Thursday, April 30, 2020

Opinion, not “science” called for imprisonment of millions of Americans and their children indefinitely. Per CNN, UK study wasn’t peer reviewed which of course is basic. Per Nature, UK study’s computer code was not made public. Trump acted on a UK opinion, not science

The 3/16/20 UK study’s prediction of 2.2 million American deaths was opinion and not science since the study hadn’t been published in a peer-reviewed journal, and its authors declined to make their code available to the public. No one in their right mind would use an unscientific study as a reason to imprison millions of Americans and their children indefinitely, yet on March 16, 2020, “the White House quickly “ did so, though at first saying it was only for 30 days.

Image: 15-day plan, became a 30 day plan, announced 3/16/20, 

CNN: UK study released on 3/16/20 predicting more than a million US deaths had not been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Image below: 3/16/20, Trump announces 30 day virus plan, White House, via CNN, 3/17/20 

CNN: The study, which has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal, was released on Monday [3/16/20] by London’s Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team,” and predicts more than a million deaths in the United States. 

3/17/20, US, UK coronavirus strategies shifted following epidemiologists’ ominous report,” CNN, Nick Paton Walsh

Added: Nature: UK study’s code predicting 2.2 million US deaths remains private. 4/2/20: “That code was not released when his [Ferguson’s] team’s projections on the coronavirus pandemic were first made public…The [UK] team is working with Microsoft to tidy up the code and make it available, Ferguson says.”…US White House “quickly followedUK study guidance on social distancing and ordered it for hundreds of millions of Americans: 

4/2/20, Special report: The simulations driving the world’s response to COVID-19,", David Ada 

The same model suggested that, with no action, the United States might face 2.2 million deaths; it was shared with the White House and new guidance on social distancing quickly followed.”…. 

“That code was not released when his team’s projections on the coronavirus pandemic were first made public, but the team is working with Microsoft to tidy up the code and make it available, Ferguson says.”

Above, UK’s Neil Ferguson

Added: Additional source that US government was immediatelyinfluenced” by UK study, NY Times, 3/17/20: UK study predicting 2.2 million US deaths influenced the White House to strengthen its measures to isolate members of the public: 
3/17/20, Behind the Virus Report that Jarred the US and the UK to Action,” NY Times, Mark Landler, Stephen Castle 

“It wasn’t so much the numbers themselves, frightening though they were, as who reported them: Imperial College London.” 

“American officials said the report, which projected up to 2.2 million deaths in the United States from such a spread, also influenced the White House to strengthen its measures to isolate members of the public."…


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Our confinement is loved today by some US governors but not for medical reasons. Mass civilian confinement was imagined by Bush cronies as a great military idea-Covid-19 and Red Dawn emails, Meyssan, Voltaire

Mass civilian confinement imagined by Bush cronies as a military idea is loved in 2020 by Macron and some US governors: “The U.S. military rule adopted by France has spread like the virus it is supposed to fight until the world economy is interrupted. Food problems are arising everywhere and, if nothing is done, famines will appear, including in certain sectors of rich countries.”...Beltway types in 2020 formed a virus discussion and action group to, as usual, save the nation from Trump.

April 28, 2020, “Covid-19 and The Red Dawn Emails,“ Thierry Meyssan
Image: “Dr. Richard Hatchett. He was an advisor to President George W. Bush, for whom he imagined mandatory confinement of the civilian population and now heads CEPI, the global coordination group for vaccine investment created by the Davos Forum around the Gates Foundation. He was the first to equate the Covid-19 epidemic with a “war” (sic).”

“The Covid-19 outbreak has so far killed more than 200,000 people and frightened billions more into panic. A panic that deprives most of them of any critical sense and pushes them to make or approve stupid political decisions. A group of personalities, Red Dawn, whose correspondence was revealed by Kaiser Health News and the New York Times website, managed to impose an apocalyptic ideology: China would have declared war on us and we could only protect ourselves by confining all civilians.” 

