Tuesday, March 23, 2021

When Trump said “15 Days to Slow the Spread” he had already published an elaborate Soviet style plan calling for at least 18 months of pandemic and emergency Covid government


Trump’s immensely detailed 100 page plan published 3/13/20 said emergency Covid government would last at least 18 months, page 4.

March 18, 2020, “U.S. Coronavirus Plan [published March 13] Warns Pandemic ‘Will Last 18 Months or Longer’," NY Magazine, Matt Stieb

“On Friday [March 13, 2020]...the Department of Health and Human Services warned lawmakers that the pandemic “will last 18 months or longerand that it could include “multiple waves of illness.” A copy of the unclassified 100-page report obtained by the New York Times also stated that “critical infrastructure and communications channels” between state and local governments “will be stressed and potentially less reliable.”…

The Trump administration’s solemn 18-month estimate is consistent with the recent findings of epidemiologists at Imperial College London, who determined that social distancing practices would need to be in effect “until a vaccine becomes available (potentially 18 months or more),” so that hospitals would not be inundated with cases in the interim.”


Added: From Trump’s March 13, 2020 published plan, PanCap [Pandemic Crisis Action Plan] Adapted US Government Covid-19 Response Plan,HHS

page 4, subhead, “Assumptions”…

“2 . A pandemic will last 18 months or longer and could include multiple waves of illness.”


Added: On March 13, 2020 Trump published an elaborate 18 month plan of government enforced social distancing et al., so obviously he lied when he told us it would be just 15 days, then 30 days by April 12 (return to normal by Easter), then 45 days by April 30, then, expects “"great things to be happening” by June 1," 60 days.

March 29, 2020, Trump extends social distancing guidelines to April 30, predicts ‘great things’ by June 1,” nbcnews.com, Allan Smith

“Trump last week said he wanted to see the much of the country opening back up by Easter [April 12].”

“President Trump announced Sunday that the administration’s guidelines on social distancing have been extended until April 30. Trump said last week that he wanted to see much of the country return to normal by Easter, April 12….Now, Trump said he expects “great things to be happening” by June 1.”…

On Sunday, Trump said that the Easter target date was “just an aspiration” and that he expects “great things to be happening” by June 1. Instead, Trump said he believes Easter will mark “the peak number, and it should start coming down, hopefully very substantially at that point.”

Trump said his administration felt Easter “was too soon” and “we can’t take a chance.”

Instead, Trump said he felt June 1 would mark “the bottom of the hill.””


Added: “Almost overnight, American life changed in fundamental ways. Schools and restaurants closed. Many people started working from home, and more than 3 million Americans quickly lost their jobs….Trump described the decision to issue the guidelines as “one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever made…I wasn’t happy about it,” he said on Fox News last week. “They came in–experts–and they said, ‘We are going to have to close the country.' I said, ‘We have never closed the country before. This has never happened before.’ I said, ‘Are you serious about this?’"…3/30/20, “How 15 Days Became 45: Trump Extends Guidelines to Slow Coronavirus," wbur.org. Above, getty image


Added: 3/15/21, The One-Year Anniversary of Lockdowns,” AIER, Edward Peter Stringham

“Even if this battle is won, there are so many ahead of us. We have a broken federal budget, a broken monetary system, and a broken and demoralized population that never imagined people could be so ill-treated by their own political class. The trauma of 2020 will be felt decades hence. The healing will only come from honesty and truth, and a thorough rejection of the folly, duplicity, and deception that has defined our era.”


Added: June 22, 2020, “The Emergency is Real," AIER Staff…Link to 3/13/20, Trump’s elaborate government re-organization replaces the Constitution indefinitely 

“With astonishing fury and in only a few months, we watched in shock as many of America’s underlying problems have boiled over in ways that have done terrible injury to this country’s liberty, prosperity, stability, and social peace.

It’s a dreadful litany: the rise of political extremism on the left and right, the toppling of statues of George Washington, an insanely partisan press, a president [Trump] who has warmed to exercising dictatorial power over trade and immigration (and claiming to have saved 4 million lives [as of June 2020] by locking down the country), a Congress that is dropping trillions like it grows on trees, and a Fed that is newly involved in financial markets to an extent it has never been in its history….

