Audits of regional bar associations will also be conducted to assess the transparency of licensing procedures for legal professionals.

Protecting the Rule of Law for Young People

Human Rights


To defend young people and their family members against human rights abuses and to decrease the frequency of abuse against these groups. Analytical and educational materials will be produced and distributed. In-person and online legal assistance will be provided to victims and strategic litigation will be advanced through domestic and international legal mechanisms. Public events will be held and engaging multimedia content will be produced to raise awareness of human rights abuse against young people.

Protection of Human Rights

Human Rights


To enable young people and their families to protect their rights and to decrease the frequency of human rights abuses. Human rights seminars, presentations, and consultations will be conducted throughout the project period. Telephone and online hotlines will be maintained to offer emergency legal assistance and counsel, and an educational seminar for human rights defenders will be organized. Educational materials will be developed and deployed in schools and universities to teach students about their rights.

Providing Independent Local Reporting and Combating Corruption

Freedom of Information


To raise awareness of local issues, to provide accurate information on local and national news, and to foster government accountability and combat public corruption. A website covering local news, events, and civic initiatives will be maintained and an online database to monitor and combat local public corruption will be updated.

Public Dialogue

Human Rights


To support civil society and human rights activists and promote greater understanding of human rights, respect of legal norms, and remembrance of victims of political repression. Discussions on history, human rights, and local issues will be facilitated and supported. A resource center will be maintained and support will be offered to activists, local NGOs, and civic initiatives.

Raising Awareness of Civil Society

NGO Strengthening


To raise awareness of human rights issues and the benefits that civil society organizations bring to their community. A series of short videos profiling victims of human rights abuses and the organizations that help them will be produced and advertised online to highlight the work of civil society and raise the profile of featured organizations

Reporting on Civil Society

Democratic Ideas and Values


To publish an independent media news site covering local civil society groups and the sociopolitical environment in which they work. The organization will regularly update its site with reporting and analysis on news in its region, with a special focus on the status and activity of local civil society activists.

School of Change

NGO Strengthening


To develop and improve the professional capacities of local initiative groups. Seminars will be organized to impart lessons on crafting effective communication strategies, creating coalitions of stakeholders, and scaling up grassroots initiatives. Mentoring services from experts will be offered to help local groups realize independent projects in their home regions.

School of Investigative Journalism

Freedom of Association


To strengthen the capacities of regional journalists and to increase the amount of independent investigative journalism available to the Russian-language public, while fostering regional and national networks among journalists. A series of investigative journalism trainings to improve the skills, capacities, and networks of independent journalists will continue to be conducted.

Strengthening Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information


To contribute to the establishment of a more diverse and professional independent media landscape, and to increase awareness of women’s rights. The organization will host trainings, discussions, workshops and roundtables with journalists on topics related to media freedom and human rights. Participants will also learn about questions related to women’s rights.

Strengthening Human Rights Protection

Human Rights


To help human rights lawyers enhance their capacity to defend human and political rights in international courts and to challenge systemic impunity surrounding human rights violations. Resources addressing these issues will be created and published online, and a roundtable will be held discussing groundbreaking new methodologies for defending human rights.

Strengthening the Capacity of CSOs

Human Rights


To provide informational, legal, technical, and financial assistance to NGOs and initiative groups. Events will be organized focusing on common problems faced by NGOs and civil society activists. Training will be provided and legal aid will be given on topics such as legal challenges, registration procedures, and reporting requirements for activists and civil society professionals. A small grants competition will also be held to provide financial and technical support to six initiatives.

Strengthening Women’s Organizations

Human Rights


To raise the civic consciousness of youth and to teach them about their rights. Trainings will be held to help participants identify and address pressing social and political issues in the region, and discussions will then be held on women’s rights. Networking and women’s rights advocacy events will also be held.

Support for Civil Society

Human Rights


To provide emergency support to civil society activists operating in a restrictive environment and to promote the continued work and effectiveness of local civil society organizations. Such assistance will include legal assistance for victims of human rights violations, emergency assistance to those suffering from politically motivated persecution, or capacity building support for civil society actors.

Support for Independent Journalism

Freedom of Information


To increase the amount of high-quality investigative journalism available to the public and to provide an independent source of news and analysis, including in video format, on significant social issues and developments. Investigative reporting, news coverage, and analytical commentary will be published online and through social media networks.

Support for Independent Media

Freedom of Information


To provide an independent source of news, analysis, and reliable information to the Russian-language public on significant political and social topics, in particular the unfolding global health crisis and related developments. News coverage, original reporting, and analytical commentary will be regularly published online as well as through social media networks.

Support for Russia’s Democratic Movement

Democratic Ideas and Values


To foster global solidarity with Russia’s democratic movement along with international networks in support of the country’s democratic development. Expert analysis on Russian politics and current affairs will be produced. Objective, fact-based reporting and supporting evidence will be used to challenge the central narratives of disinformation campaigns. Publications will be produced and a series of events, public presentations, meetings will be hosted with the authors to encourage public discussion of important findings.