“In an earlier article [1], I demonstrated how frightening statistical predictions of the number of deaths that Covid-19 would cause were made by a charlatan, Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London, who has been repeatedly contradicted by the facts over the past two decades. 
I have also shown in another article [2] that the containment measures in China were not medically motivated, but politically motivated (the “Mandate from Heaven” theory).  It remains to be explained where the mandatory containment of everyone as practiced [by the US] in the West comes from. 

I spent weeks and weeks looking at epidemiological literature, but nowhere did I find any evidence of such a measure. Never in history has an epidemic been fought in this way. Then, a corner of the veil was indirectly lifted by correspondence revealed by Kaiser Health News: this measure had been planned by the Bush administration in 2005-07. 

The assignment of military and civilians 

In 2005, the US Department of Defense was studying how to prepare for bioterrorist attacks against US troops stationed abroad. Based on the neo-conservative principle that terrorists are foreigners and that they would not be able to enter US military facilities, the department was concerned about preventing attacks that soldiers might face during their sorties. Isolating sick soldiers in hospitals and placing healthy soldiers in barracks was a logical option. Moreover, U.S. military bases are small towns, designed to withstand sieges. One can live there for months without any problems. 

However, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld intended to transform society so that the distinction between civilian and military would disappear. Everyone could then be requisitioned for the total war on terror. This is what he explained in an op-ed published [9/27/2001] by the Washington Post [3]. 

Dr. Carter Mecher of the Department of Veterans Affairs and Dr. Richard Hatchett of the National Security Council have been asked to extend this military rule to civilians. They were only able to impose it on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2006, just before Rumfeld’s departure. 

It immediately sparked a storm of protest in the United States under the leadership of Professor Donald Henderson, who had headed both the John Hopkins University School of Public Health and the US epidemic response system. He – and all the doctors who spoke out at the time – believed that placing the entire population under house arrest made no medical sense and violated fundamental freedoms. It is nothing more and nothing less than the totalitarian drift of the administration that had passed the USA Patriot Act on the occasion of the September 11 attacks. 

It was not until 2017 that all official US documents mentioning this measure were destroyed by the Trump administration. Richard Hatchett became the director of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which coordinates global vaccine investments.
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[Image, 3/12/2020, “We are making every misstep leaders initially made…at the outset of pandemic panning in 2006...]

One of the Red Dawn e-mails. Dr. Lawler explicitly refers to the plan developed for President Bush by Drs. Mecher and Hatchett to place the civilian population under house arrest.

“Red Dawn”
Everyone followed the contradictions in the [2020] White House press briefings on the reaction to Covid-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House’s ephemeral scientific backer, advocated authoritarian measures to contain the epidemic, while apparently unconscious President Donald Trump opposed containment measures in the name of freedom for all. 

In order to prove the president’s incompetence, Dr. Fauci’s friends leaked some of their correspondence [4]. It appears that they formed a discussion and action group, the Red Dawn[5]. 

This name [Red Dawn] refers to a little-known operation by Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger who, in 1984, sent a delegation throughout Europe and Latin America seeking the help of the Allies in the face of an imminent invasion of the United States. The French Secretary of State for External Relations, Jean-Michel Baylet, told me about this grotesque attempt at manipulation: a host of US generals had come to Paris to expose in the most serious way possible that the world’s leading power was threatened by two small, poor states, Cuba and Nicaragua. In the room, the French diplomats, who could not believe their eyes at being taken for fools in this way, were pinching their lips so as not to laugh in their faces. To support this campaign, the Pentagon had a propaganda film made by Hollywood with Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen. Later, it used the name “Red Dawn” to refer to the operation to capture Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in 2003. 

By choosing to be called “Red Dawn”, the 37 personalities involved [in 1984] clearly display their visceral anti-communism.There is no longer a USSR, but the Communist Party still rules China, from where the epidemic originated….

