8/28/20, “ELECTION 2020: Bourgeois Democracy Meets Global Governance," Diana Johnstone in Paris, Consortium News

“Democrats know that they have managed to keep the Permanent State, including the military and intelligence agencies,on their side throughout Trump’s presidency.…
A small number of very rich men are quite sure they know what is best for the future of the world and have enough wealth and influence to believe they can make it happen. They can be called oligarchs, but the term is inadequate. They are a special category, the shapers of the Global Governance destined to replace bourgeois democracy. I can name two: one who is famous, notorious even, but very old, and another who is a generation younger, not yet so well known or so rich but probably even more influential.
The Global Governors
The old one is of course George Soros, [Jared's buddy] who needs no introduction. He has no doubt that the world should be one big Open Society — in a word, globalization — in which borders and nation states dissolve into a kaleidoscopic mix of cultural identities in which major decisions are taken by brilliant financial oligarchs like himself.
The younger one is Nicolas Berggruen, the dashing 59-year-old Paris-born son of a leading art collector. Berggruen enjoys double U.S.-German citizenship and membership in the Council on Foreign Relations, the NYU Commission on Global Citizenship, the Brookings International Advisory Council, the Leadership Council at Harvard’s Kennedy School Center for Public Leadership, the World Economic Forum– and on and on. He helped get Emmanuel Macron elected president of France and has friendly relations with Ursula von der Leyen, head of the European Union Commission….
Donald Trump can only be an intolerable glitch in the screen. This must be corrected in 2020….
Meanwhile, Americans can listen to the extravagant rhetoric of the two enemy camps, calling on them to choose between “authoritarian white supremacy” and “radical Marxist socialism” while offering absolutely nothing in terms of coherent public policy of benefit to the American people and the world. The politicians cling to ineffective office, while the future is being planned elsewhere.
Policy will be designed by the Global Governors, for instance at the next meeting in Davos of the World Economic Forum which, according to its founder and chairman Klaus Schwab, will lay out the “Great Reset” agenda for the Fourth Industrial Revolution that is destined to reshape all our lives. Nicolas Berggruen will be there with his ideas. So will other billionaires. [For example, Masks4All is a Davos lobby]
They will not be “conspiring,” but rather laying plans for what they consider best for the world. There is no political system enabling us to influence or even fully understand the projects they will sponsor. Surely these projects deserve to be sharply debated. But the politicians supposedly representing us are somewhere else, fighting furiously with each other over contrived issues.
The Electoral College is not the most fatal flaw in American democracy. Rather, it’s the monopoly of political discourse by a two-party system fueled essentially by personal ambition, taking its cues from lobbies, the military industrial complex, Wall Street and the Global Governors.”
Three among comments to Consortium News article:

