Saturday, November 21, 2020

Even seasonal flu viruses could qualify as “pandemics” under WHO’s revised definition of influenza pandemics in place as of April 2009-British Medical Journal, 6/4/2010


2009’s H1N1 swine flu was the first influenza pandemic in 40 years."…April 12, 2010, “WHO admits errors in handling flu pandemic,”


If the WHO guidelines in effect at the time that the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus was identified in the USA in April 2009 then it would never have been declared a pandemic.”…British Medical Journal, 6/4/2010

WHO’s new definition took effect sometime before April 2009, per British Medical Journal:

WHO’s revised definition removed the requirement that flu pandemics cause enormous numbers of deaths along with “the requirement for a new sub-type with a simple reassortant virus meaning that many seasonal flu viruses could be classified as pandemic influenza.”

WHO’s earlier definition of an influenza pandemic in effect in Feb. 2003 until sometime prior to 2009, required enormous numbers of deaths:

An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.WHO archived website

6/4/2010, WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”, British Medical Journal

BMJ 2010340 doi: (Published 04 June 2010) Cite this as: BMJ 2010;340:c2912

“If the WHO guidelines in effect at the time that the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus was identified in the USA in April 2009 then it would never have been declared a pandemic as it was not a new sub-type, was not causing enormous numbers of deaths and illness, and a significant number of people had already been exposed to an immunogenically similar virus.

The fact that only one vaccination was required for all but young children is another sign that this was not an immunogenically novel virus….

The WHO made two changes; the second change was to drop the requirement for a  new sub-type with a simple reassortant virus meaning that many seasonal flu viruses could be classified as pandemic influenza.

A search of online web archives reveals that the WHO website had the erased definition dating back to at least January 2003 through to July 2008. [1]*/…


Added: WHO archived document with pandemic definition in effect prior to 2009:

[1] Pandemic Preparedness,", Feb. 3, 2003-Nov. 3, 2008 [Obama was elected on Nov. 4, 2008]

WHO Influenza Pandemic Preparedness plan
– National Influenza Pandemic Plans

An influenza pandemic

An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness. With the increase in global transport and communications, as well as urbanization and overcrowded conditions, epidemics due the new influenza virus are likely to quickly take hold around the world.

A new influenza virus: how it could cause a pandemic

Influenza A and influenza B are 2 of the 3 types of influenza viruses associated with annual outbreaks and epidemics of influenza. The third type, influenza C, causes only mild disease and has not been associated with widespread epidemics or pandemics. Annual outbreaks of influenza are due to minor changes in the surface proteins of the viruses that enable the viruses to evade the immunity humans have developed after previous infections with the viruses or in response to vaccinations.

Only influenza A virus can cause pandemics. When a major change in either 1 or both of their surface proteins occurs spontaneously, no one will have partial or full immunity against infection because it is a completely new virus. If this new virus also has the capacity to spread from person-to-person, then a pandemic is most likely to occur.

Consequences of an influenza pandemic

During the last century, 3 influenza pandemics caused millions of deaths worldwide, social disruption and profound economic losses. Influenza experts agree that another pandemic is likely to happen. Epidemiological models project that in industrialized countries alone, the next pandemic is likely to result in 57-132 million outpatient visits and 1.0-2.3 million hospitalizations, and 280 000-650 000 deaths over less than 2 years. The impact of the next pandemic is likely to be greatest in developing countries where health care resources are strained and the general population is weakened by poor health and nutrition.

Detecting a new pandemic virus

Continuous global surveillance of influenza is key. WHO has a network of 112 National Influenza Centres that monitors influenza activity and isolates influenza viruses in all continents. National Influenza Centres will report the emergence of an “unusual” influenza virus immediately to the WHO Global Influenza Programme or to 1 of the 4 WHO Collaborating Centres. Rapid detection of unusual influenza outbreaks, isolation of possible pandemic viruses and immediate alert to the WHO system by national authorities is decisive for mounting a timely and efficient response to pandemics.

WHO has developed an Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan, which defines the responsibilities of WHO and national authorities in case of an influenza pandemic.”


Bonus: For lockdown fans only: Dr. Fauci says, “Pandemics mean different things to different people.” Per CNN, Fauci saysthere is no actual scientific, definitive definition of what constitutes a pandemic:”

Feb. 25, 2020,What is a pandemic?" CNN, Jacqueline Howard

“A pandemic is defined as the “worldwide spread” of a new disease….Pandemics mean different things to different people. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said earlier this month [Feb. 2020] that there is no actual scientific, definitive definition of what constitutes a pandemic.

“It really is borderline semantics, to be honest with you,” Fauci said.
“I think you could have people arguing each end of it,” he said. Pandemics mean different things to different people.””



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