Among the members of this [2020 alleged elite] group are the inevitable Drs. Anthony Fauci (Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and Robert Redfield (Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) as well as Drs. Carter Mecher (advisor to the Department of Veterans Affairs) and Richard Hatchett (Director of CEPI) who imposed the military rules of civilian containment during the Bush administration. 

Dr. Richard Hatchett’s ideas were taken up in full by French President Emmanuel Macron. We are at war and we must confine all civilians to their homes to protect ourselves. They have also been taken up by some US governors, but not by President Donald Trump. 

The rest is well known. Panic has gripped public opinion. Political leaders fearing that they will be accused of doing nothing are mimicking those who act. The U.S. military rule adopted by France has spread like the virus it is supposed to fight until the world economy is interrupted. Food problems are arising everywhere and, if nothing is done, famines will appear, including in certain sectors of rich countries.” 

Thierry Meyssan 

Roger Lagassé 

“[1] “Covid-19: Neil Ferguson, the Liberal Lyssenko” , by Thierry Meyssan , Translation Roger Lagassé , Voltaire Network , 20 April 2020.
[2] “Covid-19: propaganda and manipulation” , by Thierry Meyssan , Translation Pete Kimberley , Voltaire Network , 21 March 2020.
[3] “A New Kind of War”, Donald Rumsfeld, The Washington Post, September 27, 2001.
[4] Document : ‘Red Dawn’ Emails (80 p., 24,8 Mo).
[5] “‘Red Dawn Breaking Bad’: Officials Warned About Safety Gear Shortfall Early On, Emails Show”, Rachana Pradhan & Christina Jewett, Kaiser Health News, March 28, 2020; The ‘Red Dawn’ Emails: 8 Key Exchanges on the Faltering Response to the Coronavirus”, Eric Lipton, The New York Times, April 11, 2020; “The Social Distancing Origin Story : It Starts in the Middle Ages”, Eric Lipton & Jennifer Steinhauser, The New York Times, April 23, 2020.”

Added: “Then Chairs Conte and Macron made it mandatory to have an official form to go for a walk....The authoritarian decisions of Italy and France have no medical justification. They contradict the observations of the best infectiologists and the instructions of the World Health Organization.” 

3/21/20, “Covid-19: propaganda and manipulation,” Voltaire, Thierry Meyssan 

“Modern propaganda does not limit itself to publishing false news as the United Kingdom did to convince its people to enter the First World War, it drafts them as Germany did to convince its people to fight in the Second World War. The recipe is always the same: to exert psychological pressure to induce subjects to voluntarily practice acts that they know are useless, but which will lead them to believe and repeat falsehoods [5]….In the case of the Covid-19, it is the voluntary confinement in the home that forces the person who accepts it to convince himself of the veracity of the threat. 

Let us remember that never in history has the confinement of a healthy population been used to fight a disease. Above all, let us remember that this epidemic has had no significant consequences in terms of mortality…. 

According to the President of the Italian Council, Giuseppe Conte, and the French President, Emmanuel Macron, the aim of confining the entire population at home is not to overcome the epidemic, but to spread it out over time so that the sick do not arrive at the same time in hospitals and saturate them. In other words, it is not a medical measure, but an exclusively administrative one. It will not reduce the number of infected people, but will postpone it in time. 

In order to convince the Italians and the French of the merits of their decision, Presidents Conte and Macron first enlisted the support of committees of scientific experts. While these committees had no objection to people staying at home, they had no objection to people going about their business. Then Chairs Conte and Macron made it mandatory to have an official form to go for a walk. This document on the letterheads of the respective ministries of the interior is drawn up on honour and is not subject to any checks or sanctions…. 

It is too early to say what real goal the Conte and Macron governments are pursuing. The only thing that is certain is that it is not a question of fighting Covid-19.” 

Thierry Meyssan 

Pete Kimberley       

[1The Mandate of Heaven and The Great Ming Code, Jiang Yonglin, University of Washington Press (2011).

