Friday, March 13, 2020

To rehearse war against Russia, thousands of US troops, tons of US tanks arrive in Europe. Billions of Euros must be spent to accommodate US tanks. Like coronavirus, NATO is a parasite on host nations draining vital public resources-Manlio Dinucci

“US Army Europe requested the establishment of a “Military Schengen Zone"…for war tanks."The reckless risk-taking with regard to inflaming a coronavirus pandemic is typical of NATO’s obsolete purpose. Like the disease itself, NATO is a parasite on host nations draining vital public resources. This organization should be “self-isolating”…30 years too late.”

3/12/20, “NATO and COVID-19: a Parasitical Disease in Europe,” Finian Cunningham 

3/12/20, “In the closed Europe of the coronavirus, the European Union opens the doors to the troops of the United States,” Manlio Dinucci, Voltaire

30,000 US soldiers are landing in various countries of the European Union without observing the sanitary measures decreed by the EU Member States. Is the high command of the United States Army a gang of incompetents who uselessly endanger the lives of their soldiers or are they already vaccinated against the coronavirus?" 

The defense ministers of the 27 member countries of the European Union – which has 22 NATO members – met on March 4 and 5 in Zagreb (Croatia). The central theme of the meeting was not how to deal with the coronavirus crisis – for which it was already decided to restrict all movements of the population – but how to promote "military mobility."

The decisive test in this regard is the exercise Defender Europe 20 (Defender of Europe 2020), scheduled for the months of April and May. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who participated in that European Union meeting, defined it asthe largest deployment of US forces in Europe since the end of the cold war.” 

And 20,000 US soldiers are already arriving in Europe to participate in this exercise, which will also include the participation of another 10,000 US military personnel – who were already deployed on European soil and 7,000 soldiers from member countries of NATO, as confirmed by the US Army Europe (the United States ground forces in Europe). All of these [37,000+] soldiers “will spread throughout the European region.” 

The US troops will bring 33,000 items of military equipment, from their personal weapons to huge Abrams tanks, which implies the use of the necessary infrastructure to guarantee the transport of all that war material. 

However, there is a problem, highlighted in a report of the European Parliament in February of this year:

Since 1999, European infrastructure has been developed solely for civilian purposes. But military mobility has once again become a key issue for NATO. As NATO lacks tools to improve military mobility in Europe, the European Union, which does have the necessary legislative and financial tools to do so, plays an indispensable role.” 

The Action Plan on Military Mobility, presented in 2018 by the European Commission, plans to modify “infrastructures that are not adapted to the weight or dimensions of military vehicles.” For example, if a bridge cannot support the weight of a tank column, it will have to be reinforced or rebuilt. Following this criterion, the load test of the new bridge that will replace the Morandi bridge, which collapsed in Genoa, will have to be done with 70-ton Abrams tanks. Of course, these modifications – useless for civilian use – involve large expenses, expenses that the member countries will have to bear...with a "possible financial contribution from the European Union". 

Consequently, the European Commission has planned a first allocation of 30 billion euros, money that comes from public funds, that is, from our pockets. The Action Plan further provides “to simplify customs formalities for military operations and the transport of dangerous military-type goods." 

The US Army Europe requested the establishment of a ” Military Schengen Zone,” only that freedom of movement will not be for civilians but for war tanks. 

The Defender Europe 20 exercise-as stated at the Zagreb meeting-will allow "uncovering any obstacle to military mobility and the European Union will have to remove it.”


[Maps: “Bayern,” (Bavaria in German) is close to Northern Italy] 

The European Union terrestrial communications network will thus be tested by 30,000 US soldiers who "will spread throughout the European region" and who will be exempt from the rules adopted against the coronavirus. This has already been confirmed in the video on the arrival in Bavaria (Germany), on March 6, of the first 200 American soldiers. In the Italian region of Lombardy, a few hundred kilometers away, the strictest regulations apply, but in Bavaria-where the first European contagion of coronavirus was found-the American soldiers who got off the plane shook hands with representatives of the German authorities and kissed their companions without masks. Could it be that they are already vaccinated against the coronavirus? 

It is also worth asking, what is the objective of "the largest deployment of US forces in Europe since the end of the cold war", supposedly to “protect Europe from any threat ”--clear reference to the ” Russian threat ”,- when Europe Are you in crisis due to the threat of coronavirus? (There is even a case of coronavirus at NATO headquarters in Brussels.) 

And, as the US Army Europe announces that “troop and material movements in Europe will last until July,other questions arise: Will the 20,000 US troops return to the United States or will they remain in Europe with all their armament? 

Will it turn out that the “defender” is actually the true invader of Europe?” 

Manlio Dinucci


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