Sunday, November 15, 2020

2020 American Kristallnacht was handy for smashing glass across the US as well as making the case that US was so dangerous that election needed to allow vote by mail


Commenter: “I’m sorry Robert, but I think you’re being naive. The purpose of these riots is to do what the coronavirus couldn’t do — make major parts of the country too unsafe to hold physical elections. They will implement nationwide vote-by-mail so they can do to the whole country what they did to California in 2018. It’s looking increasingly doubtful that the election results and the will of the people will ever match up again.” 6/3/20








June 3, 2020, “American Kristallnacht,Robert Zimmerman, Behind the Black

“Earlier this year I decided to finally read William Shirer’s masterpiece, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.Previously I had only read the first few chapters in order to learn something about Hitler’s background. Now it was time to read the whole book….

It appears to not be a history of the 1930sbut a news report of modern America.

What we have seen for the past three months accelerated to madness with riots this week — has been nothing more than a return to the Nazi tactics of the 1930s, with the only difference being that the targets have not been just Jews, but all private businesses as well as anyone who dares to oppose their wanton destruction. In fact, the use of rocks to break windows and loot businesses and attack and even kill their owners this week was so reminiscent of Kristallnacht that I find it more than horrifying. From the link:

“…As retaliation, on November 7, 1938, the agitated teenager shot Ernst vom Rath (1909-38), a German diplomat in Paris. Rath died two days later from his wounds, and Hitler attended his funeral. Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), the Nazi minister for public enlightenment and propaganda, immediately seized on the assassination to rile Hitler’s supporters into an anti-Semitic frenzy.

Kristallnacht was the result of that rage. Starting in the late hours of November 9 and continuing into the next day, Nazi mobs torched or otherwise vandalized hundreds of synagogues throughout Germany and damaged, if not completely destroyed, thousands of Jewish homes, schools, businesses, hospitals and cemeteries. Nearly 100 Jews were murdered during the violence. Nazi officials ordered German police officers and firemen to do nothing as the riots raged and buildings burned, although firefighters were allowed to extinguish blazes that threatened Aryan-owned property.










In the immediate aftermath of Kristallnacht, the streets of Jewish communities were littered with broken glass from vandalized buildings, giving rise to the name Night of Broken Glass.”

Sound familiar? The act of a single person was used as an excuse to violently destroy the lives of many innocent people. The result was a pogrom, pushed by mobs of young jack-booted thugs in the employ of the Nazi Party.

This past week has been much the same. The unfortunate manhandling by police that led to the death of George Floyd has been used as an excuse now to violently destroy the lives of many innocent people….

And like Nazi Germany,this violence has been wielded as a tool by those in power in the Democratic Party to further their ends. Democratic elected officials in city after city have refused to take action, letting the rioting continue, while using that rioting as a weapon to attack their political opponents….

Consider the words of this Democratic Party high official:

“The chairwoman of the Michigan Democratic Party dismissed every Trump supporter as “racist” and called them the “reason” black people are murdered in the United States. “If you support Donald Trump, you are a racist,” Lavora Barnes said in a statement posted to the group’s website. “Here is where it gets tricky and uncomfortable. Donald Trump is a racist, and if being a racist is not a dealbreaker for you, you are the reason Black people are being murdered for being Black.””

Rather than call for calm, Biden and Barnes both instead use the riots to slander Trump, while inciting race hatred that can only throw fuel on the fire….

Yet, while this week has been in many ways a replay of Kristallnacht, not all things are the same….

First, unlike the Nazis, the Democratic Party does not now have a charismatic leader like Hitler. In fact, the entire leadership of the Democratic Party is bankrupt, made up of very old and weak incompetents who are incredibly unimpressive.”…


Two among comments


mkent, June 3, 2020

“I’m sorry Robert, but I think you’re being naive. The purpose of these riots is to do what the coronavirus couldn’t do — make major parts of the country too unsafe to hold physical elections. They will implement nationwide vote-by-mail so they can do to the whole country what they did to California in 2018. It’s looking increasingly doubtful that the election results and the will of the people will ever match up again. If I seem a little cynical, I just learned I’m going to have to drive through not one but two “protests” on my way home from work tonight.”


Ken June 3, 2020, 5:32pm

I think this is all about November. Russia failed, impeachment failed, pandemic failed. As a matter of fact, huge data dumps severely damaging to Obama & Biden coming out. Desperate times… desperate measures.

It’s chilling what they’re willing to do to regain power. The media is a willing arm of the anarchists, the dnc a willing partner.”…



May 31, 2020, TIMELINE: 60 businesses reporting damage in downtown following Saturday riots,”, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

“Officials with Pittsburgh Public Safety said 60 businesses and properties in downtown areas were damaged by looters and rioters, including hotels, restaurants and small businesses.”…

Images above from




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