[2Human Extinction and the Pandemic Imaginary, Christos Lynteris, Routledge (2020).
[3] «Nouveau coronavirus : solidarité, collaboration et mesures d’urgence au niveau mondial s’imposent», Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Organisation mondiale de la Santé, 11 février 2020.
[4Pandemics, Science and Policy. H1N1 and the World Health Organization, Sudeepa Abeysinghe, Plagrave Macmillan (2015).
[5] “The techniques of modern military propaganda”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 18 May 2016.
[6] «“La chloroquine guérit le Covid-19” : Didier Raoult, l’infectiologue qui aurait le remède au coronavirus», Étienne Campion, Marianne, 19 mars 2020.
Thierry Meyssan
Political consultant, President-founder of the Réseau Voltaire (Voltaire Network). Latest work in English – Before Our Very Eyes, Fake Wars and Big Lies: From 9/11 to Donald Trump, Progressive Press, 2019″


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Indian and Caribbean races more likely to catch and die from Covid-19 per Kings College London study. Genetics determine 50% of certain Covid-19 symptoms-UK Telegraph, 4/15/20, 4/20/20, 4/27/20

“The data indicates that genes are around 50 per cent responsible for how badly infected people suffer from certain symptoms. In particular, it showed a strong genetic link to delirium, fever, fatigue, shortness of breath, diarrhoea and the loss of taste and smell.”… 

4/20/20,BAME patients face disproportionately high risk of death from coronavirus, new data shows,“ UK Telegraph, Henry Bodkin 

“Those who identified as being of Indian heritage made up worst affected group, accounting for three per cent of Covid-19 hospital deaths” 

Black, Asian and minority ethnic patients face a disproportionately high risk of death from coronavirus, new data showed as officials announced the lowest daily death toll for a fortnight. 

NHS England figures reveal that, of the 13,918 patients in hospital who tested positive for Covid-19 up to April 17, 16.2 per cent were of BAME background despite these communities making up only around 13 per cent of the total population. 

The statistics emerged three days after the Government ordered a review into why BAME patients appear to be disproportionately vulnerable to the virus.”… 

[“The first ten doctors to die from coronavirus were all from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds….The latest mortality figures showed more BAME health workers have died in recent days from suspected Covid-19, including a nurse and mother-of-five Josiane Zauma Ebonja Ekoli, aged 55, and.”…4/15/20, UK Telegraph ] 

Those who identified themselves as being of Indian heritage made up the single worst affected group, accounting for three per cent of Covid-19 hospital deaths, with those from the Caribbean the next largest group, accounting for 2.9 per cent."…[remainder subscription]



4/27/20, “Genes determine how severely people get coronavirus, study finds,” UK Telegraph, Henry Bodkin 

“New research could explain why black, Asian and minority ethnic patients face disproportionately high risk of death from virus.” 

“Genes determine how badly people suffer from coronavirus, a pioneering study that could explain why ethnic minority patients are worse affected has found. 

Research by King’s College London also suggests that genetic make-up may influence a person’s chances of catching the virus in the first place. 

The findings come from data submitted to a symptom tracking app that has been downloaded by 2.7 million people since it was launched on March 24 and an existing study comprising 2,600 twins. 

The data indicates that genes are around 50 per cent responsible for how badly infected people suffer from certain symptoms. In particular, it showed a strong genetic link to delirium, fever, fatigue, shortness of breath, diarrhoea and the loss of taste and smell."…[remainder subscription]


Like any democrat president, Jared Kushner is set on creating a national coronavirus surveillance system. With Jared in charge, Trump voters are getting the exact opposite of what they voted for-American Greatness, Gonzalez

4/24/20, “America Has a Jared Kushner Problem,American Greatness, Pedro Gonzalez

 “President Trump’s greatest weakness now is his inability to recognize that his son-in-law is the leader of a faction within the White House whose interests come at the expense of the very people who voted for him.” 

If President Donald Trump is serious about draining the swamp, he ought to start with his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. 

