Monday, February 17, 2020

Every single Syrian death in the 9+ year conflict is legally the fault of US aggressors. Ten Nazis were hanged at Nuremberg for same crimes committed by Trump and Obama in Syria-Black Agenda Report, Glen Ford

9/6/2018, Trump Protects Al Qaeda, “The Resistance” Applauds, Cursing “Russians”,” Black Agenda Report, Glen Ford 

“Every single Syrian death in this [9 year] conflict is, legally, the fault of the aggressors: the United States and its allies, who spent billions [of US taxpayer dollars] to deploy as many as 100,000 jihadists to wage war against a sovereign nation –– a crime against peace, the highest crime under international law, for which Obama, Clinton and other ranking U.S. civilian and military officials deserve the most extreme punishment. Donald Trump is now guilty of the same crime–the one that ten Nazis were hanged for at Nuremburg…. 

An anonymous [Trump] administration official told the Washington Post’s David Ignatius: “Right now, our job is to help create quagmires [for Russia and the Syrian regime] until we get what we want.” What Washington wants is to prevent the reunification of Syria after seven [now 9] years of U.S. proxy warfare against that nation, at the cost of possibly half a million lives. 

“Presidents of both parties have nurtured and protected the same jihadist terrorists that were blamed for 9/11.” 

There would be a horrific political price to pay — an upheaval such as has not been witnessed in the U.S. since the Civil War – if the American people became fully aware of the scope of their leaders’ partnership with al Qaeda. Many suspect the war on terror is phony, or at least incompetently waged, but the fact that presidents of both parties have nurtured and protected the same jihadist terrorists that were blamed for 9/11 is – too awful to contemplate.”…


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