Monday, May 25, 2020

Despite promises to the contrary, Obama was Bush’s 3rd and 4th term and Trump is Bush’s 5th term. Voters’ huge pent up demand for change continues to be ignored by elites-commenter, Moon of Alabama

Obama was effectively the 3rd and 4th term of Bush and for all of his bombast Trump has basically been the 5th term.” 

May 25, 2020, “Britain: Johnson’s Pandemic Management Is Trashing His Authority," Moon of Alabama 

Among comments

We’ve seen the US populous from Clinton to Bush to Obama to Trump, all of whom were sold as being radical departures from the predecessors. But in terms of policies I think it’s undeniable that Obama was effectively the 3rd and 4th term of Bush and for all of his bombast Trump has basically been the 5th term. 

There is a huge pent up demand for change within the American zeitgeist that is not being catered to and there will be profound consequences for the US and Western political elite for refusing to serve or even acknowledge this. I’ve previously said that the US empire looks like the Soviet Union of the mid-1980s but I think you could also argue it’s becoming more like Czarist Russia at the turn of the century or pre-revolutionary France, none of these comparison suggests this will ends well for the US…. 

The increasing incompetence and corruption of Western political elites is setting the stage for a revolutionary figure. Not another sheepdog Bernie or hopeless hack Obama. But a real revolutionary, like Lenin or Robespierre, who wants to burn down the whole rotten structure and its’ institutions and completely replace it. Historically, these types of changes are extremely destructive (both to the host nation and it’s neighbours) I'm not saying this change will necessarily be overall good or bad….Once people lose faith in their government to govern successfully they will accept increasingly radical figures in hopes of success.”… 
Posted by: Kadath | May 25 2020 19:59 utc | 6″


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