Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Pompeo, stop lying. It’s US not Russia that “interferes” in other countries. US regime change group NED spent $6.3 million sowing discord in Russia in 2018. Very sorry that distinguished Mr. Lavrov had to share stage with warmonger and admitted liar Pompeo


Above, 12/10/19,Pompeo Tells Russian Official: ‘Interference in Our Domestic Affairs’ Is ‘Unacceptable’,” The Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber 

What is “unacceptable” is US greed and lies: US oligarchs believed Russia was ours to lose, so in 1990s effectively committed economic genocide and rape of the defenseless, newly independent country. Continuing its global genocide, US “is still the main predator of humanity. We [in Italy] can in no circumstance claim to share their “values”.”US has overthrown or attempted to overthrow at least 57 world governments since WWII. 

In 2018 US "National Endowment for Democracy," NED, spent $6,347,976 million on the ground in Russia working to sow discord.

2018, “National Endowment for Democracy,””
“Supporting freedom around the world”

Aiding Corruption Investigations
Accountability and Governance

To strengthen anti-corruption initiatives and raise awareness of the impact of kleptocratic behavior and its implication for democratic societies. The work of anti-corruption activists will be made more effective through connections with an international network, which will facilitate transborder anti-corruption work and highlight the ways in which kleptocratic practices undermine democratic principles. Activists will be connected to media outlets and experts who can assist with their work. 

“Amplifying Independent Media
Freedom of Information

To amplify the public’s awareness of and access to high-quality independent Russian-language media content and investigative reporting and to foster the capacity of independent media to effectively promote and disseminate content digitally. Digital capacity building and development for independent media will be supported. 

Amplifying Investigative Journalism
Freedom of Information

To amplify the public’s awareness of and access to high-quality independent Russian-language investigative reporting and to foster the capacity of independent media to effectively promote and disseminate content digitally. The organization will support the production of social media content and digital capacity development for independent media. 

Building the Legal Capacity of Civil Society
Rule of Law

To promote the rule of law and to encourage compliance with established regulations. Specialized legal training will be provided for a group of lawyers to improve and coordinate litigation methods and strategies. Expert legal assistance will be provided by participants to clients seeking justice and respect for their rights. Strategic litigation will be undertaken in cases allowing participants to build on the experience gained at the training. 

Capacity Building for Journalists
Freedom of Information

To strengthen the capacities and digital skills of regional journalists and to foster cooperative networks among journalists at the regional and national level. A series of capacity-building workshops will be conducted for journalists, especially focusing on digital skills, methods of presenting content in compelling ways, and effective strategies to reach audiences through online platforms and social media channels. 

Civil Rights Education
Civic Education

To raise the capacity of local activists to reach out to their communities and to teach young people and their families about their rights. An independent digital discussion platform for activists and local citizens will be maintained, and free legal and informational sessions about civic and human rights will be provided to citizens who are interested in learning more about them. 

Countering Transborder Corruption
Accountability and Governance

To increase the capacity and effectiveness of those working to combat transborder corruption. International networks will be created between activists, journalists, and others seeking to develop new tools for exposing transborder corruption and its international consequences. An archive of documentary evidence related to corruption will also be developed. 

Curbing Corruption
Accountability and Governance

To promote accountability and increase transparency among public officials at the local and national levels. The program will include the creation of an online database, which will be updated regularly throughout the project period and which will include publicly available information relevant to issues of corruption. 

Curbing Corruption
Accountability and Governance

To promote accountability and increase transparency among public officials. Project activities include updating and improving a database with publicly available information about officials, their assets and ownership rights abroad. The database will be promoted and presented to various stakeholders. 

Defending Digital Rights
Freedom of Information

To raise public awareness of human rights violations, particularly those animated by political motives. A nationwide information and news collection network will be utilized to bring attention to such violations. A website will be maintained through which regular updates on instances of civil and human rights violations will be publicized. 

Defending Human Rights
Human Rights

To raise public awareness of human rights violations committed in the region and to lower tensions between minority communities and local officials. Free legal aid will be rendered and a series of roundtables, press conferences, private meetings will be held to deepen local understanding of human rights. 

Defending Human Rights
Human Rights

To raise public awareness of human rights violations and to provide informational and technical support to victims of human rights violations. The situation with human rights will be monitored, legal defense for victims of human rights violations will be provided, and public awareness of these issues will be raised through advocacy activities. 

Democracy Network
NGO Strengthening

To support the development of a resource hub to support civil society organizations and activists. Resources, logistical support, and technical assistance will be offered to democrats at risk, endangered civil society activists, and others in order to enable them to continue their work safely and effectively, even in challenging conditions. 

Developing the Capacity of Activists
Human Rights

To increase the capacity of lawyers working to defend the fundamental human rights of citizens. A series of trainings and events for professionals who wish to work on these topics will be organized, and a series of advocacy materials will be produced to bring attention to the important work being done to address human rights violations. 

