Saturday, July 18, 2020

Not only does Trump deny CDC published science that Covid epidemic no longer exists in US as of 7/3, he says Americans should wear masks: “I urge Americans to wear masks”-Politico, 7/14/20, Wash. Exam., 7/1/20

On 7/1 and again on 7/14 Trump advocates masks: 7/1: “President Trump said Wednesday [July 1] that he supports wearing masks. “I’m all for masks. I think masks are good,” Trump told Fox Business. Pressure on Trump to wear a mask in public has mounted in recent weeks….Trump’s [alleged] media allies [such as Steve Doocy] on Fox News have also asked him to wear one to “set a good example....He [Trump] added, “I don’t know if you need mandatory [mask-wearing].”…7/1/20,Trump reverses course: ‘I’m all for masks,'" Washington Examiner, Cassidy Morrison 

Per CDC published data, Covid epidemic no longer exists in the US as of 7/3/20. Yet on Tues., 7/14/20, Trump ignores CDC science and urges all Americans to wear masks:
Per CDC chart, US is now at 2018 levels. To see this chart on CDC website, scroll to near end of page: “Mortality surveillance.” 

July 3, 2020, “CovidView Weekly Summary,” 

Lower left of chart, in 2018 when no epidemic existed is labeled Epidemic Threshold. Follow red line across to right side of chart to July 2020. The red line today is in the same place it was with no epidemic in 2018. 

“The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) collects death certificate data from vital statistics offices for all deaths occurring in the United States. Based on death certificate data available on July 2, 2020, 5.9% of all deaths occurring during the week ending June 27, 2020 (week 26) were due to [one of three causes:] pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC). This is the tenth consecutive week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC. The percentage is equal to the epidemic threshold of 5.9% for week 26.” 

Meaning of “Epidemic threshold: Point when it’s no longer an epidemic, as is clearly visible on above CDC chart. Per CDC chart, US “epidemic” today  is at 2018 levels. At top of CDC page: “Key Updates for Week 26, ending June 27, 2020″...”Mortality attributed to COVID-19 decreased compared to last week and is currently at the epidemic threshold.”…

Added: Despite CDC published data showing Covid epidemic no longer exists in the US as of 7/3/20, on Tues., 7/14/20, Trump denies CDC science and urges all Americans to wear masks: 

July 14, 2020,Trump, in full reversal, urges Americans to wear masks," Politico, Matthew Choi 

“President Donald Trump on Tuesday urged Americans to wear masks to prevent the spread of coronavirus [though per CDC, coronavirus no longer exists in US], a full reversal of his initially [temporary] dismissive attitude toward face coverings.  

During an interview, CBS News’ Catherine Herridge asked the president whether there should be a federal mandate on wearing masks or if it should be left to governors to decide. Trump responded that governors go by guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and “that’s good.” [But CDC says epidemic no longer exists in US] 

When asked whether he would urge Americans to wear masks, Trump replied: “If it's necessary, I would urge them to wear a mask and I would say follow the guidelines."


Added: Trump brags that his decision to “close down the US economy was “expensive” but “the right thing.” He’s quite wrong. Destroying “a nation’s economy is an act of war:” 

“Taking action to destroy a nation’s economy is an act of war just as much as is staging attacks using bombs carried by spies or using missiles fired from planes.” Philip Giraldi, 7/17/20 

On 6/18/20, Trump tells Wall St. Journal his decision to lockdown, to “close it down” was “expensive,” but saved millions of lives: We did the right thing. We closed it down. We closed it down. Expensive. But you can’t put a price on saving millions of lives. We saved millions of lives….On coronavirus, I acted very quickly, and I acted early. And they can’t get over it. Number one. Number two. If I didn’t act, we would have had 3 million deaths…If I didn’t do what we did, we would have anywhere from 1.5 million to 3 million deaths….You know, a lot of people say herd. Well how did herd work for Sweden? No good. How did herd work for Brazil? No good.”…

Added: As to “herd,” UK’s Neil Ferguson, author of US lockdown, believes in and practices herd immunity in his personal life:
“I acted in the belief that I was immune, having tested positive for coronavirus, and completely isolated myself for almost two weeks after developing symptoms," he added.”…Ferguson has the greatest immunity on earth: He’s tops with the Queen. She was so impressed with Ferguson’s 2001 computer models calling for immediate slaughter of millions of healthy animals that she awarded him with an OBE, Order of the British Empire, in 2002.


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