Sunday, July 12, 2020

Misuse of word “case” is heart of irrational Covid panic in US which continues today due to Trump’s fatal decision to anoint chronic liar Dr. Fauci the COVID-19 guru and truth teller-Angelo Codevilla

Donald Trump’s decision to accredit Dr. Anthony Fauci as the COVID-19 pandemic’s guru is largely responsible for the extent of the panic that gripped America in the spring and now summer.Sowing and maintaining confusion...about the very meaning of the word “case”has been the heart of that lie.The essence of this fraud is the pretense that all COVID-19 infections are “cases” requiring sequestration and quarantine, even if they involve persons to whom the virus poses no danger—i.e., nearly all Americans.So mindless of reality was this momentum that it shoved aside the only medical fact that made any difference, namely, the vulnerability of old, fragile people.”
July 10, 2020, Fauci Is a Deep State Fraud,” Angelo Codevilla, American Greatness 

“I knew for sure that Anthony Fauci is a fraud after listening to him for about 10 seconds—as anyone who listens carefully would have known as well. President Trump had been charging the Chinese government with obscurancy and deception in its handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Fauci had dealt intimately with the Chinese on that matter. His National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Centers for Disease Control had partially financed the notorious Wuhan laboratory where Chinese scientists were researching the virus. Fauci knew a lot. 

A reporter asked Fauci if he agreed with Trump that the Chinese have not been fully forthcoming about the scope of the pandemic. Fauci answered that although the Chinese had lacked candor in previous years, this time they had turned over “the sequence of the virus.” Spoken like a wily swamp reptile!

His words were factually correct. The Chinese had turned over all they knew about the virus’s “sequence”—namely, its genetic structure. But the reporter and the audience neither knew nor cared about that. They were interested in the Chinese government’s misrepresentations of the virus’s contagion, fatality rate, and so forth. That is what they had dissembled and lied about. 

Fauci’s answer artfully deceived the audience into believing the opposite of the truth. Thus did Fauci help plant a dagger between Trump’s shoulder blades and help his party—the Democrats and the deep state—extort the American people’s compliance to their agendas.
Deep State Doctor

Donald Trump’s decision to accredit Dr. Anthony Fauci as the COVID-19 pandemic’s guru is largely responsible for the extent of the panic that gripped America in the spring and now summer. Fauci is a bona fide graduate of medical school. Many attest to his earlier epidemiological brilliance. But none of the words by which he has helped inflict chaos on America have reflected either medical or epidemiological facts. Fauci has acted as, and has been, a politicized, partisan bureaucrat while pretending to be the disinterested authority of physicians and scientists. 

The pretense that COVID-19 is something like, and hence is to be treated like, the plague is the essence of the scam that the deep state and the Democratic Party [and Trump] are perpetrating on America. Anthony Fauci’s pseudo-medical, pseudo-scientific pretense is the foremost pillar of that lie. 

Sowing and maintaining confusion about the severity of cases of  COVID-19 infections—indeed, about the very meaning of the word “case”—has been the heart of that lie. 

Understanding the truth begins with comparing the infection/fatality rate (IFR) of ordinary seasonal flu, 0.01 percent, with that of the bubonic plague or smallpox—around 30 percent—and then realizing that COVID-19’s IFR is roughly that of the flu. 

Although Fauci was not the sole author of the confusion, he surely was most influential in spreading it. And it was a lie, because by January Fauci knew that, despite the Chinese government’s indications and media management to the contrary, COVID-19 was what we in the West have since learned from experience: deadly to the very old and otherwise compromised, but milder than most flu strains for just about everyone else.

That knowledge notwithstanding, Fauci concurred with the mathematical modelers’ dire forecasts of frightful across-the-board mortality rates. He substantiated their (baseless) assumptions of an IFR around 5 percent for everyone by citing as a “case” any sick person who tested positive for the virus or who had a fever, cough, and other respiratory symptoms like those caused by the virus. He then agreed that all such persons who died should have their deaths attributed to the virus. 

In late March, Fauci convinced President Trump that a wave of such deadly “cases” would overwhelm America’s healthcare system unless Americans huddled at home. Trump agreed. (Remember, “15 Days to Slow the Spread”?) Thereafter, the lockdowns took on a momentum of their own.
Mindless Momentum 

So mindless of reality was this momentum that it shoved aside the only medical fact that made any difference, namely, the vulnerability of old, fragile people. Hence, Fauci’s CDC, all keen to free up hospital space, advised state and local health systems to transfer all manner of patients into nursing homes and long-term care facilities. 

Thus did Fauci’s CDC become the efficient cause of the holocaust that killed perhaps 60,000 practically captive old folks. 

