Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The six most helpful comments on Moon of Alabama, June 2, 2020. For example, those seeking to overthrow the US should start by abolishing the Republican and Democrat parties


Image: June 1, 2020, 11:45pm, Fifth Ave., Manhattan, Rachel Olding twitter, Daily Beast

“Hard to describe how rampant the looting was tonight in Midtown Manhattan and how lawless it was. Complete anarchy. Literally hundreds of stores up and down Broadway, Fifth Ave, Sixth Ave. Kids ruling the streets like it was a party.”

June 2, 2020, Trump Calls Up Military For ‘Law And Order’ Campaign Stunt, Moon of Alabama

Six comments: 15, 23, 26, 29, 58, 7

One: For those seeking to overthrow the US: “The revolutionary movement should set as its goal the ending of the one party/twin party system. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican party need to be abolished and their activities declared illegal.”


It is illegal to advocate the overthrow of the United States Government, yet many ordinary people are doing exactly that. The emerging revolution in the US is not about race or police violence. Most people understand it to be about removing President Trump from power. This is a false goal and will lead to no permanent change.

Instead the revolutionary movement should set as its goal the ending of the one party/twin party system. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican party need to be abolished and their activities declared illegal. The monopolistic parties may be the regime, but they are not the US Government. They have no protection under constitution or law. 

Abolishing the duopoly requires election reform. The two party system is a consequence of the first-past-the-post voting system. Such systems are leftovers from the era when only the elite could vote and choosing a member of one’s own clan was more important than voting based on class or ideology. Most successful democracies have multi-party systems with proportional representation.

Most Americans, both Left and Right want radical change. The US electoral system has never offered voters a choice. Trump promised change but ended up being a figurehead of the same old regime. Congress is little more than a rubber stamp for Wall Street. Elections will mean nothing unless the rules for eligibility are fundamentally changed.

Posted by: Petri Krohn | Jun 2 2020 18:31 utc | 15″

Two: “As i’ve said for many years: the people who run this country HATE the citizens. not “dislike”, not “tolerate”: pure, entitled HATRED. at least for those below a certain tax bracket.” 

“As i’ve said for many years: the people who run this country HATE the citizens. not “dislike”, not “tolerate”: pure, entitled HATRED. at least for those below a certain tax bracket, anyway (and even within the upper ones you see bitter internecine conflicts). trump has no filter as a result of the smoke blown up his fat, constantly kissed ass his entire life. he proudly proclaims the hate. he shouts it from the goddamn mountaintop. and this is a good thing. the band-aid needs to be ripped off, not peeled slowly over generations….

Hillary would be pacifying while declaring both sides “equally responsible and giving a respectable veneer to an ugly situation. trump’s response is the outward expression of DC’s (and manhattan’s and chicago’s) actual attitude toward the “masses.”i’d label the democrats’ response but i have yet to see any outside of yelling into the twitter void….

Posted by: the pair | Jun 2 2020 19:02 utc | 23″

Three: How does “systemic racism” permeate a blue state [Minnesota] dominated for decades by liberal Democrats? What explains the failure of Democrats who have long run Minnesota to root out racism?

“In regard to the attempt to use this event against Trump (of whom I share low opinion):

Pat Buchanan makes good point (not always a fan of Pat either though he’s pretty on-point generally):

Yet, of his home state [Minnesota], this citadel of liberalism, [Democrat Gov.] Walz said last week, “Systemic racism must be addressed if we are to secure, justice, peace and order for all Minnesotans.” 

Query: How does “systemic racism” permeate a blue state dominated for decades by liberal Democrats? What explains the failure of Democrats who have long run Minnesota to root out racism?

The issue is police brutality (full stop). It has long been an issue for all of us, more so for blacks in many cases.

Posted by: jared | Jun 2 2020 19:07 utc | 26″

Four: “The dems are faint in their criticism of the vandalism.” 

“Is not destroying communities and threatening groups and individuals because of race or political views akin to fascism? Not to mention harmful to the disadvantaged? Makes me think the agenda is not about resisting fascism. And the dems are faint in their criticism of the vandalism is that really a good political vantage point?

Posted by: jared | Jun 2 2020 19:17 utc | 29

Five: It’s extremely important to understand how the .1% get their cash such that they no longer believe they need a working class to do anything for them.”

“Chris Hedges latest, “The Treason of the Ruling Class,” mostly tells the truth: 

We are serfs ruled by obscenely rich, omnipotent masters who loot the U.S. Treasury, pay little or no taxes and have perverted the judiciary, the media and the legislative branches of government to strip us of civil liberties and give them the freedom to commit financial fraud and theft.”

But this didn’t just happen over the last few years of TrumpCo.…The situation Hedges describes began several generations ago….The most recent events Wilkerson noted were begun by Clinton, abetted by Bush, greatly enhanced by Obama, and are now in high gear as Max and Stacy report. 

It’s extremely important to understand how the .1% get their cash such that they no longer believe they need a working class to do anything for them…. 

Posted by: karlof1 | Jun 2 2020 22:13 utc | 58″


“I’m surprised that b [Moon of Alabama proprietor] didn’t mention Senator Tom Cotton and his call for the military to attack the citizenry I quote “if necessary, the 10th Mountain, 82nd Airborne, 1st Cav, 3rd Infantry — whatever it takes to restore order. No quarter for insurrectionists, anarchists, rioters, and looters.”. Senator Cotton has been a wack-job nutcase for years calling for the more inane of policies (military strikes on Russia, China & Iran), but calling for the military to storm US cities like they were Bagdad or Kabul is a level of insanity I thought no sitting senator would call for.

But hey it will be more money for the MIC [military industrial complex]. So there’s already a group that stands to profit from this, mark my words now that the genie is out of the bottle, more and more senators will start pushing for the use of the military in clamping down on domestic protests – the money must flow! 

Posted by: Kadath | Jun 2 2020 18:08 utc | 7

Bonus: June 1, 2020, another helpful comment by Kadath who is reminded of  color revolutions” US stages around the world to destabilize societies:

“It would hardly surprise me if the regime change obsession has come home and now the US is “enjoying” all of the democracy building colour revolutions they love so much. No matter how this end [like all US “color revolutions”] it will not end well for 99% of Americans.

Posted by: Kadath | Jun 1 2020 20:58 utc | 63″

June 1, 2020, “It’s true,” Moon of Alabama


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