Before OPCW scientists had even set foot in Douma to begin research on the alleged chlorine event, Trump on 4/14/18 launched a massive US taxpayer funded bombing on Syria. Chemical weapons inspectors didn’t arrive in Douma until around 4/21/18, two weeks after the alleged 4/7/18 chlorine event. By then, without a shred of evidence except the word of Islamic terrorist group Jaish al-Islam, Trump had already bombed Syria for no reason.
Just hours after Jaish al-Islam’s 4/7/18 complaint, Trump in front of the whole world treated the completely unproven Douma event as a major war crime requiring an expensive US taxpayer funded response. “Trump calls out ‘Animal Assad’ for [alleged] attack, criticizes Putin,” 4/8/28, AP via Military Times, Jonathan Lemire…“Although the U.S. government was still working to verify the claim by Syrian opposition activists and rescuers that poison gas was used, Trump declared that there would be a “big price to pay” for the [alleged] use of the outlawed weapons of mass destruction.”…On April 11, 2018, still with no evidence whatsoever, he boasted about US missiles and made gross statements about leaders of Syria and its neighbor and ally Russia: “Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!’ You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!”…It's
Trump who loves killing. It's Trump who instantly leaps to defend an evidence free complaint by terrorists--because dropping US taxpayer funded bombs-for any reason or no reason-is the only outwardly "presidential" thing his bosses let this coward do. A week later on April 14, 2018—a full week before OPCW scientists had even set foot in Douma—Trump launched a massive US taxpayer funded bombing campaign on Syrian government sites.
“On Saturday evening [April 7, 2018], Jaish al-Islam accused the Syrian government of carrying out a chemical attack on Douma….The [Syrian] government has denied carrying out any such attack.”…4/8/2018, “Jaish al-Islam to leave Douma in return for releasing prisoners,” uk.reuters.com: “The [terrorist] rebel group [Jaish al-Islam] has more than 3,500 prisoners and hostages in its prisons in Douma, Rami Abdulrahman, the director of the U.K.-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group, told Reuters.”
Added: Trump’s pal Jaish al-Islam was known for capturing civilians in Syria and putting them in cages. “Abdel Rahman [of Syrian Observatory for Human Rights] said most of the civilians were kidnapped by Jaish al-Islam two years ago outside Adra al-Ummaliyah, a [Syrian government] regime-held neighbourhood in Eastern Ghouta.”…AFP
Image: “.” AFP]… Dozens of men and women believed to be Alawites being held in metal cages as ‘human shields’ in Damascus suburb“Jaish al-Islam, regarded as the most powerful rebel group near the capital, has put [Syrian government] regime soldiers and Alawite civilians it was holding in metal cages, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told AFP.The group then placed these cages in public squares
in the Eastern Ghouta region in an attempt to “prevent [Syrian
government] regime bombardment”, Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman
“Army of Islam (AOI), Jaysh al-Islam, Jaish al-Islam,“ globalsecurity.org
“In September 2015 Jaish al-Islam, pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group. “We, the soldiers of Jaish al-Islam…consider ourselves to be an integral part of Wilayat Sinai [ISIS in the Sinai peninsula],” the online statement said….
Jaish al-Islam includes salafi and former Muslim Brotherhood members with Saudi connections….Its primary base of operations had been Damascus, particularly the Douma and East Ghouta regions….
Jaysh al-Islam’s repeated shelling of Damascus and its suburbs with mortar rounds, its military cooperation with the al-Nusra Front, and its brutality toward opponents (including public executions of prisoners, and the parading of civilian women around in metal cages) has led to the group being compared with the Daesh (ISIL/ISIS) terrorist group….
[Image, AFP, 11/2/2015]
Jaish al-Islam (JAI) is thought to be funded by Saudi Arabia. Jaish al-Islam was one of the major groups involved in operations in Idlib,
making up part of the Battle of Victory operations room that took the
city of Jisr al-Shughur in later April 2015….The US government assessed
that AOI [Army of Islam] received the bulk of its funding from a variety
of criminal activities in Gaza….
