Sunday, March 22, 2020

Crowdstrike PR firm says Crowdstrike never said Russia stole emails, didn’t investigate release of emails. But FBI says Crowdstrike blamed Russia. Crowdstrike co-founder Alperovitch resigns, says will start new non-profit

2/20/20, Crowdstrike co-founder Dmitri Alperovitch resigns, says will launch new non-profit in national security and foreign policy area. from, Kovacs:

FBI Director Comey said “the conclusion of “Russian hacking” was made by Crowdstrike.”…But Crowdstrike PR firm now says please correct the record. Crowdstrike did not do any investigations around the release of the information.” 

3/9/20, “A Personal Liberty editor’s note sends a shudder across the deep state,”, Jay Baker 

“Sometimes it’s the things that seem so innocuous in the beginning that turn out to have big consequences. 

On February 28 we picked up a wire story headlined, “Trump seeks to boost Sanders and foment discord among Democrats” that originally ran in the Los Angeles Times. [by Noah Bierman] Our rights to the story expire after 90 days so we provide you with a link to the original as well as to the story as it appeared on our site.) 

We inserted editor’s notes from Bob Livingston in the story, as we sometimes do, to counter the fake news being peddled by the LA Times. It seems that one editor’s note in particular caught the attention of the deep state. It was this one: 

[LA Times:] Russian intelligence operatives stole and released thousands of internal emails and other documents in an effort to boost Trump’s chances, according to U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies. (Editor’s note: This is fake news. While it’s oft-repeated by the propagandists in the MSM legacy corporate media, there is no evidence that the emails were stolen and released by “Russian intelligence operatives. The emails were released by WikiLeaks and an entity called Guccifer 2.0. WikiLeaks denies it got them from any Russians, and Julian Assange has hinted that they were stolen by murdered DNC operative Seth Rich. The FBI was denied access to the emails and the conclusion that they were stolen and released by “Russian intelligence operatives” was made by the DNC-hired cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which has ties to Ukrainian oligarchs and the Council on Foreign Relations. –BL)”

After we wrote the note and published the article, we barely gave it another thought. After all, we’ve included notes like this hundreds of times. But a few days later, on March 3, we received the following email in our customer service department: 


My firm works with CrowdStrike and we read your article titled “Trump seeks to boost Sanders and foment discord among Democrats” ( []). We need to request important updates to the article. 

The article states that the “FBI was denied access to the emails and the conclusion that they were stolen and released by ‘Russian intelligence operatives’ was made by the DNC-hired cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which has ties to Ukrainian oligarchs and the Council on Foreign Relations.” This is incorrect. 

CrowdStrike’s founders have no connections to Ukraine. The company also provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI that they requested, and the conclusions have been fully supported by the US Intelligence community ( Additionally, CrowdStrike was hired by the DNC to respond to the suspected breach of its servers, and did not do any investigations around the release of the information. 

Could you please update the article for accuracy to clarify that CrowdStrike does not have ties to Ukraine, and that the company was hired by the DNC to investigate the hack of the servers?

Thank you, 

John Eddy Executive Vice President Goldin Solutions” 

In addition to Crowdstrike, Goldin Solutions represents multibillion-dollar globalist corporations like JP Morgan Chase and Co., Intel, BBC America, Stein Mart, Kay jewelers and Time and Fortune magazines. It also represents PETA, New York Senate Democrats, AMC Networks, Cumulus, IFC and individuals like former Barak Obama and now Mike Bloomberg aid Steve Rattner. That makes it quite curious that Eddy, the No. 2 man at Goldin, would personally send an email to Personal Liberty referencing an editor’s note on a post that, at the time, had 175 total views.

So I responded to Mr. Eddy with this email: 

“Mr. Eddy, 

Thank you for your email. It appears your concerns stem from this editor’s note in the article you linked.

