Friday, September 24, 2021

Remembering Angelo Codevilla who spoke of the horror Americans felt realizing that a revolution had taken place, that US is no longer a nation of laws, instead is run by Ruling Class parasites who expect to be treated like European royal parasites


2010, “While Europeans are accustomed to being ruled by presumed betters whom they distrust, the American people’s realization of being ruled like Europeans shocked this country into well nigh revolutionary attitudes.” “The Ruling Class and the Perils of Revolution,” Angelo Codevilla….9/12/2021, Oligarchy declares war on Americans: US blundering abroad “is sanity itself compared with our ruling class’s attempt to make war on perhaps the majority of the US population. Yes, I know that defeated elites turn their resentment onto domestic opponents. But doing it to this extent is sheer madness.”...9/22/21, Asia Times, Spengler 
9/22/21, RIP, Angelo Codevilla, the conservative thinker who took on the ruling class," NY Post, Matthew Schmitz, opinion 
“The right-of-center editors, columnists and think-tankers who had sung hymns to democracy promotion overseas had overlooked what was going on at home: how Big Tech and the HR department had worked around the Bill of Rights; how democracy had been usurped by judges and bureaucrats who, regardless of party affiliation, failed to reverse the assault against family, country and faith; and how nation-building abroad had consumed treasure and blood while whole swaths of America fell into what Trump memorably called “American carnage.”


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