Wednesday, March 4, 2020

America can't be great again as long as US taxpayers are forced to fund “moderate beheaders,” Christian holocausts, terrorist caliphates, and other crimes against humanity in Idlib. Russia is our only hope to end US taxpayer funded genocide of Syria

So-called “humanitarian disaster” in Idlib is created and funded by US taxpayers enslaved from birth to terror sponsor US government: Turkey and the West manipulate all the numbers and make it look that it is catastrophe caused by the Syrian government, when it is exactly the opposite. It is the Idleb jihadists who attacked Aleppo and bombarded civilians, it was them who stole thousands of factories and transferred them to Turkey.”

2/27/20, “Why the civilians of Idlib escaping to Turkey?" Syriana Analysis, You Tube Channel 

“Why the civilians of Idlib are escaping to Turkey and not to the [Syrian] government-held areas?” 

Among comments: 

Dahi Lammoth5 days ago (edited) 

Hi Kevork, I am from Mhardeh, which is the largest Christian town in Syria, for our bad luck it was situated on the frontline between North Hama and Southern Idleb, and for years it was border of cruel battles. My town was obviously attacked for being Christian, for many years defended itself against radical rebels and despite all the denial that came from the terror groups, they hated us because of our faith and way of living. Mhardeh was relatively rich town. I have friend from Khan Sheykhoun, who told me the entire tactic of the militant groups there. He also now lives in Europe, like me. They have expelled all minorities from these areas and stole their property which was divided between the 

militants, they also implemented sharia law so that they send a message to us. You can’t go here. This was more than obvious from all the video clips. These clips were very carefully made. You cannot find women there or in the rare occasions they were all with niqab – this was a message for us, do not come back, you are infidels. If an Idleb family sends three of their sons to join the jihadi groups, they receive bigger part of the land, houses or cars that were stolen. Then. later, they started to attack even the rich sunni families who were also expelled and their property was taken and shared to the militants. They even required from Syrians who live in foreign countries and have families in Idleb to pay taxes in order these armed bands to “protect” them. Many families were attracted to join the rebels, these people were from poorest layers of Syrian society and they saw an opportunity for “revanchism” and fast way to become rich. They expelled all minorities and rich to middle class Sunni citizens. Now many of these poor families realize their mistake after so many foreign militants infiltrated their ranks. For years these people were being lied to, they were promised more land, they received salaries from Turkey and Gulf countries and now they are locked in camps. In most Idleb cities there is no electricity, no water, not even primitive environment for living, they are fully dependent on Turkey and Erdogan take advantage of them, they are now just tools. Turkey and the West manipulate all the numbers and make it look that it is catastrophe caused by the Syrian government, when it is exactly the opposite. It is the Idleb jihadists who attacked Aleppo and bombarded civilians, it was them who stole thousands of factories and transferred them to Turkey we hear they were sold for cheap. But hopefully soon all this nightmare will end.” 

ProMedia5 days ago 

Yes, Kevork there is one more major factor:
“playing cards”. Every time Europe criticize him,
he responds with threats to open the gates
and send millions of refugees to Europe!
Not to mention billions of Euros of
humanitarian assistance, as “help for
hosting so many refugees”.”

Additional comment:

Mila Lewis5 days ago 

Indeed. I’m surprised how rarely people


Added: “Question to Trump & all Dem Candidates: Do you want to protect AQ or defeat them? Voters have a right to know." 

March 2, 2020, “Tulsi Gabbard @TulsiGabbard 


Added: US taxpayers are forced to fund Christian holocaust along with other crimes against humanity in Syria. Nuremberg trials were held by a military tribunal. What military tribunal will immediately begin trials against the US for its war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria? 

10/4/2018: “Liberate Idlib and Syria: The Martyred of Mhardeh Speak Through the Ones They’ve Left Behind,” Mint Press News, Eva Bartlett 

“Mhardeh is a Christian town of 23,000 people. It is also on the front line of confrontation against the Idlib terrorists who have attacked the town and its people for seven years [as of 2018, 9 years as of March 2020).”
MHARDEH, SYRIA–(War Report): On September 7, [2018] Mhardeh, a small Christian town in northern Hama, was targeted with nine Grad missilessix of which were fitted with internationally-prohibited cluster sub-munitions — by al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists roughly four kilometers away from the town center, occupying the northern Hama countryside areas of Ltamenah and surroundings.Four days later, I went to Mhardeh and took the testimony of a man who lost everything to the terrorist attack: his wife, three young children, and mother were all killed in the initial bombardment. 

By September 19, a total of 13 civilians had died as a result of the September 7 terrorist attack, including four who had sustained critical injuries. One of those four was a 15-year-old boy who had received shrapnel to his brain, as reported by Vanessa Beeley, who had visited the then-critically injured teen in hospital on September 9.

According to Mhardeh’s National Defense Forces (NDF), the attackers were Jaysh al-Izza, a group that works directly with al-Qaeda in Syria, as documented by a September 7, 2018 video celebrating the firing of an elephant rocket on northern Hama. Jaysh al-Izza was previously backed by the U.S. and operates in northern Hama and southern Idlib areas. 

In previous years, Jaysh al-Izza targeted the power station in Mhardeh and the Mhardeh monastery, as well as launching countless strikes on civilian neighbourhoods.

