Friday, January 8, 2021

The only blood spilled was that of an unarmed lady Trump supporter who was shot and killed, an Air Force veteran of four tours of duty in the Middle East defending the right to protest-Rush Limbaugh, 1/7/21


"The only blood spilled was that of an unarmed Trump supporter who was shot [and killed]She was an unarmed white woman who was an Air Force veteran who had done four tours of duty in the Middle East defending the right to protest.”

1/7/21, I Warned You [on 10/10/2016] About What We’re Living Through Today," Rush Limbaugh

Here’s what I said October 10th, 2016.

This Is What It Looks Like When You Take on the Establishment,”

“RUSH ARCHIVE: The establishment…are just not gonna sit back and trust this to your votes. They’re not gonna trust this to an election, to a campaign. Not gonna trust it at all. They’re gonna do everything they can to destroy whoever it is that wants to take control from them. And, in the process, they’re gonna destroy that person so as to send a message to the next guy, “Don’t even think about itDon’t even try. Look what we did to Donald Trump.” “Look what we did to whoever,” is the message.” [“They’re not just going to throw it open to what they think is a fair election.”]

RUSH: Don’t doubt me. That’s three weeks before the election in 2016. How was I able to say it?…I know exactly who the enemy is, I know what we’re up against, I know who they are, and I know how they think….I know how you don’t do this to them. You don’t do it. And the first chance you give them to eliminate you, they are going to take it.

Now, let’s go to Monday [Jan. 4, 2021], Sirius radio, satellite radio, the Dean Obadala show talking to Hank Johnson, congressman, Democrat, Georgia. Question: “It would be so detrimental to our party if the Biden administration would say, well, Trump did some bad things, but let’s look forward. It would be so destructive to our party if that’s the way-.” in other words, they want a scalp. They want somebody buried. They want a coffin, folks. They want a political coffin. There’s none of this Richard Nixon stuff, let’s put him on Air Force One, send him out to San Lewis Obispo, San Clemente or whatever. There’s none of this George W. Bush send him down to Dallas and let’s just pretend it never happened. They want a political coffin.

Here’s what Hank Johnson said in reaction to that claim: We don’t want to be nice. We don’t want to move forward. We want blood.

JOHNSON: “We’ve got to make sure that those who come after Donald Trump know that they will not be allowed to get away with what Donald Trump did, that they will be held accountable. They will be treated, yes, like Negroes. They will be perp walked to the jail — hands handcuffed, not in front of them, but behind them — and they will be booked, fingerprinted, have to make bond, and have to hire a lawyer just like everybody else and go through the system. If we allow him to get away with it, there will be others who try to do the same thing, and we don’t even want them to think about trying to do what Trump has done.”

RUSH: There you go. So three weeks before the [2016]election, I essentially predicted exactly what’s happened yesterday and today to Donald Trump, to you who voted for him. Hank Johnson comes along on Monday and confirms it. He doesn’t know he’s confirming what I said because he doesn’t know what I said because Hank Johnson doesn’t listen, but he’ll talk to people about me as though he does.

Here’s Lindsey Graham last night on the Senate floor after debate resumed on the objection to the Arizona electoral votes.

GRAHAM: Trump and I (chuckles), we’ve had a hell of a journey. I hate it being this way. Oh, my God, I hate it. From my point of view, he’s been a consequential president. But today, first thing you’ll see, all I can say is, uh, “Count me out. Enough is enough. I’ve tried to be helpful.”

RUSH: There you have it. If you want a life in Washington, you have to say that. If you want a life in the political class–even as a loser Republican–you have to say that. That’s the reality of life on the ground in Washington today, and it will be the case tomorrow. I don’t know for how long it’s gonna be the case. But it is the immediate future; so get used to it.

The voices of dissent will be silenced on Facebook and Twitter — including Donald Trump, including you. The voices of dissent will be dealt with accordingly….

RUSH: Who is the American and worldwide left? The way you survive these kind of things is knowing the answer to that….Their lack of a devotion to traditions and institutions that we all used to hold dear and have in common. Let me remind you of a John Adams quote here. (One of my favorite Founding Fathers, by the way.) John Adams said… Maybe you’ll listen if I say, “John Adams tweeted.” Yeah. That’s the ticket.