(Editor’s note: This is fake news. While it’s oft-repeated by the propagandists in the MSM legacy corporate media, there is no evidence that the emails were stolen and released by “Russian intelligence operatives.” The emails were released by WikiLeaks and an entity called Guccifer 2.0. WikiLeaks denies it got them from any Russians, and Julian Assange has hinted that they were stolen by murdered DNC operative Seth Rich. The FBI was denied access to the emails and the conclusion that they were stolen and released by “Russian intelligence operatives” was made by the DNC-hired cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which has ties to Ukrainian oligarchs and the Council on Foreign Relations. –BL)

You state “CrowdStrike’s founders have no connections to Ukraine.” We did not state that “Crowdstrike’s founders” have connections to Ukraine. There are multiple media reports linking Crowdstrike to Ukrainan oligarch Victor Pinchuk. See here, here and here:

You state: “The company also provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI that they requested, and the conclusions have been fully supported by the US Intelligence community.” The editor’s note states that the FBI was denied access to the emails. 

There are multiple media reports, and testimony from FBI Director Comey, that DNC emails and servers were not made available to the FBI and that the conclusion of “Russian hacking” was made by Crowdstrike. See here, here, here, here and here. 

If you have information to the contrary from independent media, we’d gladly consider it and perhaps even write about it.

Jay Baker” 

We are yet to receive a response from Eddy.

However, in addition to sending this response to Eddy we forwarded the exchange to attorney Ty Clevenger of the blog Clevenger writes about his efforts to expose corruption among members of the Deep State and has gone after Hillary Clinton and some of her staffers and minions. We have run some of his columns on Personal Liberty. 

He is currently representing businessman Ed Butowsky in a lawsuit  against CNN, The New York Times, Vox Media and host of others for accusing Butowsky of being a political operative of Donald Trump and claiming he was pushing a false narrative for working the family of Seth Rich and claiming that Rich was murdered for leaking the emails of Clinton, John Podesta and other DNC operatives to Wikileaks. 

Clevenger sought and we gave permission for him to forward our email exchange to his friends at Gateway Pundit, which has been reporting extensively on the Russia collusion hoax. After confirming the details of our exchange, including getting Eddy to admit he had contacted us about the editor’s note, Gateway Pundit published an article on March 6 headlined, “Breaking Exclusive: Crowdstrike and Their PR firm Now Distance Themselves from Russia’s Link to Wikileaks – HUGE DEVELOPMENT.”
The article demonstrates how the mainstream media’s groupthink narrative that Russian operatives hacked the DNC’s servers and leaked the pilfered emails to WikiLeaks has fallen apart.

This admission by Eddy is key: “Additionally, CrowdStrike was hired by the DNC to respond to the suspected breach of its servers, and did not do any investigations around the release of the information.” That’s because former FBI Director James Comey admitted in congressional testimony that the FBI was denied access to the DNC servers and relied on information from Crowdstrike regarding the “hack” by Russians. Yet Eddy has now said that Crowdstrike “did not do any investigations around the release of the information (the hack).” If Crowdstrike didn’t, and the FBI didn’t, then who did? 

The answer, of course, is no one did. It’s just another deep state fabrication.

Rasmussen Reports retweeted the Gateway Pundit article after it published. Later, Rasmussen Reports tweeted:

“This new exclusive by @gatewaypundit seems to have energized reps from ‘news’ outlets that published so many now proven falsehoods for 3 years. Our polling shows voters didn’t buy their fables, no longer trust U.S. political media, & don’t believe many answers given by gov. 


— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) March 6, 2020” 

Seems the MSM have been put in a dither and Eddy and Goldin Solutions have done their client a disservice. There’s an old adage about letting sleeping dogs lie. 

But Eddy, either on behalf of or at the urging of (or both) Crowdstrike, has turned a simple editor’s note into an admission that is roiling the deep state. If he’d have left it alone it would have disappeared down the memory hole as the LA Times originally intended (even though we didn’t let them off the hook as almost everyone else did).” 

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