Support Human Rights Defenders

Human Rights


To provide support to human rights activists and civil society actors facing risks due to their work. In response to an ongoing authoritarian crackdown against civil society, activists who have come under pressure will be offered respite and rehabilitation in order to counter potential burnout and to help them be more effective in their work.

Support to Civil Society

NGO Strengthening


To inform citizens about human rights issues and ecological problems and to help citizens find democratic methods of resolving such issues. A website with regularly updated news, information, and events about these issues will be maintained. Logistical and legal support and technical assistance will be offered to independent journalists and civil society activists.

Supporting Accountability

Accountability and Governance


To increase the effectiveness of local activists in fighting corruption and in protecting citizens’ rights. A series of educational events on anti-corruption topics will be held for activists interested in fighting corruption and helping their communities. Additional informational, logistical and legal support on these topics will be offered to improve the capacity of local activists to address these problems.

Supporting Activism

Political Processes


To support local civic activists in their work. The organization will conduct research on local civic activism and civic organizations and will help activists to develop their capacity. A series of trainings for local activists will also be carried out and online resources will be made available to local activists.

Supporting Activism

Political Processes


To support local civic activists in their work and to engage activists and the public in local democratic processes. Research on local-level civic activism will be conducted and assistance will be provided to help civic organizations and activists develop their capacities. A series of trainings for local activists will be carried out in various regions and online resources will be offered.

Supporting Activists

Democratic Ideas and Values


To provide support for civil society activists under pressure. Capacity building and technical support programs for civil society activists and organizations will be conducted. Legal support will be provided to activists facing risks due to the nature of their work as well as émigré activists. In addition, public debates, discussions, and multimedia events with democratic actors, journalists, and cultural figures will be organized.

Supporting and Amplifying Investigative Journalism

Freedom of Information


To increase the availability of high-quality Russian-language investigative journalism, and to foster the capacity of independent media to effectively promote and disseminate content digitally, in particular in the increasingly popular video and podcast formats. Investigative journalism and independent analysis will be published, and digital content to amplify the public’s awareness of this reporting will be produced.

Supporting Civic Awareness

Democratic Ideas and Values


To provide capacity building support and networking opportunities for activists working on local issues. A training series on topics relevant to citizen engagement, local governance, accountability, and anticorruption will be conducted. Additional networking opportunities, trainings, and informational support will be provided to participants to strengthen grassroots organizations and initiative groups.

Supporting Civil Society

Human Rights


To support civic education and public dialogue on pressing issues of freedom, democracy, and human rights. Events and trainings will be organized, including public discussions, seminars, lectures, roundtables, and film screenings. A space will be provided for civil society organizations to host public and small group events and display exhibitions.

Supporting Civil Society

NGO Strengthening


To raise awareness of minority rights, to monitor human rights violations, and to strengthen the capacity of activists in the region. Informational and logistical support will be offered to civil society organizations that work on issues related to minority rights, human rights violations, and freedom of information. Events will be hosted, news and reports will be written on these topics, and legal assistance will be offered to activists and to victims of human rights violations.

Supporting Civil Society

NGO Strengthening


To enhance the capacity of civil society and provide space for regional activists and groups. Public events and civic education programs will be organized and collaboration among activists will be supported. A conference space will be open to public to attend organized daily events and trainings, and similar programs in other cities will receive technical and financial support.

Supporting Civil Society

NGO Strengthening


To enhance the capacity of civil society and provide free open space for regional activists and groups. Public events and civic education programs will be organized in a safe space and collaboration among activists will be supported. A conference space will be open to the public to attend organized daily events and trainings. Similar programs in other cities will also receive technical and financial support.

Supporting Civil Society

Civic Education


To support democratic activists. Fellowships will be provided to activists at risk, and humanitarian and other support will be offered to political prisoners. Awareness of human rights issues, including the issue of politically motivated persecution of democratic activists, will be raised. An international conference dedicated to discussing issues of civil society will be supported.

Supporting Civil Society

Civic Education


To support democratic activists. Fellowships will be provided to activists at risk, and humanitarian and other support will be offered to victims of repression. Awareness of human rights issues will be raised through advocacy campaigns, including domestic and international work on the issue of politically motivated persecution of democratic activists.

Supporting Civil Society

NGO Strengthening


To provide emergency support to civil society activists operating in a restrictive environment and to promote the continued work and effectiveness of local civil society organizations. Such assistance may include emergency relocation support to activists at risk, emergency assistance to those suffering from politically motivated persecution, or capacity building support for civil society actors.

Supporting Collaborative Investigative Journalism

Freedom of Information


To increase the availability of high-quality investigative journalism available to the Russian-language and international public as well as to amplify the public’s awareness of and access to such reporting. Investigative journalism with a particular focus on collaborative reporting by regional and international outlets will be published, and digital content to amplify the public’s awareness of this reporting will be produced.