By mid-April however, as the great wave simply was not happening, any number of independent studies were establishing COVID-19’s true, low IFR. Fauci retreated, no longer linking “cases” to deaths, he used the panic he had helped foment and the credit that Trump had naively given him, to finagle Trump into agreeing to a staged plan to end the lockdowns which, upon closer look, was really a plan for perpetuating them regardless of what happened. 

The essence of this fraud is the pretense that all COVID-19 infections are “cases” requiring sequestration and quarantine, even if they involve persons to whom the virus poses no danger—i.e., nearly all Americans. To keep down the number of “cases” Fauci now preaches, Americans must be willing to accept any number of arbitrary restrictions, not least of which is superintendence by “contact tracers” empowered to allow or disallow anyone from ordinary employment and human contact. 

To grasp Fauci’s dishonesty—being anything but ignorant, he knows exactly what he is doing—we need not recall his self-contradictions regarding the wearing of masks or regarding the risks associated with Holy Communion versus sex with strangers. Let us only recall what this board-certified physician has said and done about the drug hydroxychloroquine [used in the US since 1956, a simple pill, a generic drug, out of patent so no billions to be made, nor needles needed]. 

This standard antimalarial drug’s usefulness against COVID-19 was discovered accidentally as physicians around the world found it useful for treating patients, especially in the disease’s early and mid-stages. President Trump praised it.  

The deep state howled. Fauci tried to backstab Trump by pointing out that the drug had not been specifically approved to treat COVID-19. Reporters refused to accept a backhanded put-down. When one asked whether he would take the drug were he infected with COVID-19, Fauci said yes, but qualified that he would do so only as part of an FDA study. Later, as the deep state’s campaign against “Trump’s drug” produced studies obviously biased against it, Fauci happily retreated to saying that the drug was now off the table. 

But by June [2020], as major peer-reviewed studies confirmed hydroxychloroquine’s usefulness, Fauci remained silent. He was doing the best he could for his class. Not for us.  

This is not how scientists behave. Much less is it how doctors behave who take seriously the Hippocratic Oath. Fauci, unfortunately, behaves as an ordinary creature of the Washington swamp.”...[All images above were added by this blog].

Added: CDC published data shows Covid epidemic no longer exists in the US as of 7/3/20. Per CDC chart below, US is now at 2018 levels:

July 3, 2020, “CovidView Weekly Summary,” 

Lower left of chart in 2018 when no epidemic existed is labeled “Epidemic Threshold.” Follow red line across to right side of chart to July 2020. The red line today is in the same place it was with no epidemic in 2018.…To see this chart on CDC website, scroll to near end of page: “Mortality surveillance.” 

“The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) collects death certificate data from vital statistics offices for all deaths occurring in the United States. Based on death certificate data available on July 2, 2020, 5.9% of all deaths occurring during the week ending June 27, 2020 (week 26) were due to [one of three causes:] pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC). This is the tenth consecutive week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC. The percentage is equal to the epidemic threshold of 5.9% for week 26.” 

Meaning of “Epidemic threshold:" Point where it’s not or is no longer an epidemic, as is clearly visible on above CDC chart. Chart shows US has as much “epidemic” today as it did in 2018. At top of CDC page: “Key Updates for Week 26, ending June 27, 2020″..."Mortality attributed to COVID-19 decreased compared to last week and is currently at the epidemic threshold.”…

Added: More on misuse of the word “cases,” Swiss Policy Research, July 2020: 

Misuse and weaponization of the word “cases” grew with increase in “tests” in low-risk general populations. “Cases” in this context are often incorrectly “equated with sick or infected people.”… Swiss Policy Research, July 2020.…(See also: Suffolk County, NY State, removed 2105 positive tests from previous tally. Some tests didn’t differentiate “virus-killing antibodies that patients’ immune systems develop after becoming infected.”.June 3, 2020, “New Suffolk virus tracking system leads to reduction of 2,105 positive tests,” Newsday, Matt Clark) 

July 2020 

After the end of the lockdowns, the number of corona tests in the low-risk general population has increased strongly in many countries, for example in connection with people returning to work and school. 

This led to a certain increase in positive test results in some countries or regions, which was portrayed by many media and authorities as an allegedly dangerous increase in “case numbers” and sometimes led to new restrictions, even if the rate of positive tests remained very low. 

“Case numbers” are, however, a misleading figure that cannot be equated with sick or infected people. A positive test can, for example, be due to non-infectious virus fragments, an asymptomatic infection, a repeated test, or a false-positive result. 

Moreover, counting alleged “case numbers” is not meaningful simply because antibody tests and immunological tests have long shown that the new coronavirus is up to fifty times more widespread than assumed on the basis of daily PCR tests. 

Rather, the decisive figures are the number of sick people, hospitalisations and deaths. It should be noted, however, that many hospitals are now back to normal operation and all patients, including asymptomatic patients, are additionally tested for the coronavirus. Therefore, what matters is the number of actual Covid patients in hospitals and ICUs. 

