Monday, April 6, 2020

Global survey of 6000+ doctors finds Hydroxychloroquine most effective treatment for Corona virus patients. % doctors use: Spain 72%, Italy 49%, US 23%, UK 13%. Recent FDA approval will increase US use. UK lags most countries in survey with only 13% use

"Hydroxychloroquine usage amongst COVID-19 treaters is 72% in Spain, 49% in Italy, 41% in Brazil, 39% in Mexico, 28% in France, 23% in US, 17% in Germany, 16% in Canada, 13% in UK and 7% in Japan.”

4/2/20, “Hydroxychloroquine is the ‘most effective therapy’ for coronavirus treatment: A global survey of over 6,000 doctors shows,” 

A global survey of more than 6,000 doctors conducted found that malarial drug hydroxychloroquine was the most highly rated treatment against the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19). 

The survey conducted by Sermo, a global health care polling company, found that 6,227 physicians in 30 countries found that 37% of those treating COVID-19 patients rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options.. 

Early this week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued emergency use authorization of anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine for treatment of coronavirus patients. Previously available for “off-label” use, the FDA now gives hospitals and doctors emergency permission to use the anti-malarial drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat coronavirus patients. 

The survey also found that the three most commonly prescribed treatments are 56% analgesics, 41% Azithromycin, and 33% Hydroxychloroquine. 

Below is a summary of the findings.


Additional source: NY Post 

Largest Statistically Significant Study by 6,200 Multi-Country Physicians on COVID-19 Uncovers Treatment Patterns and Puts Pandemic in Context.”...Online Survey Methodology 

April 2, 2020, “Hydroxychloroquine rated ‘most effective’ coronavirus treatment, poll of doctors finds,” NY Post, Natalie O’Neill  

An international poll of [6227] thousands of doctors rated the…anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus. 

Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday. 

The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries. 

“Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found. 

The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it…. 

To date, “there is no evidence” that any medicine “can prevent or cure the disease,” according to the World Health Organization [which is merely a Bill Gates crony PR outlet: "Gates Foundation gave WHO $300 million in 2013. “Few policy initiatives or normative standards set by the WHO are announced before they have been casually, unofficially vetted by Gates Foundation staff.”...The [virus] crisis has overwhelmed even the World Health Organization (WHO), the one U.N. agency that should have been most prepared."...WHO has long been a corrupt joke]. 

But Sermo CEO Peter Kirk called the polling results a “treasure trove of global insights for policymakers.” 

“Physicians should have more of a voice in how we deal with this pandemic and be able to quickly share information with one another and the world,” he said in a press release. 

The 30 countries where doctors were surveyed included Europe, South America and Australia — and no incentives were provided to participate, the company said.”


3/18/20, Bill Gates addresses coronavirus fears and hopes in AMA [Ask Me Anything],” Tech Crunch 


Added: In 2011, Bill Gates, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, others at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion, via NY Times, 10/12/2019:

Image 10/12/2019  from NY Times: “At Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan mansion in 2011, from left: James E. Staley, at the time a senior JPMorgan executive; former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers; Mr. Epstein; Bill Gates, Microsoft’s co-founder; and Boris Nikolic, who was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s science adviser.” 


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