Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Bronx is well on its way to herd immunity as 33% have Covid anitbodies, Manhattan has 19%. Further, Covid is almost meaningless without co-mobidities-NY City Health Dept., Patch

8/18/20, “Antibody Tests Positive For 13 Percent On Upper East Side: Data,", Nick Garber, Upper East Side, NY, NY

[Image: Positive for Covid antibodies in 5 boroughs of NY City, Bronx highest with 33%, Manhattan 19%. See map posted below] 

“New data shows about 13 percent of Upper East Side residents who were tested for antibodies had previously been infected with COVID-19.” 

“About 13 percent of residents on the Upper East Side tested for antibodies showed signs that they were previously infected with the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, according to new city data. 

Of the 57,828 residents tested in the five ZIP codes that make up the [Upper East Side] neighborhood, roughly 13.2 percent tested positive, according to data released by the [NYC] Department of Health on Tuesday.

The ZIP code with the highest rate of positive tests was 10075, which covers a narrow strip from East 76th to 80th streets and includes Lenox Hill Hospital. About 14.1 percent of antibody tests came back positive for residents in that area. 

The lowest rate of positive tests was in 10065, the neighborhood’s southernmost ZIP code, where about 12.6 percent of residents’ tests came back positive. 

Citywide, Manhattan had the lowest rate of positive tests out of all five boroughs, with about 19 percent of tests coming back positive. The Bronx had the highest rate, at about 33 percent. 

Percent positive antibody tests by Upper East Side ZIP code:

  • 10065: 12.6 percent (8,492 tested, 1,070 positive)
  • 10021: 13.1 percent (13,189 tested, 1,732 positive)
  • 10075: 14.1 percent (7,203 tested, 1,019 positive)
  • 10028: 13.6 percent (12,728 tested, 1,733 positive)
  • 10128: 12.7 percent (16,216 tested, 2,065 positive)
  • Total: 13.2 percent (57,828 tested, 7,619 positive)
The antibody tests, or serology tests, indicate whether a person may have been exposed to the coronavirus by measuring their bloodstream for signs that their immune system produced proteins, called antibodies, to fight off the virus. 

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday that the city’s website for coronavirus data would start including the results of antibody tests, but experts warn that such data should be taken with a grain of salt.”… 

[Ed. note: Re: “A grain of salt,” at least in the case of CDC antibody tests, CDC takes extra steps to ensure its antibody blood test data are as accurate as possible: “Our analysis adjusted the seroprevalence estimate to account for false positives and false negatives.”…CDC says random antibody blood tests shouldn’t be considered guaranteed proof of anything such as permanent immunity. However, by no means does it say to take its blood results “with a grain of salt.” Without knowing the particular details of the antibody tests discussed in this article, hopefully the “experts” Patch references are aware that many Covid diagnostic tests for active virus and the ways in which they’re reported are at best counterproductive. More on recent antibody studies: Aug. 16, 2020, “Scientists See Signs of Lasting Virus Immunity, Even After Mild Infections,” NY Times…Finally, as to “experts,” some “experts” were way off on NYC metro numbers: “Official city figures had estimated just over 219,000 cases as of July 23.” As it happens,more than 2.8 million people [ten times more than officials had estimated] in NYC metro had already had the virus. This is what happens when you live and die by numbers from thousands of unsupervised sources]. 

(continuing): “Positive tests results could mean the person has antibodies from an infection with a virus in the same family as the coronavirus, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…. 

The data also may not accurately reflect the prevalence of antibodies among all neighborhood residents or New York City residents, because people who have been ill with COVID-19 symptoms or were exposed to the virus may be likelier to seek out antibody testing, the city wrote in a disclaimer about the dataset. 

“We will be the first jurisdiction in the nation to present our antibody data this way,” de Blasio told reporters. “While there is still much to learn about the science of COVID-19 antibody testing, it is an important element to consider when understanding the epidemiology of COVID.”” 

“Patch reporter Maya Kaufman contributed to this report.”

Added: Charts from NY City Health Dept., retrieved Aug. 21, 2020. One, an extremely “flattened curve” in NY City. Two, we learn Covid is almost nothing without co-morbidities:

Above, NY City Covid deaths from March 11 to August 21, 2020

Above, Most NY City Covid deaths occurred with underlying conditions: “Underlying conditions can include lung disease, asthma, heart disease, a weakened immune system, obesity, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease and cancer.” 

From chart, total who died in NY City without underlying conditions, March 11-August 21: 


0-17: 1
18-44: 23
45-64: 85
65-74: 4
75+: 2

Added: Gov. Cuomo hailed April 2020 NY State government antibody test results: 2.7 million total “cases” in NY State, as high as 21% in “hot spots” like NY City, suggesting at least a positive step toward immunity: 

April 23, 2020, Nearly 3 million New Yorkers have [already] had coronavirus, antibody study suggests," Fox News, Greg Norman 

“New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo revealed Thursday that preliminary results from a coronavirus antibody study show the statewide infection rate is 13.9 percent, which would mean around 2.7 million residents could have carried the disease. 

The 3,000 samples were collected from 40 sites in 19 counties, according to Cuomo, and suggested the [antibody] infection rate [had virus at some time and experienced few if any consequences] is as high as 21.2 percent in places like New York City. 

