Friday, July 31, 2020

Trump’s cruel ‘slow the spread’ policy forces millions of fragile seniors into 5th month of solitary confinement, a punishment said to be inhumane even for murderers. States must ‘speed the spread’ with more ‘cases’, 'infections,' and ‘positive’ tests in healthy population to create antibodies

NY City metro on its way to herd immunity: Over 2.8 million in NY metro, 23% of population, have Covid antibodies as of May 6, 2020, per CDC tests, quadruple the number tests found five weeks earlier. CDC reports “are adjusted for false positive and false negative results.”

July 28, 2020, Virginia should ban ordering at some bars to slow coronavirus spread, says White House advisor Deborah Birx,” The Virginian Pilot, Marie Albiges, Richmond, Va. 

“Dr. Deborah Birx, one of the federal government’s top health officials and a leader on the [Trump] White House Coronavirus Task Force, said Tuesday [7/28] distancing should be more strictly enforced in restaurants to mitigate the spread of the virus. [Efforts to “mitigate the spread” to allegedly help hospitals now in 5th month]. 

After privately meeting with Gov. Ralph Northam at a roundtable with health officials and community leaders, Birx spoke with reporters, saying she’d passed the same message on to governors in four other states over the past week. She also stressed the importance of wearing a mask when going out and not gathering in social groups [“slowing the spread” to allegedly help hospitals is in its 5th month]…. 

“(We’re) really asking every citizen to increase their responsibility with social distancing, to be wearing a mask, to not go to bars, to really limit their social gatherings,” she said.”…


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