“After some time,” [Israeli Arab affairs analyst] Hugi noted, “the Saudis made contact with [AOI commander] Alloush and began financing the activities of his militia, as they had other organizations fighting against Assad. With time and generous Saudi support, his group grew, and changed its name to Jaysh al-Islam….[Alloush] has little faith in democracy, seeking to establish an Islamic state ruled by a committee of Islamic scholars….
This militant group, the analyst explained, “truly is a real army, with at least 10,000 fighters in its ranks and, according to some sources, up to 15,000.
They have armored vehicles, air defense and artillery. Unlike Daesh,
which gathered Muslims from all over the world, all of Alloush’s
soldiers are Syrians….
On 25 December 2015, the Syrian Army confirmed that Zahran Alloush, the leader of the Jaysh al-Islam, a group operating in the suburbs of Damascus had been killed in an airstrike….
Amazingly, although perhaps not surprisingly, much of the Western media rushed to eulogize Alloush and his ‘moderate’ Islamist rebels, the Wall Street Journal suggesting that his death “imperiled planned peace talks,” France24 running the headline “In death, Syrian rebel chief haunts peace hopes,” and CNN lamenting that his death “casts doubt over Bashar al-Assad’s intentions.””
US Congress refuses to pass the Stop Arming Terrorists Act, insists on continuing to use US tax dollars to help Islamic terrorist headslicers.
Added: Trump and US genocide racket view terrorists as key partners in Syria helping them to get rid of Assad, as John Kerry explained in 2016:
US wanted ISIS to take Damascus:
From Sept. 2016 meeting on sidelines at UN: “[John] Kerry shockingly admitted that US planners actually welcomed the ISIS push toward Damascus, which they felt they could leverage to put pressure on Assad to give up power to the US-backed [terrorist] opposition...Kerry explained that, “We were watching. We saw that Daesh [ISIS]was growing in strength. And we thought Assad was threatened. We thought…that Assad might then negotiate. Instead of negotiating, he got Putin to support him.””
Added: After 3 years, it’s clear Trump is an automated recording for the “interagency.” For example, we’re told terrorists in Syria’s Idlib province are a threat to Americans but US must not disturb them. Conversely, in northeastern Syria, no terror groups exist so therefore the area is no threat to Americans, but we’re told US taxpayer funded military is “guarding” the area anyway–instead of removing the admitted existing threat in Idlib:
“The Syria Study Group acknowledges that “al-Qaeda is in effective control of Idlib and retains the capacity to conduct external attacks”—yet warns against a Syrian attack on this enclave. The main achievement of Washington’s intervention has been to prolong one of the worst…wars in modern times.”…6/13/19, “End America’s Illegal Occupation of Syria Now,“ Doug Bandow, The American Conservative…“Our presence there is a violation of domestic and international law.”…
Added: Trump parrots “interagency” northeast Syria policy in place since 2012 with the goal being an eventual US created Wahhabi enclave. He even parrots the excuse manufactured in 2012 to fool the rubes which is to claim US has to illegally annex northeast Syria (one third of the country) to protect the area from “ISIS” because you never know, it could come back anytime.
US plan to create a Wahhabi enclave in northeast Syria was directly referenced in a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report from 2012.
4/16/2018, “How the US [Illegally] Occupied the 30% of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and Gas,” Whitney Webb, Mint Press News
“Despite Daesh’s [ISIS] defeat, their [ISIS] presence in Northeastern Syria, as the DIA reveals, was cultivated to provide a pretext for the foreign control of the region.…The U.S. plan to create a Wahhabi enclave in northeast Syria was directly referenced in a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report from 2012.”
Comment: One third of Syria was stolen not by ISIS but by the terrorist US.
Added: George W. Bush thought it was funny that non-existent WMDs had been used to start a US taxpayer funded war in Iraq:
Image: George W. Bush jokes as he looks around his office for WMDs, still can’t find any: 3/26/2004,
“Bush’s Iraq WMDs joke backfires,” BBC: “At a black-tie dinner for journalists, Mr Bush narrated a slide show poking fun at himself and other members of his administration. One pictured Mr Bush looking under a piece of furniture in the Oval Office, at which the president remarked: “Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be here somewhere.” After another one, showing him scouring the corner of a room, Mr Bush said: “No, no weapons over there,” he said. And as a third picture, this time showing him leaning over, appeared on the screen the president was heard to say: “Maybe under here?””
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