Also, on September 7 [2018], the UN Security Council (UNSC) met to warn Syria’s government “against the use of chemical weapons” in Idlib — something the Syrian government had been repeatedly warning the UN about for weeks prior, specifying that terrorists within Idlib, and the White Helmets propaganda front, had been moving canisters of chlorine around in preparation for a new staged chemical attack. The Syrian and Russian governments warned that children who had been abducted from Idlib and the Aleppo countryside would be used in staged videos, surely to star the fake-rescuers of the White Helmets. 

But at the UNSC, the United States continued its hypocritical exceptionalism, again blaming Syria and Russia for alleged attacks not even yet faked by Washington’s terrorist allies in Syria. 

On the same day as the massacre in Mhardeh, residents in Ltamenah, one of the northern Hama terrorist bases, held a protest condemning any reconciliations of armed Syrian militants with the Syrian government. Reconciliations are precisely what would bring an end to the missile tyranny of these terrorists occupying Idlib, north Hama, and parts of Aleppo province. 

On September 9 [2018], terrorists in Madir Citadel, a northern Hama region, targeted the Christian town of al-Skalbiyye. Beeley, who went there the following day, wrote:

“Last night around 6 p.m., 10 Grad Missiles containing cluster bombs were fired into the Christian town of al-Skalbiyye. Thirteen bomblets had been found and detonated, [including] three while I was interviewing two residents — by the same bomb disposal expert as in Mhardeh. 

Madir Citadel is entirely under the control of Al Qaeda (Nusra Front), Ahrar Al Sham and Jaish Al Islam, all working together.””…

On taking up arms to defend his town and country, like so many civilians have all over Syria, al-Wakil said: 

“We are civilians but, due to the terror attacks, we decided to be steadfast, and to stand with President Bashar al-Assad and our Syrian Arab Army. Indeed, what they have faced, no other army in the world has faced.

For seven years we’ve been subjected to terrorism in Mhardeh. But, again recently we were attacked, and the towns of as-Skaylbeyyeh and Salhab were attacked, with internationally prohibited cluster-bomb rockets, by terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra.”” 

And yet, no condemnation from the Western powers that are so concerned about civilians in Idlib and the pending move by the Syrians, Russians and allies to liberate that province from al-Qaeda & Co…. 

America’s rhetoric of late was that they would strike Syria if there was some sort of chemical incident. Russia and Syria had for weeks been warning that terrorists together with the White Helmets were planning on staging, indeed already filming, another fake chemical attack story precisely to bring such an [US taxpayer funded] American attack on Syria, at a time when Idlib would be liberated. 

Then the U.S. upped its rhetoric to specify it would strike not only if there was a chemical incident, but if there is any attack on Idlib, where  there are, by a modest estimate, at least 70,000 extremists (or more likely 100,000 terrorists) with heavy weapons, including tens of thousands fully affiliated with al-Qaeda. There are also Ahrar al-Sham, and child-beheading Nour al-Din al-Zenki, under the coalition, the Turkish-backed “National Liberation Front”.

On September 17, [2018] Russia and Turkey came to an agreement on a demilitarized zone — which is, in theory, to clear al-Qaeda and its heavy weaponry from the to-be-established DMZ, to avoid mass civilian casualties in the fight to liberate Idlib of al-Qaeda. 

As with liberations prior — Aleppo, Ghouta, Daraa and elsewhere in Syria — Russia and Syria have opened humanitarian corridors to enable civilians to leave areas occupied by terrorists, to avoid the coming fighting. And as with prior humanitarian corridors (including one I was standing on in November 2016, before Aleppo was liberated), terrorists have been firing on and shelling the Abu Duhur crossing in eastern Idlib. 

Further, as with previous corridors established to enable civilians to flee to safety, they are being forcibly prevented from doing so by the “moderate rebels” inside. That said, numbers of civilians have recently exited via the Abu al-Duhur corridor. 

Whatever Western leaders are saying about Idlib, Syrians want Idlib returned without a terrorist presence. 

For Shadi Shehda, who lost everything dear to him in the September 7 terrorist bombings, the liberation of Idlib and its environs is a priority: 

“What’s is important for us now, just one thing, is liberating from outside Mhardeh to Idlib. Idlib has become a serious burden to Syria and a burden most of all to Mhardeh. All that has happened here is because of Idlib.””

Added: 7/14/2017,Moderate Beheaders” funded by US tax dollars by order of terror sponsor Trump surround Christian City in Syria:
Western Backed Moderate Beheaders Surround Syria’s Largest Christian City Mhardeh and Hama,”

Christian in Syria: “We know if the terrorists come, we have no chance. They think we’re infidels. They’ll either make us slaves or kill us.”


2016, Aleppo, “GRAPHIC: US-backed “moderate beheaders” massacre children and woman in Aleppo[No “White Helmets” jihadist “brave rescuers” in sight]

“Takfiri [foreign jihadists] Hell Cannons shell Aleppo residential areas and hospital”


Added: Syrian Christians were saved by Russia, not the US:  

6/21/2018,Mideast Christians See Russia—not the US—as Defender of Their Faith,”, Jayson Casper  

“Perplexed by America on Syria, Russian evangelicals and Middle East Christians debate if Moscow really cares.” 

““Syrians believe the United States has the power to stop the conflict—if it wants to.” 


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