Diaspora Coordination and Representation
Democratic Ideas and Values

To strengthen networks among activists, politicians, and leaders of public thought. Expert analysis on politics and current affairs will be produced for public audiences. Objective, fact-based reporting and supporting evidence will be publicized. Publications will be produced and a series of events, public presentations, and meetings will be hosted with the authors to encourage public discussion of important findings. 

Emergency Support to Civil Society
Human Rights

To provide emergency support to civil society activists operating in a restrictive environment and to promote the continued work and effectiveness of local civil society organizations. Such assistance may include emergency relocation support to activists at risk, emergency assistance to those suffering from politically motivated persecution, or capacity building support for civil society actors. 

Engaging Regional Activists
NGO Strengthening

To increase the professionalism of local civic activists and to promote cooperation among local activists. Research on local-level civic activism will be conducted and organizations will be helped to develop their capacity to conduct information and advocacy campaigns and to address systemic rights violations and other issues in their communities. 

Enhancing Public Access to Information
Freedom of Information

To provide the public with accurate information on foreign and security policy. The project activities will foster the capacity of independent journalists and NGOs to utilize new digital tools and research techniques in their work, and cultivate regional networks among them. In-depth investigative reports, short news items, and educational reference materials will be published online. A regional training program will be conducted. 

History and Human Rights
Civic Education

To foster public awareness and discussion of history and to promote civic engagement among activists. Seminars and trainings will be held for citizens who are interested in human rights and history, and research will be conducted on these topics. In addition, networking and informational resources will be offered to local activists. 

Human Rights Awareness
Human Rights

To strengthen the capacity and professional development of human rights defenders and grassroots initiatives and to defend citizens’ rights. A center will be maintained to support civic initiatives, offer legal advice to citizens, and host public awareness campaigns on human rights issues. The efforts of activists in other towns in the region will also be supported and similar assistance will be offered to local citizens. 

Human Rights Center
NGO Strengthening

To improve knowledge of and respect for international human rights standards; to raise awareness of individual rights; to improve access to justice for prisoners; and to increase the legal and management expertise of civil society activists. Human rights and legal education programs will be conducted, leadership trainings and seminars will be offered, and legal assistance will be given. 

Human Rights Coordination
Human Rights

To coordinate efforts of human rights NGOs and promote their work to the wider public. The project will work with a network of national and regional human rights organizations in order to provide a broad range of support to victims of human rights violations, including violations of freedom of assembly. 

Human Rights Education
Civic Education

To educate youth about issues related to human rights and civil society. A series of seminars, trainings, and debates on these topics will be held for local youth. Capacity-building resources, development opportunities, and informational support will be provided to youth who are interested in engaging with matters of civil society and human rights. 

Human Rights Education
Civic Education

To promote and explain the practical importance of respect for fundamental human rights and to implement civic education programs in educational communities. The project will include trainings dedicated to the topic of human rights in history and in the modern context for educators and for members of the general public. 

Human Rights Monitoring
Human Rights

To raise public awareness of human rights violations, particularly those animated by political motives. A nationwide information and news collection network will be utilized to bring attention to such violations. A website will be maintained through which regular updates on instances of civil and human rights violations will be publicized. 

Human Rights Monitoring
Human Rights

To raise public awareness of human rights, to improve citizens’ access to legal aid, and to encourage increased responsiveness to the needs of victims of human rights violations. A legal aid program will be offered for victims of human rights violations and monitoring of local human rights abuses will be conducted. Assistance will be provided to victims in filing their complaints, gathering evidence, and representing their cases in court. 

Improving Access to Information
Freedom of Information

To improve access to information, to support grassroots initiatives, and to improve the quality of journalistic reporting on freedom of information issues. Trainings will be organized to teach journalists how to access public information properly and how to write about local issues. A series of trainings for activists and educators will be held on teaching students and other activists about their rights. 

Increasing Access to Justice
Rule of Law

To support the rule of law and improve access to justice. Legal support will be offered to victims of human rights violations and to their families. In addition, an advocacy campaign will be conducted to raise domestic and international public awareness of developments concerning the rule of law and access to justice for victims. 

Increasing Access to Justice
Human Rights

To promote adherence to the rule of law by advocating for compliance with and implementation of international norms and domestic legislation. To increase domestic and international awareness about the use of international mechanisms as a tool to address human rights violations. Monitoring will be conducted and technical assistance will be offered to victims of human rights violations. 

Increasing Access to Legal Aid for Victims of Persecution
Human Rights

To provide legal aid and seek recourse for victims of human rights violations, to help persecuted citizens understand their rights, and to monitor hate crimes and discrimination against marginalized populations. Free legal support will be provided to victims of human rights violations and public awareness campaigns about issues related to human rights and non-discrimination will be conducted. 

Increasing The Capacity of Civic Activists
Civic Education

To increase the capacity of civic activists. A series of seminars will be hosted to bring activists together to share best practices, discuss security issues, and network with their colleagues. A three-day seminar on civic activism will be organized, where participants will also compete for project support and receive programmatic guidance. 