Kushner raised eyebrows when he strutted into the role of pandemic point man for the White House, alongside his former roommate and a handful of McKinsey and Company management consultants. As Chris Buskirk wrote in these pages, Team McKinsey has “a history of doing little more than helping failing institutions fail in style while growing rich in the process.” 

Project Airbridge, Kushner’s plan to take the reins of the Federal Emergency Management Agency supply-chain task force and partner with private companies to fly health care supplies to New York City from China, lived up to the McKinsey style. 

Never mind that the Chinese government, through state-run media, threatened to plunge America into “the mighty sea of coronavirus” as we grappled with the pandemic. Kushner’s solution for a problem caused by China, and exacerbated by our manufacturing dependency on that country, was to turn to Beijing for “help.” Managed decline, brought to you by Kushner and McKinsey and Company. 

Kushner’s record in the public and private sector is long and mediocre.…His immigration plan, shopped to GOP senators in a PowerPoint presentation, was dismissed as “laughably simplistic.” His plan for the Palestinian economy was lampooned by Michael J. Koplow of the Israel Policy Forum as “the Monty Python version of Israeli-Palestinian peace, where no contention is too absurd to be floated.” 

Nevertheless, the president looks on as Kushner performs the political equivalent of jamming square pegs in round holes, encouraging him to try and try again. 

Amid the sound and fury of the pandemic, most people didn’t notice that it was a health insurance company closely connected to KushnerOscar Health, that undertook development for a coronavirus website in partnership with the government. 

Kushner’s younger brother Joshua co-founded Oscar and is a major investor in the company, “and Jared Kushner partially owned or controlled Oscar before he joined the White House,” according to an exclusive report in the Atlantic. Though Oscar did the work free of charge before abruptly shutting down, it rightly raised the hackles of ethics lawyers. 

It’s not typical. It’s usually not allowed,” said Jessica Tillipman, an assistant dean at the George Washington University School of Law and an expert on anti-corruption law. “The concern, when you have some free services, is that it makes the government beholden to the company,” Tillipman added. If something is free, it means the consumer is also the product. 

Kushner consistently has played down events, yet, according to Politico, he’s pining for the creation ofnational coronavirus surveillance system. The system is intended to give the government information about patients and treatment in real-time, aiming at Kushner’s goal of providing “informed, data-driven decisions.” 

It would, of course, come at the cost of privacy, harvesting a trove of data in a world where such a resource is lucrative, all while placing Kushner—a man who is “Beijing’s point of interest in the administrationat the center of it all.”…

Among comments


So all this is on President Trump, isn’t it? If he cannot recognise when his election-campaign-period promises are being advanced and when they are being retarded; if he has for a priority aggrandising his daughter and son-in-law; then he is part of the Problem, not part of the Solution of
* Continuous mass immigration to the USA * The ownership of American politics by a Corrupt Swamp in DC. Ann Coulter has been noticing these features of his administration for two years now. How long does it take everyone else to catch up?”


Bingo. I have been banned from Gateway Pundit permanently and censored on other supposedly conservative sites repeatedly, not to mention constantly berated as a “libtard”, “commie”, “Democrat”, etc. for calling this out over the past 2 years. The Trump cultists are NO better than the the Obama cultists were, but they are too ignorant to understand this, and it is likely to cost President Kushner a second term.”


For media persons who recently interviewed California physicians Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, here are latest NY City Covid-19 data should you wish to be accurate in future interviews. For example, there are only 10 virus patients in NY City hospitals as of 4/26/20

NY City Government Health Dept. charts below with latest Covid-19 data will help media personnel should they wish to be more accurate and up to date about New York City and Covid-19 than they were in their recent interviews with California physicians Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi. As charts below indicate, the big numbers are long gone, almost no one is in hospitals for Covid-19 now, as of April 26, there are only ten virus patients in hospitals in the entire City of New York. NY City is no different than anywhere else in that Covid-19 targeted mainly the elderly, age 75+ per chart below, with weak immune systems. For your reference, an April 15 CNN article below reports that CDC expanded the definition of deaths that may be “counted” as Covid-19 deaths: 

From New York City Government Health Dept. website, 4/27/20:

Above, as of April 26, a total of ten people are in NY City hospitals for virus

Above, on April 26 a total of 7 people died who were deemed Covid-19 related deaths though, per US gov. policy, it’s possible none of them were tested for Covid-19. “Probable” Covid-19 involvement is sufficient to be "counted" as a Covid-19 death.