Supporting Democratic Institutions

Rule of Law


To provide practical trainings to human rights defenders and support monitoring missions. Expert assistance and coordination efforts will be organized to enhance cooperation between human rights defenders across the country and to increase their capacity to represent victims of abuse and negligence. Legal and technical services will be offered to improve monitoring capabilities of local activists.

Supporting Freedom of Information and Expression

Freedom of Information


To provide an independent source of information on social, political, and human rights developments and to foster a community of discussion around these issues. A website will be maintained with regularly updated news and information relating to the development of democratic norms, and a platform for civil society voices will be provided.

Supporting Independent Media

Freedom of Information


To provide an independent source of information on significant developments in the region, and to increase the availability of investigative reporting on topics connected to the former Soviet space. An independent source of information and analysis on developments in the former Soviet space and the world will be provided for Russian-language audiences.

Supporting Independent Media

Freedom of Information


To increase the availability to the Russian-language public of high-quality news reporting and investigative journalism on significant economic and political issues in order to provide citizens with an independent source of information on developments in Russia and the world. News reporting, analytical commentary and investigative journalism on a variety of topics will be published online on a regular basis.

Supporting Innovative Civic Processes

Rule of Law


To promote the transparency of civic processes by refining innovative monitoring methods. Technical tools and online resources will be developed to enable activists, NGOs and professional researchers to monitor civic processes. Trainings and presentations will be held to show the effectiveness of both methods in documenting and publicizing irregularities and fraud.

Supporting Internet Freedom

Freedom of Information


To better inform the general public about significant internet freedom issues along with their importance to the country’s future democratic development, and to increase the amount of high-quality independent information and reporting available online in the Russian language. Reporting on internet freedom issues will regularly be published in a variety of digital formats, and community-building activities will be carried out.

Supporting Investigative Journalism

Freedom of Information


To increase the availability to the public of high-quality Russian-language investigative journalism on significant political and social topics in order to provide citizens with an independent source of information on developments in Russia and the world. Investigative reporting on a variety of topics will be published online on a regular basis.

Supporting Legal Analysis and Regional Media

Freedom of Information


To support independent journalism and analysis on issues related to civil society, human rights, and the rule of law. Articles and analyses will be published online, a database of information will be maintained for use by journalists and researchers, and seminars will be conducted on producing high quality local reporting and assisting civil society campaigns.

Supporting Local Activism

Civic Education


To support civic activists in their work to address systemic issues at the local level. The organization will carry out a training program for local activists to develop their skills for civic engagement. A select group of participants will be offered individual coaching services to improve organizing and communications skills.

Supporting Long-Form Journalism

Freedom of Information


To increase the availability of independent Russian-language long-form journalism and to provide the Russian-language public with an independent source of news and analysis on significant developments in Russia and the world. In-depth reporting and analytical articles on a variety of topics will be published and current events coverage will be regularly updated online.

Supporting Regional Activism

NGO Strengthening


To improve the capacities of new NGOs and strengthen citizen activism in Russia’s regions, and to foster networks of engaged citizens around significant political and social issues. Assistance will be rendered to help groups develop organizational structure and strengthen public outreach support. Legal assistance will also be provided to bolster new regional networks of activists.

Supporting Regional Activism

NGO Strengthening


To raise awareness of local governance issues and to strengthen citizens’ understanding of the role they can play in influencing decision-making in their communities. A multimedia product that highlights local governance issues will be developed and published online, and events will be held that will foster ties for sustainable grassroots activism.

Supporting Regional Independent Media

Freedom of Information


To increase the availability of independent regional journalism, and to promote public engagement in resolving local problems. A weekly version of an independent newspaper will be printed, and daily regional reporting on developments affecting citizens along with analytical articles and posts from regional experts and journalists will be published online.

Supporting Regional Journalism

Freedom of Information


To support the development of regional journalism in Russia, and to provide the public with an independent source of news and analysis on significant political and social issues. Content, including in video format, focused on topics such political developments affecting the public and civic activism responding to human rights violations will regularly be published online as well as promoted on popular social media networks.

Supporting the Development of Democratic Processes

Strengthening Political Institutions


To support the development of democratic governance processes and to increase the availability of nonpartisan specialized public policy research. Public policy research will be conducted through an in-depth collaborative process, and the research on topical issues will be published online and presented in a series of public events and discussions.

Understanding Public Opinion

Freedom of Information


To provide an independent source of information and analysis about public opinion on significant issues, in part to counter misleading propaganda and disinformation narratives presented by state-controlled media. Research to gauge the perspectives and priorities of targeted population groups about important developments and trends affecting the country’s democratic development will regularly be conducted.

Understanding Public Opinion

Freedom of Information


To improve understanding of public attitudes and citizens’ relationship with the government. Sociological research regarding major political and economic trends and developments will be conducted using focus groups, surveys, and innovative new sociological research methods. Research findings will be presented to the public through discussion by experts and their publication of analytical articles in prominent media.”


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