Added: Convicted felon Soros is buddies with De Facto US President Jared Kushner. Jared’s business accepted a $250 million line of credit from Soros in 2015:
May 3, 2017, “Kushner’s Partners Include Goldman And Soros–WSJ,” Dow Jones Newswires, by Jean Eaglesham, Juliet Chung, Lisa Schwartz
“Investments show ties to Goldman Sachs and George Soros, as well as a number of loans."
“Kushner has personally guaranteed $300 million in loans. Deutsche Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland are among entities to which he has personal guarantees....
“Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, is currently in business with Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and billionaires George Soros and Peter Thiel, according to people familiar with the matter and securities filings.
The previously undisclosed business relationships with titans of the financial and technology worlds are through a real-estate tech startup called Cadre that Mr. Kushner cofounded and currently partly owns.
Goldman and Messrs. Soros and Thiel, as well as other billionaires’ firms, also have stakes in the company, which is based in a Manhattan building owned by the Kushner family’s company, according to people close to Cadre.
The Cadre stake is one of many interests–and ties to large financial institutions–that Mr. Kushner didn’t identify on his government financial-disclosure form, according to a Wall Street Journal review of securities and other filings. Others include loans totaling at least $1 billion, from more than 20 lenders, to properties and companies part-owned by Mr. Kushner, the Journal found. He has also provided personal guarantees on more than $300 million of the debt, according to the analysis.
In his disclosure form filed earlier this year, Mr. Kushner didn’t identify Cadre as among his hundreds of assets. The Journal identified his Cadre stake through a review of securities and other filings as well as interviews with people familiar with the company and Mr. Kushner’s finances….
Mr. Kushner co-founded Cadre in 2014 with his brother, Joshua Kushner, and Ryan Williams, a 29-year-old friend and former employee of Kushner Cos., the family-controlled business that Mr. Kushner ran until recently. Cadre markets properties to prospective investors, who can put their money into specific buildings or into an investment fund run by Cadre, which collects fees on each deal.
To get off the ground, Cadre turned to a Goldman Sachs fund and a number of high-profile investors. Among them were the venture-capital firms of Mr. Thiel, Silicon Valley’s most prominent supporter of the GOP president, and Vinod Khosla, a co-founder of Sun Microsystems Inc., according to Cadre’s website. Personal backers include Chinese entrepreneur David Yu, co-founder with Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.’s Jack Ma of a Shanghai-based private-equity firm, hedge-fund manager Daniel Och and real-estate magnate Barry Sternlicht, people close to Cadre said.
Cadre also secured a $250 million line of credit from the family office of Mr. Soros, a top Democratic donor who Mr. Trump criticized during his presidential campaign, the people close to the company said. Mr. Soros’s family office is also an investor in Cadre.
The investors declined or didn’t respond to requests for public comment on their backing of Cadre, but a person familiar with Mr. Soros’s family office said it had invested in early 2015 before Mr. Trump declared his presidential candidacy.
Cadre has solicited money from investors for several Kushner Cos. real-estate projects, according to information sent to prospective investors and reviewed by the Journal. Jared Kushner personally has stakes in some of the real-estate projects for which Cadre has raised money, according to Cadre documents and his disclosure form.
While Mr. Williams acts as the public face of Cadre, Mr. Kushner remains one of the owners, with the power to “influence the [firm’s] management or policies," according to the latest public information on file with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Mr. Kushner’s company JCK Cadre LLC is shown as owning 25% to 50% of Quadro Partners Inc., which owns at least 75% of RealCadre LLC, which does business as Cadre. Mr. Kushner has reduced his ownership stake to less than 25%, his lawyer Ms. Gorelick said.
Mr. Williams, chief executive of Cadre, said the company has been working with regulators to update its public filings to “reflect Jared’s nonoperational, nonmanagement relationship with the company, which has been in place since the inauguration.”
BFPS Ventures, the company that Mr. Kushner’s lawyer said holds his Cadre stake, is shown on his financial-disclosure form as owning unspecified New York real estate valued at more than $50 million. The form adds that “the conflicting assets of this interest have been divested.”
Beyond Cadre, some of the assets Mr. Kushner is holding on to are hard to pinpoint, partly because they are housed in entities with generic names such as “KC Dumbo Office,” according to the disclosure form.
The Journal matched many of the assets to specific real-estate investments. An analysis of the debts on those properties, using real-estate data services PropertyShark and Trepp LLC as well as property records, found ties to a broad swath of U.S. and foreign banks, private-equity firms, real-estate companies and government-owned lenders.
Lenders to Mr. Kushner, either directly or via properties he co-owns, include Bank of America Corp., Blackstone Group LP, Citigroup Inc., UBS Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG and Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC. Royal Bank of Scotland didn’t respond to requests for comment; representatives of the other firms declined to comment.
Mr. Kushner will recuse himself from matters to which Deutsche Bank or RBS are parties because he has provided personal guarantees on their loans, said a person familiar with his ethics arrangement.”

