Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Queen named Bill Gates honorary Knight of the British Empire in 2005. In 2013 the Queen named Melinda Gates honorary Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. In 2016, both Bill and Melinda were considered possible running mates for Hillary


Above “The Queen presented Bill Gates with an honorary knighthood in 2005,“ BBC… June 6, 2019, “Guide to the Honors, BBC…“The honorary knighthood recognizes Gates’ contributions to improving health and reducing poverty.The queen conferred the honor in a private ceremony held at Buckingham Palace, where Gates was accompanied by his wife, Melinda Gates, co-founder of the foundation.”

2005, Here’s Bill with his award from the Queen.\

Later, “in 2013, Melinda Gates was appointed an honorary Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire for her philanthropy and work on the international stage.”… 


10/18/2016, Both Bill and Melinda Gates were on a March 2016 list of suggested VP running mates for Hillary Clinton. Also on the listwere General Motors CEO Mary Barra, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, U.S. Navy Admiral Bill McRaven and Marine Corps four-star general John Allen.” Time 


In 2004 Melinda Gates was named to the Washington Post Board of Directors.

Added: The Queen gave her highest honor to the guy most likely to sell out ordinary Americans to his belovedNew World Order,” Bush #1:


Added: In 2014 the Queen named billionaire cheapskate Mike Bloomberg an honorary Knight of the British Empire:

Image, In 2014 the Queen named Bloomberg an honorary Knight of the British Empire


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