Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Davos is helping US elites achieve regime change by inciting panic over 2020 election "transition," says "panic" might require their guy Biden to urge 3 states to secede from union, California, Oregon, and Washington, known as “Cascadia”-Transition Integrity Project, 8/3/20


Davos is helping US elites achieve regime change by inciting panic over US 2020 election "transition:" “Transition enactments: “Turns two and three:...The Biden Campaign encouraged Western states, particularly California but also Oregon and Washington, and collectively known as “Cascadia,” to secede from the Union unless Congressional Republicans agreed to a set of structural reforms to fix our democratic system to ensure majority rule” including eliminating the Electoral College.…No problem! Establishment Republicans are on board with Democrats and Davos….Calif. GOP Chair from 2013-2019, Jim Brulte, was from 2011-2013 “Promoter, National Popular Vote.

August 3, 2020, Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition,Transition Integrity Project

“Executive Summary

In June 2020 the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) convened a bipartisan group of over 100 current and former senior government and campaign leaders and other experts in a series of 2020 election crisis scenario planning exercises. The results of all four table-top exercises were alarming. We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November’s elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape. We also assess that the President Trump is likely to contest the result by both legal and extra-legal means, in an attempt to hold onto power. Recent events, including the President’s own unwillingness to commit to abiding by the results of the election, the Attorney General’s embrace of the President’s groundless electoral fraud claims, and the unprecedented deployment of federal agents to put down leftwing protests, underscore the extreme lengths to which President Trump may be willing to go in order to stay in office. In this report, TIP explains the basis for our assessment. Our findings are bolstered by the historical experience of Bush v. Gore (2000) and other U.S. electoral dysfunctions. The closest analogy may be the election of 1876, a time of extreme partisanship and rampant disenfranchisement, where multiple states proffered competing slates of electors, and the election was only resolved through a grand political bargain days before Inauguration—one that traded an end to Reconstruction for electoral peace and resulted in a century of Jim Crow, leaving deep wounds that are far from healed today. Among the findings we highlight in the report:

• • • The concept of “election night,” is no longer accurate and indeed is dangerous. We face a period of contestation stretching from the first day a ballot is cast in mid-September until January 20. The winner may not, and we assess likely will not, be known on “election night” as officials count mail-in ballots. This period of uncertainty provides opportunities for an unscrupulous candidate to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the process and to set up an unprecedented assault on the outcome. Campaigns, parties, the press and the public must be educated to adjust expectations starting immediately. A determined campaign has opportunity to contest the election into January 2021. We anticipate lawsuits, divergent media narratives, attempts to stop the counting of ballots, and protests drawing people from both sides. President Trump, the incumbent, will very likely use the executive branch to aid his campaign strategy, including through the Department of Justice. We assess that there is a chance the president will attempt to convince legislatures and/or governors to take actions – including illegal actions – to defy the popular vote. Federal laws provide little guidance for how Congress should resolve irregularities when they convene in a Joint Session on January 6, 2021. Of particular concern is how the military would respond in the context of uncertain election results. Here recent evidence offers some reassurance, but it is inconclusive. The administrative transition process itself may be highly disrupted. Participants in our exercises of all backgrounds and ideologies believed that Trump would prioritize personal gain and self-protection over ensuring an orderly administrative handoff to his successor. Trump may use pardons to thwart future criminal prosecution, arrange business deals with foreign governments that benefit him financially, attempt to bribe and silence associates, declassify sensitive documents, and attempt to divert federal funds to his own businesses. These risks can be mitigated; the worst outcomes of the exercises are far from a certainty. The purpose of this report is not to frighten, but to spur all stakeholders to action. Our legal rules and political norms don’t work unless people are prepared to defend them and to speak out when others violate them.”…

page 18: Imagining an outcome where Biden would encourage Western US states to secede:

“Turns two and three:... The Biden Campaign encouraged Western states, particularly California but also Oregon and Washington, and collectively known as “Cascadia,” to secede from the Union unless Congressional Republicans agreed to a set of structural reforms to fix our democratic system to ensure majority rule. With advice from President Obama, the Biden Campaign submitted a proposal to 1) Give statehood to Washington, DC and Puerto Rico; 2) Divide California into five states to more accurately represent its population in the Senate; 3) Require Supreme Court justices to retire at 70; and 4) Eliminate the Electoral College, to ensure that the candidate who wins to the popular vote becomes President. As the scenario evolved, the Trump Team focused its efforts on driving a wedge into the disparate and, in the view of many participants, fragile Democratic coalition. For example, during the second turn, Trump gave an interview to The Intercept in which he stated that he would have lost the election if Bernie Sanders had been nominated. The Trump Team’s approach in turns two and three also emphasized creating the conditions to force the Biden Campaign into taking provocative, unprecedented actions—such as supporting California’s secession or sending a second slate of electors—that played into a broader narrative of the Democrats attempting to orchestrate an illegal coup. The team also tried to position President Trump as a “unifier”—working with top CEOs, holding a unifying event at the Lincoln Memorial, offering to establish a commission to review electoral rules—and as prioritizing safety and security in the face of radical groups supporting Joe Biden and trying to destroy America. One of the most consequential moves was that Team Biden on January 6 provoked a breakdown in the joint session of Congress by getting the House of Representatives to agree to award the presidency to Biden (based on the alternative pro-Biden submissions sent by pro-Biden governors). Pence and the GOP refused to accept this, declaring instead that Trump was reelected under the Constitution because of his Electoral College victory. This partisan division remained unresolved because neither side backed down, and January 20 arrived without a single president elect entitled to be Commander-in-Chief after noon that day. It was unclear what the military would do in this situation.”…


Added: Davos knows GOP is on board: Calif. GOP Chair from 2013-2019, Jim Brulte, (image below) was from 2011-2013 Promoter, National Popular Vote.”

