Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Biden says he’s not sure but hopes US can return to normal one year from now, in 2022-MSNBC, 3/2/21…(730+ Days to Slow the Spread, kids out of school for two years or more. This will go down as the greatest crime against humanity in history)


3/2/21, “Biden on when America might return to normal:I’ve been cautioned not to give an answer to that because we don’t know for sure. My hope is by this time next year [March 2022],”” Biden televised on MSNBC

Above, 3/2/21, Tom Elliott twitter


Added: “Slowing the spread:” Government decided to deliberately make the virus last much longer by an ingenious method: imprisoning hundreds of millions of healthy children and adults indefinitely, a crime against humanity never before attempted in human history and which calls for Nuremberg trials. The stated purpose of “slowing the spread” was to help hospitals by preventing what government personnel imagined would become an unmanageable number of Covid patients. Thus, overnight–to help hospitals–healthy children were ripped from school, cruelly deprived of sunlight they needed to grow. US became 50 emergency dictatorships and empowered thousands of new dictators. Every town Mayor could declare “emergency” powers and order arrests of persons walking or standing outside but failing to be six feet apart from others. Not enough cruelty yet? Thousands of our parents and grandparents died crying and alone in nursing homes, many having no choice but to assume their children didn’t care about them. Let loved ones wear hazmat suits.

Above, 3 images, 15 days to slow the spread, Trump, March 16, 2020, Fauci, March 20, 2020

Above, two images, March 31, 2020, 30 days to slow the spread, April 1, 2020, Dr. Jerome Adams, the U.S. surgeon general, tells TODAY the federal government’s “30 Days to Slow the Spread” guidelines amount to “a national stay-at-home ordereven though 17 states have still not issued such orders,”


Added: July 2020, Lancet Study finds lockdowns had no effect on number of critical cases or overall mortality:

““In our analysis, full lockdowns and wide-spread COVID-19 testing were not associated with reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality, the researchers added.

The study found two factors that were significantly associated with increased coronavirus mortality rate: the prevalence of obesity among the population, and a higher per capita gross domestic product.”...July 22, 2020, “Study Finds That Full Lockdowns Did Not Reduce Coronavirus Mortality Rate,” Daily Caller, Andrew Kerr


Added: Commenter to this “one more year to go” story on 3/2/21 at ZH correctly points out that jail is the only remedy for this cruelest of all crimes against humanity. The Queen and Davos couldn't have carried off something this sickening, this inhumane, this hateful, brutally destroying the lives of a generation of children, without Trump and Jared's full cooperation.





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