John Adams tweeted this back in the 1700s”…“Our Constitution is designed,” said John Adams, “only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.”…

“Avarice, ambition, revenge, gallantry would break strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net.” In other words, our Constitution’s not made for people who are not moral. Our Constitution’s not made for people who are irreligious. He knew. He knew that that was the limitation.“…

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Added: The only blood spilled was that of an unarmed Trump supporter who was shot [and killed]She was an unarmed white woman who was an Air Force veteran who had done four tours of duty in the Middle East defending the right to protest.”

[image, doranimated twitter]

1/7/21, Rules for Rioters: It Doesn’t Matter What You Do, It’s Who You Are When You’re Doing It," Rush Limbaugh

“RUSH: Imagine how things might be different today if Congress was as mad, was as outraged when private businesses were being burned to the ground and innocent citizens were attacked this past summer during riots across the country in Seattle; Minneapolis; New York City; Portland, Oregon….

When it was not the political class property being torched and destroyed, it was not the political class’s lifestyle that was being summarily attacked, nothing was done about it. In fact, it was ignored in the mainstream media. The mainstream media said, “What riot? Where? What-what violence?

“There isn’t any violence. There’s peaceful protests out there. What are you talking about? There’s no riots.” And they didn’t show any videotape of any of the burning and the looting and all that. You had to search for it yourself ’cause there isn’t any news anymore, and if you had no idea that it has happened you wouldn’t even know to go look for it ’cause you didn’t know it had happened.

The people who make the country work [and whose taxes would have to pay millions to repair all the damage], though, they were outraged. The people who make the country work wanted names, wanted justice. Imagine how frustrated and angry Congress would be if the riots that happened yesterday…went on for months like it did this past year?

Can you imagine how outraged they would be? They didn’t put up with it for one day when they think they are the targets. In fact, the rioters this past summer were said to be “mostly peaceful.” The people protesting yesterday got no such benefit of the doubt. Even the most fervent and ardent supporters of the president–columnists in the media–have turned 180 degrees against Donald Trump.

Because if you desire a career in political Washington, which includes political New York and political Boston and so forth, you have to abandon Donald Trump, and you have to pretty much blame him for everything that’s gone wrong, and you have to get as close as you can to apologizing for helping him. What if the Capitol Police…? What if, like last summer, when people were running around demanding the police departments of this country be defunded…?

Can you imagine the political class in Washington if the Capitol Police were said to be defunded? If somebody were running around making a movement out of defunding the Capitol Police, can you imagine the reaction of Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer and all the rest? How would that feel to them? So there’s two sets of rules, as we told you.

There will continue to be two sets of rules. The law will not be applied fairly to various rioters because it matters who you are when you’re rioting, not what you are doing. This we now know beyond a shadow of a doubt. It doesn’t matter what you do; it’s who you are when you are doing it. What if those arrested yesterday had been bailed out by the NRA?

Do you remember how Hollywood leftists and a number of other left-wing political activists, including journalists, were bailing out people put in jail during the riots (I”m sorry, the “peaceful protests”) this past summer? What if the NRA were bailing out people that were engaged in the protests of yesterday? Can you imagine?…It’s that simple. There are two sets of rules….

RUSH: Man, oh, man. Based on what I’d heard, I was looking for all the fires in all the stores in downtown Washington. I was looking for video of a bunch of people walking in there and then walking out with a bunch of Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent bags.

Yeah, I was looking for all of that. I was looking for fires. I was looking for burning automobiles. I was looking for Antifa mobs claiming they had set aside a two- or three-block area of town as a You Can’t Come Here Zone….What do you mean? There wasn’t any fires and there wasn’t any looting? Well, then what the hell were they talking about was going on?

[6/1/2020, Fires light up Washington, DC on third night in a row of violent riots...Anarchists smashed the plate glass window front of the AFL-CIO Union federation headquarters and someone started a fire in the lobby.A fire was started in the basement of the parish house of St John’s church…. Looting was still reported to be underway in the inner suburbs, after the curfew had passed.”]

I know they broke some windows at the Capitol and so forth. Yeah, I know they breached the doors and took some selfies. Oh, that’s what they took? They took selfies. So you can set fire to a downtown strip of any blue state city — Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York — and it’s called a peaceful protest. But you dare not set foot where the political class lives and works and does its job.

