Wednesday, September 15, 2021

I’d like to donate to Republican Herschel Walker for Senate, but I can’t because his campaign is affiliated with “djt crew” parasites and Establishment Trump/Kushner/RNC for-profit fundraising monopoly “WinRed”


I certainly hope Mr. Walker wins despite his campaign being involved with “djt crew” which I take to mean parasite Trump crew.

9/13/21, “Herschel Walker holds wide lead over GOP rivals in Georgia Senate primary: poll,” The Hill, Max Greenwood


Unfortunately, when I clicked on Mr. Walker’s donation page the “WinRed” logo appeared. "WinRed" is the for-profit fundraising monopoly Trump and Jared created in 2019 that is “breathing new life” into the GOP Establishment, per longtime RNC insider Henry Barbour:

It is completely, thoroughly ironic that Trump, who ran against anything to do with the R.N.C. and the establishment, is the guy who is breathing new life into the party,” said WinRed’s chairman, Henry Barbour."NY Times

NY Times 3/9/20 headline has it exactly backwards, “How Trump Campaign Took Over the G.O.P.” …The headline should be “Con Artist Trump isn’t finished selling out his 2016 voters. He and Jared have merged Trump’s 2016 donors with the very happy GOP Establishment in a for profit fundraising monopoly.” Far from being “taken over,” Henry Barbour gushes that Trump is “breathing new life” into the Establishment. NY Times is at least correct to differentiate between Trump and the “Trump campaign” which are two different things. The “Trump Campaign” is now and will always be Jared.  

3/9/20, 12/24/20, How Trump Campaign Took Over the G.O.P.," NY Times, Danny Hakim, Glenn Thrush, Washington

“Working under the aegis of Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, with the cooperation of…the Republican National Committee, the operatives have consolidated power–and made money–in a way not possible in an earlier, more transparent analog era….

A fierce [Trump] pressure campaign to centralize fund-raising on the new platform, a for-profit company [created in 2019] that Mr. Trump branded WinRed, brought dissent from candidates initially reluctant to sign on, as well as competitors who believed they were being pushed aside without a fair hearing….

It is completely, thoroughly ironic that Trump, who ran against anything to do with the R.N.C. and the establishment, is the guy who is breathing new life into the party,” said WinRed’s chairman, Henry Barbour. Mr. Barbour-nephew of the former Republican Party chairman Haley Barbour…once said it would be “very hard” to vote for Mr. Trump.

The younger Mr. Barbour is also chairman of the other central pillar of the Republican machine, Data Trust [“a private company controlled by a board of Republican grandees”], a storehouse of personal, commercial and demographic voter data collected from state parties and voter files or bought from data brokers (or from WinRed, itself a vital source of donor information).”…

[Henry Barbour is a lobbyist for Capitol Resources LLC. He has held positions with the Republican National Committee since 2005].


Comment: I can no longer donate to Republican candidates since it appears most or all have signed with WinRed, the Trump/Kushner/RNC merger. I’ve always donated to individual candidates, would never give a penny to the RNC. I donated to Trump’s 2016 campaign though by April 2017 I knew I’d been badly fooled and would never give another penny to Trump. His installation of Jared as de facto president nearly completed the greatest con ever. The White House effectively became a shell company under Kushner with Trump as its figurehead.”…The country badly needed Trump’s historic 2016 defeat of the GOP Establishment which was premised on Trump’s promise to build a wall on day one. But the tables have been turned. Trump and his family are in business with the GOP E. There isn’t the slightest chance that anyone who cares about the US would deliberately “breathe new life” into the GOP Establishment, much less embed himself and his extended family with the Establishment in a grotesque profit-making fundraising monopoly. Trump’s “WinRed” prevents millions of us from contributing to Republican candidates of our choice unless we agree that a portion of our donation will go to the Trump/Kushner family of leeches and the mass murdering RNC.



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