Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Vaccine is now US president and will deform a generation of children by depriving them of sunlight needed to form strong bones. The 18-24 month wait for vaccine also deprives children of school. Genocide is US Elites' specialty, they do it everywhere, did it to Russia in 1990s

Russia’s population decreased by 6.6 million between 1992 and 2006. Klein quotes US Economist Andre Gunder Frank calling what took place in Russia as “economic genocide.”…Bill Clinton administration and associates laughed about “stuffing shit down Yeltsin’s throat.”After break-up of Soviet Union, US elites thought Russia was “ours to lose,” 


What could possibly be bigger news than that Americans are bound and gagged and in cages for 18 months-two years and that children are not allowed to go to school for 18 months-two years? Children must stay inside so are deprived of sunlight for 18 months-two years which will stunt their growth and cause them to have weak bones. Children who live near parks or beaches are prevented from setting foot on them by order of Trump. Beaches and parks are closed. No sunlight for you, you’re not allowed to grow and have strong bones. Trump chose this horrible moment to launch yet another costly, foreign military intervention, allegedly in Central America. This morning he giddily let us know Iran is still on his mind too. On his April 1 twitter he says, “Iran or its proxies are planning a sneak attack on U.S. troops and/or assets in Iraq. If this happens, Iran will pay a very heavy price, indeed!” as a commenter below notes. 

A very heavy price, indeed?” Americans and American children can tell Iranians about the “very heavy prices” you dish out. First, you’ve bound, gagged, and caged every American adult and American child for likely two years–the amount of time it takes for a new vaccine. Children aren’t allowed to go to school for two years. Children aren’t allowed to go outside in the sun and play on the beach or in parks for two years because the beaches and parks are closed. If they go outside at all it can be for only a few minutes. Children need sunlight to grow, without it their bones are weak and their growth is stunted. 

Trump gets to pretend he’s president when he’s bubbling over with plans of attacking and starving innocent populations of regions or countries that have not harmed the USsuch as Venezuela. Inside US borders, Trump obediently presides over our economic genocide–the specialty of US elites. Economic genocide is what US elites happily carried out against defenseless Russian people in the 1990s. Russia was newly independent in 1991, had no institutions, was wide open for the plundering if you happened to be a US elite with no conscience. US elites along with drunken Yeltsin drove innocent Russian people into massive poverty, massive depression, massive suicide rates, population contraction, and its oligarch-run government into massive debt. Russia’s population decreased by 6.6 million between 1992 and 2006. Klein quotes US Economist Andre Gunder Frank calling what took place in Russia as “economic genocide.”…The words used by many people to describe what US President Bill Clinton and economist Jeffrey Sachs presided over in Russia during the 1990s sound a lot like descriptions of a “man-made famine.”“...US elites were never punished for their crimes. They believed Russia was “ours to lose” so they took it. Elites feel exactly the same way about the US, that it's “ours to lose,”  to lose” which is why we’re in cages now. The only news Trump should be announcing today is that all Americans are free to leave their homes and continue their lives as normal. But he won't because Trump is no longer president. The "vaccine" is genocidal president.

Added: Trump announces US taxpayer funded military intervention to fight “drug cartels” in “Central America:” 

4/1/20, “President Trump Announces Major Drug Interdiction Effort Targeting Central American Cartels,tcth, sundance 


8 among comments

“Phil The media is not going to tell us anything, they are the gate keepers. The media tells us what they want us to know. I wasn’t born yesterday. I suspect there are lots of things going on behind the curtain. All I know is the whole world is in lockdown, people can’t pay rent or mortgage, no job, no money, no prospect of a job, not much food, people are in a real hurt right now. Can’t even go to church. I thought we had the right to assembly? There is no light at end of tunnel, there doesn’t seem to be any hope. kids aren’t going to finish school, they stay behind? or push into next grade? Some things that were normal a month ago are not normal now. Things are not going to be getting back to normal for a very very long time.”


We have to flood our country with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin and direct folks how to take it.. Make if freely available to anyone who wants it…for both prophylaxis and treatment. Let’s make the effort. I believe it will stem the tide of deaths and folks on respirators. Do it now and have the potential to save our economy. Wait and we’ll have tens of thousands more of deaths.”

“Sherri Young drg13miami  

I don’t think anyone needs azithromycin unless they are starting to get sick. The azithromycin is for a secondary bacterial infection.

In the meantime folks who think they might have been exposed can get some quercetin and zinc supplements. Quercetin works like hydroxychloroquine in that it allows zinc into the cells and disrupts coronavirus replication. 

No prescription needed. You can find these items at the health food stores.”


[Re: Above, great! If this is so, why are we still in cages?]

“California Joe  

From the New York Times today. Three typical patients with Coronavirus at a Manhattan hospital and three pending Coronavirus death statistics! 

One patient had lymphoma and heart failure. Another was 85 years old with metastatic cancer. A third was 83 and had dementia and lung disease. All were critically ill with the coronavirus, and, a doctor said, all were hooked up to ventilators in recent weeks at a major Manhattan hospital.””

“JohnCasper says: April 1, 2020 at 10:56 pm 

I’m not sure this is the best time. If this hysteria goes on much longer, a lot of Americans are going to need those drugs just to stay half way sane.”

“noswamp says: April 2, 2020 at 12:53 am 

The ramping of military forces to fight a “drug war” is code for building up enough forces in the area to take out Maduro. Expect that in the next few weeks. IMO.”

VandalizeDuhMastuhsAlgorithms says: April 1, 2020 at 11:51 pm 

And this too: 

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 

Upon information and belief, Iran or its proxies are planning a sneak attack on U.S. troops and/or assets in Iraq. If this happens, Iran will pay a very heavy price, indeed! 

10:05 AM – 1 Apr 2020″…
…………………………….. ….. 

“boomerbeth says: April 2, 2020 at 12:50 am 

CIA is distracting Trump..again. Can’t be trusted. Iran has too many catastrophic events with their leadership dying from covid-19 to instigate more chaos.”


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