I mean, I expected to see mobs and mobs of people with Gucci and Chanel purses being shoved in the backs of 2021 SUVs. I guess the small businesses in Washington, D.C., are all still intact, then? Is that what you’re telling me? (interruption) They weren’t even attacked? Oh, wow. So the fire department didn’t have to stand back and let the fires go, let people get their anger out? There was none of that? (interruption) What was at Trump’s inauguration? The fire…? (interruption) Oh. (interruption) Oh. They lit the fires at Trump’s inauguration. You’re talking about like four years ago. (interruption) Oh, and that’s where the fire department stood back and let them? Ohhh, okay. Okay. Well, I misunderstood, ’cause based on the reporting yesterday, I was thinking, “Man, oh, man."...  

For years now–decades, even–we’ve watched as the Democrats, in the guise of protesters, in the guise of anarchists…There’s Occupy Wall Street protesters, more recently in the guise of anti-Trump protesters…As Antifa, as Black Lives Matter protesters — an avowed, acknowledged, so-stated communist group! Black Lives Matter, right on their website, is proudly proclaiming their ties to Marxism — and yet here’s every professional sports league signing on, advocating, amplifying, getting on board [with Black Lives Matter]. They’ve burned down ICE offices. They’ve burned down police precincts.

They’ve burned down political federal courthouses, after barricading people inside of them. They’ve taken over freeways. They’ve taken over entire cities. They have looted and burned portions of cities to the ground. They have torn down statues that have linkages to our past. They have burned and looted stores and businesses in almost every state of the union.

The Democrats, in the guise of journalists, have praised these protesters as justified and even heroic. And none of these Democrats in the guise of protesters has been shot by the police. In fact, hardly any of these protesters have been arrested — and if they are arrested, they are released immediately with friendly Democrats posting bail. Biden staffers and Kommie Harris and corporations have helped raise money to bail ’em out.

Corporations have poured untold hundreds of millions of dollars into the coffers of these protesters. So with a record of that as our recent history, yesterday hundreds of thousands of people–Americans who have gotten tired of being ignored and lied about and smeared as racists by these very Democrats [and Establishment Republicans] in the media and the popular culture. Americans who have gotten fed up with having elections stolen from them by the Democrats, including the White House.”…

[June 30, 2014, “The Ruling Class Went Down to Mississippi,” Angelo Codevilla: “The mass of GOP and independent votershaving come to see themselves as disadvantaged and insulted by the ruling class, have increasingly supported anti-establishment candidates to challenge it in Republican primaries. Accurately, the Republican establishment sees this as a greater threat to themselves than any Democrats could be. In the [2014] Mississippi primary, Republican establishmentarians from around the country solicited votes from Democrats to defeat the insurgent [grassroots Republicanchallenge….They paid many Democrat voters (nearly all black) so called “walking around money” for their votes, and have refused in many counties to let [grassroots candidate] McDaniel aides examine the voter roles to see whether these voters were eligible to cast ballots. The retail corruption is much less remarkable than the acquiescence therein of the establishment’s leadership-such as Karl Rove and The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page. This is very remarkable. Rove’s super-PAC, “Conservative Victory Project,” which played a leading role in recruiting Democrats for Cochran, exists explicitly to defeat insurgent Republicans everywhere. Rove’s post election commentary glossed over the vote-buying as if it had not happened, while the Journal’s Jason Riley endorsed it cynically as “minority outreach.” To Republican and independent voters who are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, the conflict between the pretenses and the actions of such as Rove and of the Journal added insult to injury….The word “conservative” as part of the title of Rove’s super-PAC intentionally evokes the complex of sentiments of voters angry at the ruling class’s characterization of them as, well, the litany: “racist, greedy, stupid,” etc."]

(continuing): “They weren’t protesters paid by George Soros and the Democrat Party. The overwhelming majority of these Americans were well behaved and respectful. They’re not known. These are Republicans. They don’t raise mayhem. They don’t know how.

How many times have we sat here over 30 years bemoaning the fact that this is not what Republicans do? That they’re either too busy working or they don’t know how or they’re waiting for somebody else to do it. But the fact remains they don’t do it. Republicans do not join protest mobs, they do not loot, and they don’t riot — to the grand disappointment of many people. But a tiny number of these protesters — and undoubtedly including some Antifa, Democrat-sponsored instigators — did decide to go to the Capitol to protest.

It’s “the people’s house,” by the way. Just as Democrats in the guise of Code Pink and a thousand other guises have done before. They actually raided Senate hearingsCode Pink actually got in the damn hearing room, raised hell, threatened violence. They were there because Democrat senators gave them invitations. They were politely escorted out after their political message had been given and covered on television.

