Friday, October 8, 2021

End of Covid in US won’t mean return to representative government per Democrat Party Platform. "Health Emergency" government is expanded to include unspecified jobs numbers


2020 Democratic Party Platform"

The platform was considered by the 2020 Platform Committee at its meeting on July 27, 2020, and was approved by the Democratic National Convention on August 18, 2020."…


p. 9, second to last paragraph:

“We will keep these emergency measures in place until the pandemic ends


unemployment falls significantly.

And should the United States find itself in another pandemic or severe economic downturn in the future, these protections will be made automatically available, so Americans are never again left to fend for themselves in times of crisis.”…


Comment: Democrats require “end of pandemic,” without defining what would constitute the “end.” For example, the US has given vaccine makers immunity from lawsuits through at least Oct. 2024. Does “emergency” immunity from lawsuits mean the pandemic hasn’t “ended?” If so, that would be 4 years and counting of government by decree. “Boosters” are already being given. Canada has purchased vaccine to supply through 2023 with an option for 2024. Flu shots are given every year. If Covid shots are given indefinitely, does that mean the “pandemic” continues and along with it suspension of normal government? Secondly, “emergency” government by decree will continue until unspecified jobs numbers are reached, ie, until unemployment falls significantly.If you told someone that a jobs number is being used to justify a "health emergency" they’d say you’re a “conspiracy theorist.” But, it’s actually published in the platform.


Added: What did the 2020 Republican Party Platform say on this topic? Nothing, because no 2020 GOP party platform exists, citing Covid. The same “Covid” didn’t stop enthusiastic Democrats. GOP says 2024 will be its next platform:

From the GOP:


RESOLVED, That the 2020 Republican National Convention will adjourn without adopting a new platform until the 2024 Republican National Convention;…

RESOLVED, That any motion to amend the 2016 Platform or to adopt a new platform, including any motion to suspend the procedures that will allow doing so, will be ruled out of order.”


Comment: The GOP would likely go further than Democrats, mandating that all Republican voters and their entire families be locked down permanently and allowed to starve to death. Since the GOP considers Democrat voters to be its real voting base, the GOP would mandate that Democrat voters be guaranteed income for life and allowed to do whatever they wanted. During elections, Democrats would never even have to leave their house to vote, government workers would come to their house to pick up their ballots. If Republicans simply admitted they were Democrats, it would be out in the open that the US is a one-party dictatorship. At least Democrats don’t hide what they are. As a Republican commenter said, The Republicans are as corrupt and feckless as the Dems, only less honest about it.”…




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