Above, on 4/25, 800 “cases” reported. A “case” may not be exhibiting symptoms, may never exhibit symptoms, the person is just reported to have Covid-19 in their system.

Above, NY City deaths by age, as of 4/27/20. Total deaths include non-tested persons who may be considered probables. 


Added: New CDC rules allow deaths not tested for Covid-19 to be “counted” as Covid-19 deaths: 

4/15/20, US coronavirus death totals compiled by CDC will now include ‘probable’ cases," CNN, Washington 

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] is now counting “probable” cases of coronavirus among its tabulations, according to the agency’s website. 

The inclusion of such cases will add thousands to the total number of patients and deaths by including people who didn’t have a positive test but showed signs of having the virus…. 

Previously, the CDC was only counting cases that had been confirmed by them or cases where the agency had yet to confirm a test done by a local or private entity…. 

New York City’s Health Department said Tuesday it is now reporting “probable” Covid-19 deaths of individuals who have not been tested for the coronavirus but are presumed to be positive. The 4,059 probable cases pushed the death toll in New York City to nearly 11,000 victims.”…


Monday, April 27, 2020

Covid-19 makes clear its #1 target group is the elderly with comorbidities, especially those in nursing homes. As to “waiting for a vaccine,” high school biology teaches that vaccination doesn’t work for prospective or mutated new viruses-The New Meaning of Genocide, Stephen Karganovic

Immunological deficiency [eg, the elderly in nursing homes with comorbidities] is the principal condition propitiating the spread of the Corona virus....Mass lockdowns, causing sun and vitamin deprivation, as well as depression and other debilitating psychological conditions, has the effect of increasing instead of reducing the immunological vulnerability.”The fact that dissent within the scientific community isn’t tolerated is “the most persuasive indication of the narrative’s extreme fragility....An alert high school biology well aware that vaccination does not work for prospective or mutated new viruses.On March 23, “soldiers sent to disinfect nursing homes in Madrid discovered dozens of elderly residents dead in their beds.“…Per AP, 40% of US Covid-19 deaths occur at nursing homes. 

4/26/20,The New Meaning of Genocide,Stephen Karganovic, Strategic Culture 

“The Corona virus put-on job has now been exposed for the brazen social engineering scheme, potential vaccination rip-off (and here), and ideologically driven mass population reduction project that it had always been, from the start. 

We now have all the basic facts we require to deconstruct the mendacious, hysteria inducing narrative that was concocted to bludgeon the imprisoned world into submissive acquiescence to its self-destruction. 

The key fact that the Covid-19 virus is a laboratory product and therefore man-made was authoritatively established by French Prof. Luc Montagnier who recently disclosed the results of his laboratory analysis of the virus genome. He found it to be laced with spliced-in HIV sequences, which effectively excludes the possibility of its being the product of a natural process. (Prof. Montaigner put it extremely delicately: “in fact, part of the virus, not the whole, has been manipulated”.) Was it manipulated by bats in some Chinese caves? Prof. Montaigner, incidentally, is eminently qualified to speak on the subject as he was in 2008 a recipient of the Nobel Prize in medicine for identifying the HIV virus. The fact that as soon as he let the cat out of the bag he became subjected to harsh denunciation (here and here) by all the right circles lends powerful support to the credibility of his findings. 

Essentially the same conclusions were reached even earlier, in February, by a group of Indian scientists and published in a paper entitledUncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HI,V-1 gp120 and Gag.”

