Saturday, May 23, 2020

NY Post front page publishes desperate plea to end NY City lockdown now. Unfortunately, those running this consider our imprisonment and the murder of our cities to be a dream come true. Trump imprisoned us, only governors can free us










Image: Thursday, May 21, 2020, NY Post, front page 

Comment: The author doesn't get it. Normal human beings know this should've ended a long time ago. But those running this see our imprisonment and murder of our cities as gifts beyond their wildest dreams, ones they'll likely never have again, so must be used to fullest advantage. (See Cloward and Piven). Some of our jailers have been on cable tv and in UK media casually saying, oh yes, house arrest has to continue a couple years or more, however long it takes for "a vaccine to be found." These same people know very well that a vaccine may never be found. They don't even care that they're maiming children for life by depriving them of sunlight needed to grow strong bones. This affects children of all races: "Children of African, Pacific Islander, and Middle Eastern descent are at the highest risk for rickets because they have dark skin. Dark skin doesn’t react as strongly to sunlight as lighter skin does, so it produces less vitamin D." The entire political class is fine with this. You don't hear the Republican Establishment complaining. Republican voters being silenced and imprisoned is a dream come true for them. (GOP E would like democrat voters to be their voters).


Blog editor's note: Sorry about double spacing. I can't figure out how to undo it. Susan



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