Sunday, August 2, 2020

Unelected War Profiteer dictatorship in US House voted nearly unanimously to block Trump from removing US taxpayer funded troops from Afghanistan and from removing 10,000 US taxpayer funded troops from Germany-July 2020

July 31, 2020, “How the Billionaires Control American Elections," Eric Zuesse, Strategic Culture 

“The great investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald gave an hour-long lecture on how America’s billionaires control the U.S. Government, and here is an edited summary of its opening twenty minutes, with key quotations and assertions from its opening--and then its broader context will be discussed briefly: 

“How Congress Maintains Endless War – System Update with Glenn Greenwald,” The Intercept, 9 July 2020  

2:45: There is “this huge cleavage between how members of Congress present themselves, their imagery and rhetoric and branding, what they present to the voters, on the one hand, and the reality of what they do in the bowels of Congress and the underbelly of Congressional proceedings, on the other. Most of the constituents back in their home districts have no idea what it is that the people they’ve voted for have been doing, and this gap between belief and reality is enormous.” 

Four crucial military-budget amendments were debated in the House just now, as follows: 

One. To block Trump from withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. 

Two. To block Trump from withdrawing 10,000 troops from Germany 

Three. To limit U.S. assistance to the Sauds’ bombing of Yemen 

Four. To require Trump to explain why he wants to withdraw from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty 

On all four issues, the pro-imperialist position prevailed in nearly unanimous votes–overwhelming in both Parties. Dick Cheney’s daughter, Republican Liz Cheney, dominated the debates, though the House of Representatives is now led by Democrats, not Republicans. 

Greenwald (citing other investigators) documents that the U.S. news-media are in the business of deceiving the voters to believe that there are fundamental differences between the Parties. 

“The extent to which they clash is wildly exaggerated” by the press (in order to pump up the percentages of Americans who vote, so as to maintain, both domestically and internationally, the lie that America is a democracy-actually represents the interests of the voters).”…

Comment: To end the War Machine, the US must be broken up into 3 parts. Today, the US is just a money laundering operation. It's not a country.


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