4/21/20, “We made a terrible mistake,” American Thinker, Carol Brown
“We’re told that social distancing is working because we’re flattening the curve. How do we know that those two things are related? There isn’t that all-important-for-good-science control group. For all we know, the result would have been similar if we hadn’t put such draconian measures in place.
In addition, for all our medical experts’ talk of their high standards, they ignored those standards when they embraced the Imperial College model that, according to world-renowned epidemiologist Johan Giesecke, was an internal document that was unpublished and had not been peer-reviewed. Giesecke had never seen a document of this type garner so much attention as to shape major public policy decisions.
He also described the strict lockdown measures embraced by many countries as non-evidence-based. (What?! You mean our experts who uphold the highest of double-blind standards have been shooting in the dark?!)
And speaking of lockdowns, according to some reports, the U.K. hit its peak before it put strict social distancing measures in place (here, here, here at the 6:40 mark).
On top of that, Gabi Barbash, a top Israeli scientist, has a statistical analysis that shows that the virus peaks after about 40 days and fizzles to a low level after about 70 days, irrespective of the nature of the public policy to control it.
Sweden, meanwhile, continues to recommend moderate social distancing measures, and the country appears none the worse for wear compared to other Western nations. In fact, Sweden is doing better because it’s implemented social distancing without law enforcement arresting people, without
drones (made in China) hunting people down, without snitch lines set up
for people to report on others breaking the rules, and without taking a sledgehammer to its economy.
In all, Giesecke, Barbash, and decision-makers in Sweden support social distancing measures, but not to the level imposed here in the United States and elsewhere, and not with enforcement that flies in the face of a free society.
So here we are as our experts (with their high standards) attribute current trends with the virus to the shutdown despite no way to prove it, after using a terrible model that informed public policy, and in the face of the very real possibility that no matter what you do with respect to trying to control the virus, the end result may be the same.
Let’s practice good infection control and get back to work!”
Five among comments
Credit to all of the protesters, expressing opposition to the tyranny of this evil experiment in extreme mitigation, aka Enforced Social Distancing. Our nation is being steamrolled into drinking kool aid and committing mass suicide. The real enemy is SOCIAL DISTANCING And in this battle, we do not have Trump or Fox News on our side. Yesterday, after Rush, I heard Bill Hemmer, speaking to a Dem Congressman:
“I think we ALL agree, that if you’re gonna be out in public, social distancing is a must, it is proven by all standards to work.”
Wrong. Social Distancing destroyed our economy, and it will cripple any chance of a real recovery. If we do not defeat SOCIAL DISTANCING then we have lost the war.”
If you are waiting for Dr. Fauci or any politician to say they made a mistake, you have a long wait ahead of you.
They have indeed backed themselves into a corner. Admitting a mistake now makes them responsible for the 22 million unemployed and ruin their chances for reelection, and they won’t do that.”
Trump relied on the wrong people and we are paying the price.”
This insanity is caused by bureaucrats, who pay no price for their errors. Make all government bureaucrats “at will” employees, and fire them on the spot for such egregious errors.”
It has gone far beyond Democrats vs Republicans. The politicians have clamped down and they don’t know how to turn it loose. They are so involved in process thinking, even one person in 100,000 getting sick is enough for them to keep everyone shut down. It will take an overwhelming event, such as those 22 million unemployed becoming desperate before the government can let it go.”
Added: Even in big, bad, NY City, only 14 virus patients in hospitals per latest data:
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