“These are people who were infected and who developed the antibodies to fight the infection,” Cuomo said. “They had the virus, they developed the antibodies and they are now ‘recovered’.”

Added: NY Times: Positive results regarding antibodies and immunity: “Even mild Covid-19 cases confer ‘durable immunity,’ new studies find.” 

Signs that Covid antibodies confer lasting immunity...This calls for some optimism about herd immunity, said Smita Iyer, an immunologist at the University of California, Davis. 

Aug. 16, 2020, Scientists See Signs of Lasting Virus Immunity, Even After Mild Infections,” NY Times 

“Even mild Covid-19 cases confer ‘durable immunity,’ new studies find.”

Added: Re: Reliability of antibody tests: CDC conducted two NY City metro tests for antibodies, one ended May 3, the other May 26. “The results reported by the CDC are adjusted for false positive and false negative results:From website: “Our analysis adjusted the seroprevalence estimate to account for false positives and false negatives.” 

July 26, 2020, Quarter Of NYC Area Residents Have Had Coronavirus, CDC Finds,", Adam Nichols 

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested blood collected for routine screenings and sick visits for antibodies.” 

“Almost a quarter of New York City, Long Island and Westchester residents who had blood surveyed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were found to have had the coronavirus [in the past]. 

That equates to a little more than 2.8 million people [ten times more than officials had estimated]. Official city figures had estimated just over 219,000 cases as of July 23.

The CDC partnered with commercial testing labs to estimate infection levels for five states and a handful of large cities. It tested the blood of people who had come to doctors for routine screenings or sick visits, not just those whose care was related to the coronavirus. 

Around 23 percent of residents in the New York City area who had blood drawn in late May had antibodies for the virus, according to the CDC. The collection area included Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties alongside the NYC boroughs.

The survey was the second of its kind from the CDC. The first, which ended May 3, found a city infection rate of 6.9 percent. 

The second survey was conducted between May 21 and 26. A total of 1,116 samples were collected. 

The figure was much higher than anywhere else in the nation [as of May 26]. Of areas that had a second survey, Washington State had a 2.1 percent infection rate, Utah had 1.1 percent, Minnesota 2.2 percent, Missouri 2.8 percent, Philadelphia 3.6 percent and Connecticut 5.2 percent. 

The CDC notes the survey comes with some caveats. It isn’t random and relies on people whose blood was taken for routine screening or sick visits, which may not reflect the population as a whole. 

The results reported by the CDC are adjusted for false positive and false negative results. The CDC notes that it is possible that antibody levels may decrease over time and that people who previously tested positive for the presence of antibodies may at some point test negative. 

The CDC also warns that the survey shouldn’t be interpreted to mean people who tested positive for antibodies are immune to the virus. It is still unknown how long antibodies last and what level of protection they offer.”

Added: At long last our 50 states, just like Communist nations, are free to rule by decree. It seems no US law exists requiring states to return our freedoms to us. For example, in NY State, a company waited patiently for NY State’s “phase 4,” to be able to re-open in Central Park, only to learn, no, you can’t re-open. This means they’ll likely have to close forever. For no reason except that Trump turned the US into a Communist nation with the excuse of UK computer models. NY City long ago “flattened the curve” as above chart shows. They can’t admit it’s over already, that the political class used something that mainly killed the elderly as an excuse to steal trillions of US taxpayer dollars and convert the US into a Communist nation, as it is today. 

Aug. 17, 2020, Victorian Gardens In Central Park May Close Permanently,, Nick Garber, Central Park, NY

“The summertime amusement park at Central Park’s Wollman Rink said Monday it would not open this year and may need to permanently close. 

Victorian Gardens, the amusement park that has popped up in Central Park’s Wollman Rink each summer for more than a decade, will not open for the 2020 season and may need to permanently close, its owners said Monday. 

In a news release, the Zaperla family, Italian theme park manufacturers who also own the company that runs Victorian Gardens, said the decision was based on the “limited guidance and uncertainty surrounding when amusement parks will be permitted to open in New York State.” 

The park had been prepared to open with COVID-19 protocols in place when the state entered Phase 4 of its reopening plan, in which outdoor recreation areas were originally included, operators said. Once Phase 4 arrived, however, amusement parks across the state were told they could not yet reopen. The state’s business lookup tool still lists Amusement and Theme Parks as closed. 

“Regretfully, since Victorian Gardens’ normal operating season is coming to a close and New York State has not provided a re-opening plan for amusement parks, we are not able to open this season,” Zamperla said. 

Zamperla said it appears unlikely that the park could reopen for the summer of 2021, and may need to “cease its operations entirely.” 

Victorian Gardens first opened in the summer of 2003, according to the park’s website, after a group of private investors secured permission from the city to use Wollman’s 50,000-square-foot space while the rink was out of commission during the summer. 

“We have been privileged to provide family fun in the heart of New York City for the past 18 years and we are proud of the beautiful memories we created together,” Zamperla said in the news release.”

Comment: The “emergency” that converted 50 US states into 50 individual Communist nations also enabled Trump to steal trillions of dollars from us, throw tens of millions out of work, destroy towns and cities for generations if not permanently. He could’ve taken steps through congress or agencies to limit state decrees and ensure an end date, but he didn’t. And for what? Not a single life was saved by actions of governments. Now what? Two choices. Accept life as a slave or work to free ourselves by breaking up the US into a few parts.


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