Tuesday, April 28, 2020

For media persons who recently interviewed California physicians Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, here are latest NY City Covid-19 data should you wish to be accurate in future interviews. For example, there are only 10 virus patients in NY City hospitals as of 4/26/20

NY City Government Health Dept. charts below with latest Covid-19 data will help media personnel should they wish to be more accurate and up to date about New York City and Covid-19 than they were in their recent interviews with California physicians Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi. As charts below indicate, the big numbers are long gone, almost no one is in hospitals for Covid-19 now, as of April 26, there are only ten virus patients in hospitals in the entire City of New York. NY City is no different than anywhere else in that Covid-19 targeted mainly the elderly, age 75+ per chart below, with weak immune systems. For your reference, an April 15 CNN article below reports that CDC expanded the definition of deaths that may be “counted” as Covid-19 deaths: 

From New York City Government Health Dept. website, 4/27/20:

Above, as of April 26, a total of ten people are in NY City hospitals for virus

Above, on April 26 a total of 7 people died who were deemed Covid-19 related deaths though, per US gov. policy, it’s possible none of them were tested for Covid-19. “Probable” Covid-19 involvement is sufficient to be "counted" as a Covid-19 death.

Above, on 4/25, 800 “cases” reported. A “case” may not be exhibiting symptoms, may never exhibit symptoms, the person is just reported to have Covid-19 in their system.

Above, NY City deaths by age, as of 4/27/20. Total deaths include non-tested persons who may be considered probables. 


Added: New CDC rules allow deaths not tested for Covid-19 to be “counted” as Covid-19 deaths: 

4/15/20, US coronavirus death totals compiled by CDC will now include ‘probable’ cases," CNN, Washington 

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] is now counting “probable” cases of coronavirus among its tabulations, according to the agency’s website. 

The inclusion of such cases will add thousands to the total number of patients and deaths by including people who didn’t have a positive test but showed signs of having the virus…. 

Previously, the CDC was only counting cases that had been confirmed by them or cases where the agency had yet to confirm a test done by a local or private entity…. 

New York City’s Health Department said Tuesday it is now reporting “probable” Covid-19 deaths of individuals who have not been tested for the coronavirus but are presumed to be positive. The 4,059 probable cases pushed the death toll in New York City to nearly 11,000 victims.”…


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