Forget above phony references to “partisanship,” Establishment Republicans are 100% on board with Democrats and Davos crowd, would love to permanently silence Republican voters. Calif. GOP Chair from 2013-2019, Jim Brulte, was from 2011-2013 Promoter, National Popular Vote.” California would decide all US presidents. Establishment Republicans really believe that if they rid the town of President Trump, things will go back to normal. We’ve had a rain delay, that’s all.”

Nov. 8, 2020, GOP Panting Over the Restoration for Which They Dream, American Greatness, Mark Bauerlein

“Any Republican politician who is not at the front in fighting election fraud should be understood quite well as one who never wanted President Trump to win in the first place.”

“This could turn out to be exactly what they wanted. To hold the Senate, close the gap in the House, and get rid of Donald Trumpthat’s a big, big win for establishment Republicans in and out of office.

They’ve lived in Washington, D.C., for a long time. Life’s been very good to them, and so has the swamp. If you don’t live here, if you’ve never worked in an agency or met with congressional staffers or been to the dinners, it’s hard to imagine the sublime air in which these people circulate. It’s like Versailles under Le Roi Soleil, an American version of courtiers and entourages, rivalries and intrigues, who’s up and who’s down and who’s next, what is the king’s and the duke’s and the general’s pleasure. Most importantly, the whole scene is limited to insiders….

They downright loathe outsiders who try to break in and change the modes….

Did you see the looks on the faces of the dignitaries sitting behind President Trump as he delivered his inauguration speech? It wasn’t a political reaction, it was a socio-political reaction. They heard him violate the first rule of D.C. governance: Don’t spoil the party. When he said that national politicians sold the American people a hustle, that they embellished themselves at the expense of the citizenry, Republicans and Democrats alike got nervous, embarrassed, uncomfortable. “The guy meant what he said on the campaign trail,” they thought to themselves. “That’s not how the game is played. He’s not one of us and never will be. He’s gotta go.” 

It was the kind of class war even the most liberal figures on the dais abhorred, a definition and denunciation of a political class, a distinct group whose own interests clash with the interests of (most of) the very people they presume to represent. When President Trump floated the idea of moving agencies out of the city, relocating them hundreds or thousands of miles away, he struck at the very heart of class membership. Live and work in the provinces? No way!  

When other politicians derided him in 2015, candidate Trump recalled the times in the past that those very same individuals came to him for money. The game was revealed and their credibility slipped in humiliating ways. This was the greatest of his un-presidential lapses: he exposed what you’re not supposed to expose. 

They had to call Trump a racist because he went straight to African Americans and Hispanics with the message that the Democratic Party had been conning them for years. He sounded like Broderick Crawford in All the King’s Men after realizing the machine has played him for a fool, and he turns to the people and hollers that the politicos are playing everyone else for a fool, too. 

The establishment Republicans really believe that if they rid the town of President Trump, things will go back to normal. We’ve had a rain delay, that’s all….

What a bunch of drips. What unimaginative minds and spineless characters. They have no idea how much a good portion of the conservative electorate despises them. They don’t realize how much the Republican shtick of 1995 and 2006, replayed today, disgusts the Trump electorate. They have no idea how beaten and bullied the conservative man on the street feels after 50 years of liberal cosmopolitanism and leftist guilt trips, all the while betrayed by politicians who promised to fight for them and afterward withdrew into the Beltway bubble where business is done differently. 

People are seething over the shenanigans in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, but they’re no longer furious with the Democrats….

Any Republican politician who is not at the front, pushing the legal challenges, decrying the media for their shameless partisanship, and rousing the conservative electorate with stump speeches should be understood quite well as one who never wanted President Trump to win in the first place. He must be told, his office flooded with phone calls and emails. No, he must be berated and rejected. Politicians respond to one thing: loss of office. Without that threat, why should they change their ways? If the Republican Party in Michigan always plays catch-up, outmaneuvered by local Democrats every time, then fire the leadership.  

We’re tired of it. We’re tired of Republican calls for civility in the face of a Resistance that denies us democratic due process. We don’t want to hear any acknowledgements of “systemic racism,” not when woke zealots aim to remove conservatives from the schools and cultural institutions wherever they can. We’re not interested in diversions, not when the Left has said “everything is political” and proceeded to make everything political, even down to school locker rooms and football games. I recently attended a live web discussion with Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), who at one point talked about how he just loved watching ESPN, to which I typed in the question: “Does the senator not know how much contempt ESPN has for social conservatives?”  

We’ve had enough of these fakers….They actually think they can still be the champions of conservative Americans. Only many years inside the Beltway would produce enough ego for them to be so happily assured of their own high designation.”…Jim Brulte image from joincalifornia.com





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