Reassuringly, under ferocious pressure and ridicule by fake news commissars (and here), the scientists were compelled to withdraw their bold paper, because it appeared to have crossed the line of permissible Corona virus discourse even before Prof. Montaigner came out with his assertions. All the more reason to pay serious attention to the glaringly obvious and undeniably significant implications of these fully congruent findings. 

Underlining the fact that we have been plunged, without consent and mostly without awareness, into a post-truth world, facts have largely been supplanted by narratives. And narratives are essentially politically convenient fairy tales that nobody sincerely believes but practically everyone must publicly adhere to in order to hold on to what little reputation and dwindling benefits they’ve got left. Team player adherence to public lies (sorry, fairy tales) is a test of good global citizenship. 

It is a test that to their moral credit the French professor and the Indian researchers have obviously and perhaps to their lasting professional detriment–failed. 

Fortunately, the ranks of non-team players in the Corona virus controversy, with all the lurking personal perils that poses, have actually been growing, rather than shrinking. 

We are indebted to Dr. Shiva Ayadurai, a brave Indian-American scientist, for making us aware that immunological deficiency is the principal condition propitiating the spread of the Corona virus and that mass lockdowns, causing sun and vitamin deprivation, as well as depression and other debilitating psychological conditions, has the effect of increasing instead of reducing the immunological vulnerability of the human organism. 

Another scientist with impeccable credentials, Dr Rashid Buttar, has argued compellingly that the prevalent Corona virus narrative does not add up. Predictably, this non-team player has also been subjected to brutal media assaults and his public statements have provoked the fury of the political correctness commissariat. In Dr Buttar’s view, anyone who is supporting the use of vaccination to combat COVID-19 is either ignorant or has some hidden agenda or is financially motivated. 

The basic fundamentals of how the human body works are, he argues, ignored and in the process, and while ostensibly treating patients infected by the virus, basic neurological, physical, virological and medical principles are being violated or simply put aside. Not without reason, Dr Buttar points out that people with expert knowledge are silent either because of social pressures or fear of losing their license. 

The concerted effort to blot out every opinion, no matter how qualified, which does not conform to the narrative, on the specious pretext that it “violates YouTube’s terms of service” or the mysteriously undefined “community guidelines,” is undoubtedly the most persuasive indication of the narrative’s extreme fragility. While some competent critiques still manage to squeak through the “bodyguard of lies” (herehere, and here), all the algorithms have been activated to keep non-conforming, question and doubt-provoking opinions off the table and out of the purview of the immature and irresponsible masses…. 

What is the meta-script...behind this impressive global production? The dark intimations that in “elite” circles there may be an intense interest in reducing the excessive number of useless eaters to a smaller and more docile cohort of helot-like servants are not without empirical basis. Why the fanatical insistence on mass vaccination on a global scale, for our own good of course, although the concept would not even pass the scrutiny of an alert high school biology student, who is well aware that vaccination does not work for prospective or mutated new viruses? Or are we all expected now to fall prey precisely to Covid-19 and be vaccinated willy-nilly against its ravages? On whose authority are wealthy private individuals with no medical training but close financial ties to the pharmacological industry announcing public health policy measures and determining the particulars and duration of their application? 

What arcane foreknowledge enabled them to presciently predict the current pandemic several years ago and then suspiciously again, last year several months in advance of its appearance? May the health and welfare of billions of human beings be safely entrusted to self-proclaimed “philanthropists” whose actions are driven entirely by the profit motive, in its various financial, ideological, and perhaps even occult forms? Will billions of people succumb to a corporate media induced mass hysteria and allow profit-making unknown substances to be injected into their bodies, in complete disregard of the fact that on previous occasions similar forms of “relief” had wrought devastation and havoc throughout Asia and Africa, and wherever else they had been administered? 

Humanity has good reason to fear and tremble, not so much at the dreaded disease as at its potentially terrifying cure, which we are told is in the making (perhaps in the same laboratories where the disease was concocted) and undoubtedly will soon be unveiled.”
