Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Covid is not only the greatest heist in history, it's also the first where those of us being robbed have to wear a mask-commenter


This is not about health-this is a heist-the biggest heist in history. So stop wasting time debating health-it’s meaningless. This is the first robbery in history where all the people being robbed have to wear a mask, and none of the crooks have to.” commenter

12/21/20, ““Reckless Betrayal Of Public Trust” – Birx Violated Own Travel Advisory During Thanksgiving,” zero hedge, durden

“While in Delaware, she was bold enough to interview with CBS’ “Face the Nation, in which she said some Americans “went across the country or even into the next state” for Thanksgiving.
“Some people may have made mistakes over the Thanksgiving time period,” Birx said.

She also said those who traveled over the holidays should assume they were infected…

AP reported that one of her extended family members blew the whistle on Birx’s travels. AP cited Kathleen Flynn, whose brother is Birx’s daughter’s husband, revealed Birx’s trip “out of concern for her [Ms. Flynn’s] own parents.”

“She cavalierly violated her own guidance,” Flynn told AP.

Birx later admitted she spent two days at the beach town and dined with her family but explained her purpose behind the trip was to prepare her beach home for sale.

“I did not go to Delaware for the purpose of celebrating Thanksgiving,” Birx said in her statement, adding that her family shared a meal together while in Delaware.”…

Among comments
I walk all over Manhattan for acoupla hours every day and talk to dozens of people of all types, and from all kinds of places (even some tourists from several different places, which surprised the hell out of me!). The conclusion I reached several months ago, and which is being reinforced more and more every day, is that this is not about health – this is a heist – the biggest heist in history. So stop wasting time debating health – it’s meaningless.
This is the first robbery in history where
*all the people being robbed have to wear a mask, and none of the crooks have to.”


Comment: It must be thrilling to overthrow a country of 300 million people without firing a single shot. It merely took Donald Trump declaring a national emergency based on an unverified computer model of a foreign citizen in foreign country thousands of miles away from the US.



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