As recently as this time last year, anti-Trump protests were held in the Capitol during the impeachment. But all of a sudden, protesting Congress is being called the end of the world. Can’t have this. It’s the worst crime against democracy in our nation’s history, and yet all kinds of anti-presidential protests were held in the Capitol during impeachment….

And in the mother of all ironies, the Democrats and the media are calling yesterday’s protests “a bloody coup attempt.” (chuckles) A bloody coup attempt! Even though the only blood spilled was that of an unarmed Trump supporter who was shot [and killed].

She was an unarmed white woman who was an Air Force veteran who had done four tours of duty in the Middle East defending the right to protest, and we’re supposed to be horrified by the protesters. Meanwhile, four years of a coup launched in the Oval Office of Barack Obama to overturn the election results of 2016, and not a single word of concern about the potential damage to our Constitution. No. There were just utter denials.

“We didn’t do it. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump’s gotta go. Trump’s poison.” So, yeah, there’s a lot of irony out there, and there’s a lot of people calling for the end of violence. There’s a lot of conservatives on social media who say that any violence or aggression at all is unacceptable, regardless of the circumstances. I’m glad Sam Adams, Thomas Paine–the actual Tea Party guys, the men at Lexington and Concord–didn’t feel that way.”

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Added: Scary?” “Try losing your paycheck for nine monthsAnd try having your family business shut down. Imagine you own a restaurant in New York.”

1/7/21, “The Left Sees an Entirely Different Double Standard Than We Do,” Rush Limbaugh

“I’ve heard all these people in Congress talking about they were scared for their life yesterday….You know, try losing your paycheck for nine months. And try having your family business shut down. Imagine you own a restaurant in New York. You’re coming up on nine months, buddy, where you haven’t been allowed to open your doors. Ah, you’ve been allowed to serve outside, patio and all that….

Imagine your life is nothing but paying attention to the politics of the COVID-19 relief bill because in that relief bill is a $600 check for you. That’s fear, if you ask me….

We weren’t gonna stop it [Covid]. We weren’t going to eliminate the impact of COVID-19. We’re just gonna delay the inevitable outbreak, which we did. I remember being scared for the country back in March and April. And I became vocal on this program for the need to open back up and let people make their own decisions. We’ve never locked down the country in the face of a pandemic before. And we haven’t, folks. And we’ve had flu strains that are, on a per capita basis, apparently much deadlier than COVID-19. But, see, we have vaccines for the flu. Or we think do. We actually don’t, but we have flu shots.“…

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Added: “CDC reports record low positive flu tests as coronavirus cases surge nationwide, the flu has seen a remarkable dip. Reported cases of influenza reached record lows.”…What could possibly be the explanation for this?"

1/7/21, “We May Have Cured the Flu,“ Rush Limbaugh

“RUSH: I was talking about the flu earlier. I think that it’s worth noting here that we may have cured it. We may have cured the flu. Well, let me ‘splain what I mean. At this time in 2019, two years ago, the Centers for Disease Control reported 7,703 positive flu tests. Today, yesterday, whatever… No, I’m talking about in 2020. So I guess that would be one year.

The number’s 36, or is this 2021? Maybe it’s 2021. At any rate, we’ve gone from 7,703 positive flu tests to 36 flu tests in either one or two years. That sounds like a cure to me. Why you think that is? What could possibly be the explanation for this? Have you heard of a new flu vaccine? Have you seen people lining up to get their flu shots and vaccines in record numbers?

Have you seen any news reports about the new successful treatment for the flu? Look, there’s no greater student of, quote-unquote, “the news” than I am. Even when there isn’t any news anymore, I know where to go to find the news, and I’m telling you, until the CDC announced this, I hadn’t seen anything like it. There’s even a little blurb here.

“CDC reports record low positive flu tests as coronavirus cases surge nationwide, the flu has seen a remarkable dipReported cases of influenza reached record lows.” It’s in the Washington Examiner. It’s a miracle. We’ve cured the infections called the flu! They’ve been plaguing mankind for hundreds of years. Did COVID do it? Maybe so. Maybe so.”

6/1/20, “Fires light up Washington DC on third night of George Floyd protests," UK Guardian, Julian Borger, Washington, DC

 “Sunday evening’s demonstrations began peacefully but deteriorated into firecrackers, teargas and multiple fires.............. 

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