Monday, May 17, 2021

When US declared war on Germany in 1917 because “The world must be made safe for democracy,” ordinary Americans agreed that it was their job to kill people and die in countries across vast oceans, thus redefining Americans as global slaves


Almost 100 years later in 2012 ordinary Americans indeed are viewed as global slaves: Per Mitt Romney in May 2012, former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres said “America is unique in history of earth…One nation in history has laid down hundreds and thousands of the lives of its sons and daughters and taken no land – no land from Germany, no land from Japan….This is a great nation. A nation of people who will sacrifice for things bigger than themselves.”…May 30, 2012, “Inside Romney and Trump’s Las Vegas Fundraiser,” National Journal, Sarah Huisenga


4/2/2012, April 2, 1917–Woodrow Wilson Asks [Congress] For Declaration of War Against Germany,"

“On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war against Germany, saying, The world must be made safe for democracy. Four days later, Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of a war declaration….more than 4 million U.S. troops were mobilized during the war and more than 2 million served in Europe.”


Added: In WW One 1462 American soldiers died horrible deaths by poison gas after crossing a vast ocean as global slaves on call:

Of 116,000 American soldiers who were killed after leaving their families and traveling thousands of miles away to kill Germans, 1462 died horribly from poison gas which was commonly used in WWI.


Added: During WWI it was illegal for Americans on US soil to listen to radio: It became illegal, for the duration of the [World War One] war, for the general population to listen to any radio transmissions, from any source.”

On April 6, 1917, when the United States entered World War Oneall radio stations not needed by the government were closed...

It became illegal, for the duration of the war, for the general population to listen to any radio transmissions, from any source."…”Early Radio History,”, subhead, “Pre-War Vacuum-tube Transmitter Development (1914-1917)”

“Civilian radio activities were suspended during the war, as the radio industry was taken over by the government.”Early Radio History,”, subhead, “Radio During World War One (1914-1919)”


Added: In WWI U.S. Army had to use poison gas as a conventional weapon because everyone else there was using it:

9/20/1918, The American soldiers in presence of gas, Essay, France"

American troops arrived in France ready for chemical warfare,” 9/20/1918 (Wikicommons)

11/16/2015, Doughboys and Gas–American Chemical Weapons in World War One,”, Thomas Faith

“WORLD WAR ONE remains the only war in which the U.S. Army used poison gas as a conventional weapon.

Chemical weapons became a feature of the fighting on the Western Front after the German chlorine gas attack against the British, Canadian, French, and Algerian forces at Ypres in April 1915. When the United States declared war in 1917, the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) prepared to use gas as the other belligerents were doing.

Over the course of the war, the United States refined its use of poison gas artillery shellsto force enemy soldiers to put on their masks quickly and wear them for an extended period of time, possibly exposing them to agents at the opening of a barrage…

On May 31, 1918 the 101st and 103rd Artillery Regiments, as well as some French artillery units, were ordered to saturate the enemy-held town of Lahayville with over 1,600 phosgene shells in support of a raid on a nearby section of trenches. The action went tragically wrong when a strong, steady wind blew the gas back into the faces of 300 American soldiers-236 became casualties. This incident vividly demonstrated the danger chemical artillery shells could pose to friendly troops caught in the path of the gas.”…

“Gas victims often led highly debilitating lives thereafter with many unable to seek employment once they were discharged from the army.”…

Chart: 1462 US WWI deaths were by poison gas, “Weapons of War-Poison Gas,” 






Above two images from 11/16/2015, “Doughboys and Gas–American Chemical Weapons in World War One,”, Thomas Faith




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