In the case of Sweden, for example, the WHO had to withdraw the classification as a “risk country” after it became clear that the apparent increase in “cases” was due to an increase in testing. In fact, hospitalisations and deaths in Sweden have been declining since April. 

Some countries have already been in a state of below-average mortality since May. The reason for this is that the median age of corona deaths was often higher than the average life expectancy, as up to 80% of deaths occurred in nursing homes. 

In countries and regions where the spread of the coronavirus has so far been greatly reduced, it is nevertheless entirely possible that there will be a renewed increase in Covid patients. In these cases, early and effective treatment is important (see below). 

Global Covid-19 mortality is currently – despite the significantly older population nowadays – a whole order of magnitude below the flu pandemics of 1957 (Asian flu) and 1968 (Hong Kong flu) and in the range of the rather mild “swine flu pandemic” of 2009.”…

Bonus gem from Swiss Policy Research: "masks" campaign led by lobby group “masks4all” founded by Davos forum "leader:"

"Facts about Covid-19," Swiss Policy Research 

"On the effectiveness of masks...

(scroll down): "Interestingly, the demand for a worldwide obligation to wear masks is led by a lobby group called “masks4all” (masks for all), which was founded by a "young leader" of the Davos forum [which is the annual meeting of World Economic Forum in Davos].

Apparently a "science denier," "Masks4All" omits mention of "overwhelming" CDC published data, chart below, showing Covid epidemic no longer exists in the US as of 7/3/20.

"Masks4All" [alleged purpose is Covid-19 "containment"]

"About Us and The #Masks4All Story... 

#Masks4All is an all-volunteer org [with a financial partner] that started and powered the movement for people and Governments to follow the overwhelming scientific evidence that shows we need to wear homemade masks in public to slow COVID-19. [Ed. Who is "we?"] 

Jeremy Howard, Co-Founder and Leader Distinguished Research Scientist at USF; Founding Researcher at; Member of the World Economic Forum’s Global AI Council."...

"The States" 

"What U.S. States Require Cloth Masks In Public Places?"

"Updated 7/11. 100+ countries require masks in public because almost every Government in the world endorses them as an effective COVID-19 containment solution....

Mandatory mask laws can mean many different things, sometimes it’s only on public transport, sometimes only in essential businesses, and sometimes everywhere in public.

You can filter, sort, search, and download the data below. There are also sources linked for every piece of data. Also, here is another helpful list: Countries with mandatory mask laws." (map from Masks4All)

As mentioned above, "Masks4All" omits mention of "overwhelming" CDC published data, chart posted above, showing Covid epidemic no longer exists in the US as of 7/3/20.


Added: "Masks4All" co-founder Jeremy Howard's LinkedIn page says he was selected as a "Young Global Leader:" 

"Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum, 6 years 

The Forum of Young Global Leaders is a unique, multi-stakeholder community of more than 700 exceptional young leaders who share a commitment to shaping the global future. I was selected as a YGL in 2013 for a 5 year term."

Comment: What if I don't want to be "globally led" by Jeremy, his pathetic stakeholders, or anyone else? These people need to get lives of their own. They are sick. 

More of Jeremy's Masked Team each one of whom has an unhealthy obsession with lives that are not their own:

Petr Ludwig, Original Founder of #Masks4All
A bestselling author, and an expert on critical thinking and the popularization of science

Cam Woodsum, Co-Founder & Website Leader
Founder of Nomad Impact Ventures; Former Head of Special Projects at DoorDash

David Keating, Co-Founder
President, Institute for Free Speech

Vojtech Petracek, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., Co-Founder
Particle Physicist, President of the Czech Technical University in Prague

Vladimir Zdimal, Ph.D., Co-Founder
Head of the Department of Chemistry and Aerosol Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences

Emil Pavlik, M.D., Ph.D., Co-Founder
Microbiologist and Virologist

Leos Navratil, Prof., M.D., Ph.D., Co-Founder
Population Protection Expert, Head of the Department of Health Care and Population Protection, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

Martin Hausenblass, Co-Founder
Entrepreneur and investor.

Josef Prusa, Co-Founder
Entrepreneur, an expert on 3D printing, founder of Prusa Research

Misha Chellam, Co-Founder
Founder at Council on Technology, Society, and Tradecraft

Other Team Members / Contributors
Suhail Doshi, Founder of Mixpanel & MightyApp
The Genyus Ideas Team 
Lisha Li, CEO of Rosebud AI
Michelle Wucker, Speaker, Strategist, Bestselling Author of The Gray Rhino
Marietje Schaake, Stanford University & President at The Cyberpeace Institute 

#Masks4All, a fiscally sponsored project of Community Initiatives



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