Above, 6/3/19, Trump and his pal the Queen at Buckingham Palace, getty

Above, 6/3/19, “Ivanka Trump and Secretary of State for International Trade Liam Fox arrive through the East Gallery during the State Banquet at Buckingham Palace, London, Monday, June 3, 2019. U.S. President Donald Trump is on a three-day visit to the United Kingdom. (Victoria Jones/Pool Photo via AP)”
Added: “It’s really up in the air whether two or four or whatever years of Biden is better or worse than four years of Jared.” Scott McConnell twitter, May 25, 2020
Added: #JaredKushnerIsNotMyPresident

Above, Jan. 16, 2020, Jared Kushner on Time Magazine cover, “The Family Business: The Unusual Power of Jared Kushner”
When will "Trailer Park Lives Matter?"
Added: 6/1/20, “No one has more contempt for Trump’s voters than Kushner does, and no one expresses it more frequently.”
June 1, 2020, “Tucker Carlson: “No One Has More Contempt For Donald Trump’s Voters Than Jared Kushner",” RealClearPolitics.com, Ian Schwartz

“What Americans want most is an end to this chaos. They want their cities to be saved. They want this to stop, immediately. If the president doesn’t stop it, he will lose in November. The left will blame him for the atrocities they encouraged. Many voters will agree. Donald Trump is the president. Presidents save countries. That’s why we hire them.
Some key advisors around Trump don’t seem to understand the gravity of this. “No matter what happens, they’ll tell you, “our voters aren’t going anywhere. The trailer parks are rock solid. What choice do they have? They’ve got vote for us.”
Jared Kushner, for one, has made that point out loud. No one has more contempt for Trump’s voters than Kushner does, and no one expresses it more frequently.””…
Added: “Trump calls Jared Kushner ‘my star’ at White House roundtable “to fix policing:”
June 8, 2020, “Trump calls Jared Kushner ‘my star’ after the adviser announces he’s working with law enforcement to ‘fix’ policing," Business Insider via MSN, Eliza Relman
“President Donald Trump referred to Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and senior White House adviser, as “my star” during a Monday White House roundtable with law enforcement.
During the event, Kushner praised law-enforcement officials, several of whom were invited to the event, for embracing reform and “coming together to fix” policing after hearing the “cries from the community.”
He added, “Hopefully at this time where there’s a lot of people in the country who are feeling different pain and feeling different concerns, law enforcement can be a leader in coming together and helping us work towards bringing solutions that could bring this country forward.”
Trump then thanked Kushner and called him “my star.”
The president has given Kushner and his daughter Ivanka Trump enormous power in his inner circle, and Kushner has helped lead the administration’s efforts on critical issues, like the Middle East peace plan, criminal-justice reform, and the response to the coronavirus pandemic….
During the White House roundtable on Monday, Trump announced that he doesn’t support defunding or dismantling police departments, as some progressives are calling for, and claimed “99%” of law-enforcement officers are “great people.”…
Attorney General William Barr recently said he didn’t believe there was systemic racism in the nation’s law-enforcement system and similarly blamed the pattern of [so-called] racist killings and police brutality on individuals.”…
Comment: Trump was never with us. He would've been the only one. Now it’s just a matter of running out the clock:
“Trump is the dam holding back the floodwaters of total chaos that are bubbling over in the United States. When he is gone, no one with any meaningful power will lift a finger to stop the establishment’s inevitable purge of conservative, nationalistic and patriotic Americans. The great gulf that has begun to divide the country will soon be beyond repair. This administration is likely the United States’ last chance to fix its systemic issues before real calamity sets in.
Many don’t wish to acknowledge this. They don’t want to accept the very real danger represented by corrupt and incompetent establishment figures still active in the administration, and their stagnation in the face of a resurgent far Left. There is more interest in maintaining the excitement of a nonstop pep rally than acting to secure the country.
Trump’s personality and desire to be liked by demographics who will never accept him are preventing his supporters from realizing their potential and achieving anything that will have a lasting effect.”…9/28/2018, “Trump Isn’t Going To Save The United States,” William Craddick, Disobedient Media
Comment: The dam has burst with their hatred of us. They now openly praise and justify violence. At minimum, they don't object to it. This is government approved genocide against non-violent Americans. We must free ourselves. It’s past time for the US to be broken up into a few parts.
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