You would think, by watching all of this unfold, that this country never had an experience with a workable system of freedom and rights for everyone. And yet that is precisely the great contribution that America has made to world history: to demonstrate that freedom, tolerance, limited government, and federalism work in practice.

The most disturbing feature of the current public debate is the presumption that all problems that exist need government to solve them. This attitude prevailed in the presence of a new virus. We’ve gone fully one-hundred years in this country dealing with viruses as medical matters, not political ones. The record was good: we learned how to manage them well.

That system came to be overthrown this year (with roots in intellectual error dating back to 2006, when George W. Bush first had the idea of imposing a plan in the event of a virus).

The result was the following document released on March 13, 2020, but clearly mapped out months if not years before. “The U.S. Government COVID-19 Response Plan” (marked “not for public distribution or release”) is nothing short of a Soviet-style central plan. For all these months, this document – not the Constitution, not our traditions of liberty, not our individual choices, and not our commercial or even religious rights – became the governing document in the United States of America.

Whatever underlying problems in America before this date, this central plan exacerbated them all.

A government that presumes the right to shut down an economy and culture, and plan the whole of society, even for a short period, is playing with fire, even to the point of opening the gates of hell.

Ninety days later, we find that our property is not safe. No one is safe. The lockdowns, more than any other single factor, precipitated this disaster.

And yet, you listen to the political class speak about this and hardly find a dissenting voice. Even the U.S. President [Trump], initially [appearing to be] skeptical of the idea of locking down, now credits his decision to acquiesce to having saved four million lives. And he is puzzled now why his poll numbers are so weak.

We desperately need an anti-lockdown intellectual and cultural movement in this country, one that rejects the centralizing and coercive plans of both left and right. The above-linked document should never exist in a free country. Until we have leadership at all levels of society that stands ready to condemn such monstrosities, and instead celebrates the ideals on which this country was founded, the morass of disaster in which we find ourselves will likely persist and grow even worse.

There is hope for the future, but not without a principled proclamation that there will never be compromise with the sacred principles of liberty and human rights. This is the path to healing the nation.”


Comment: “Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey made it clear that the lockdown has no timeline “whether you like it or not.”...Lockdowns are the perfect strategy to permanently change the relationship between the citizen and the government, because they accomplish nothing but perpetuate a need for themselves.” Global lockdowns couldn’t have happened on the unsubstantiated word of hob nobbing UK “professor lockdown,” Neil Ferguson alone. They could only have happened if the most important person in the world, the US president, forced lockdown on the United States. And he did. With a few words he imprisoned a healthy population, closed its educational system, threw millions out of work, encouraged hospitals to postpone all non-Covid treatment, killed off beloved towns, trashed lifetimes of work and sacrifice, harmed a generation of children, diverted trillions of tax dollars to special interests, and planned it all with a Soviet style written document. We learned of the enormous power of the [US] government to unilaterally decree, to simply close businesses and schools by edict, restrict personal movement, mandate behavior, and eliminate our most basic freedoms, without any end and little accountability.” If someone outside the US had declared war on us and closed the country in this manner, it would correctly have been considered a crime against humanity and the responsible party would be arrested and punished. That “an American,” Mr. Trump, did this makes it worse.

It was Trump’s decision to suspend the US Constitution without providing an end date or a mechanism for triggering an end date. Because of him, the US is in its second year without rule of law or due process. He knew well in advance that he was going to suspend the Constitution and enable governors of all 50 states to become dictators, a job title which, as it turns out, most are legally able to periodically self-renew. Americans had no idea that their country could be overthrown so easily, that they “could be so ill-treated by their own political class,” and would obviously have appreciated a way out of this. If Trump had the slightest concern for humanity, he would have publicized the importance of an end date by talking about it every day in his press conferences, so people would at least be alerted to what was being done to them. But he didn’t, never gave us a thought. If all that weren’t enough, Trump and the entire congress carried out a multi-trillion dollar heist of chump US tax dollars and funneled “virus bailout” cash to pals. For the GOP Establishment it was a dream come true to know that despised Republican voters were bound and gagged indefinitely.

This is an endlessly shocking crime against humanity, not just American humanity, but all humanity. Trump is the single person without whom it couldn’t have happened. As such, he must be arrested as soon as possible and punished.




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