Independent Internet Television
Freedom of Information

To provide the public with an independent source of commentary in video format on national-level news and important social topics. An internet television program to provide the public with engaging commentary on current events and independent information on significant social issues will be produced and published on social media sites. 

Independent Journalism and Legal Analysis
Freedom of Information

To support independent journalism and analysis on issues related to civil society, human rights, and the rule of law. A website will be maintained to publish articles and analyses by experts on themes related to legislation, judicial processes, and human rights. An online database of legal information will be hosted for use by journalists and researchers. 

Independent News and Analysis
Freedom of Information

To increase the availability of high-quality independent news and analysis on significant political, economic, and social developments in the region, and to foster open debate and discussion around topics of public interest. Analytical reporting and commentary on current events will be published online on an ongoing basis. 

Independent Research and Analysis
Freedom of Information

To expand the public availability of accurate information and independent analysis about topics related to society, history, social and political issues, and current events. Materials containing the findings and results of research will be published online alongside analysis by independent experts. A database preserving publications of political and historical importance will be maintained. 

Independent Video News and Commentary
Freedom of Information

To provide an independent source of national news and commentary to the public in video format. Several video programs featuring coverage of national news, analysis of current events, and commentary on significant social issues by influential analysts and personalities will be regularly produced and published online and through social media networks. 

Independent Video Reporting
Freedom of Information

To provide an independent source of national-level news and analysis of current events to the public in increasingly popular media formats such as video. An investigative reporting video series will be produced and published online with engaging coverage and analysis of significant developments related to news and social topics. Investigative reporting and independent analysis will be conducted. 

Information Portal
Freedom of Information

To inform citizens about human rights issues and ecological problems, and to help citizens find democratic methods of resolving such issues. A website with regularly updated news, information, and events about these issues will be maintained. Support and technical assistance will be offered to independent journalists and civil society activists. 

Investigating Corruption
Freedom of Information

To raise awareness of corruption and its relation to human rights violations. Instances of corruption and human rights violations, particularly against activists, will be investigated. Following the results of the investigations, information about cases will be published in order to raise public awareness of these issues. 

Investigative Journalism and Independent News
Freedom of Information

To increase the availability of quality investigative journalism and to provide the public with an independent source of news and analysis on significant developments. Investigative reporting and analytical articles on a variety of topics will be published and coverage of current events will be regularly updated online. 

Journalism Resource Center
Freedom of Information

To strengthen the capacities of journalists to conduct their work and to foster mutual understanding and professional collaboration between journalists. Informational and professional support will be provided to journalists through trainings and ongoing informational assistance, and partnerships between journalists from the region will be fostered. 

Leadership Training
Civic Education

To develop the capacities, skills, and knowledge of aspiring civil society leaders, and to foster networks and promote new collaborations among civic activists. A leadership education and development program will be implemented, and trainings will be offered on basic human rights and on conducting advocacy campaigns. 

Legal Assistance for Human Rights
Human Rights

To inform potential victims of human rights abuses about their rights and to improve access to justice for minorities whose rights have been violated. Activities will include monitoring instances of hate crimes, providing information and legal aid to victims of hate crimes and other rights violations, and conducting trainings for potential victims about their rights.

Legal Defense
Human Rights

To protect fundamental freedoms. Legal defense will be provided to civil society organizations, activists, and others, and strategic litigation will be pursued to oppose laws and practices that deny citizens their fundamental freedoms. Awareness of these issues will be raised and lawyers will be trained to conduct similar work. 

Legal Defense of Human Rights
Human Rights

To support human rights defenders, civil society activists, and the people they protect. Legal consultations and comprehensive assistance will be offered to human rights defenders, activists, and victims of human rights violations. Activities and events will also be carried out to raise public awareness of human rights issues and to conduct advocacy. 

Legal Resource Center
Human Rights

To provide resources and legal assistance to victims of human rights abuses and to disseminate information raising public awareness concerning such cases. Regular monitoring of human rights abuses will be conducted and a report documenting and analyzing human rights abuses will be produced for broad public dissemination. Free legal support and counsel will be provided to victims and other citizens seeking to initiate an inquiry. 

Legal Support of Citizens’ Rights
Rule of Law

To provide informational and technical assistance to grassroots movements working to address human rights violations and locally relevant rule of law issues. Support will be provided for lawyers working to defend citizens’ rights and efforts will be undertaken to educate the public about the corrupt and unlawful practices that often lead to such violations. 

Media for Civil Society
Freedom of Information

To provide an independent source of information on current events to the public in video format and to increase access to Russian-language audiences for grassroots movements and civil society actors. A video program that specializes in reporting on significant events organized by civic activists, grassroots movements, and human rights defenders will be produced and published online. 

Monitoring Civil Liberties
Human Rights

To foster greater attention to problems associated with the curtailing of civil liberties and to promote tolerance for ethnic and religious minorities. Research and investigations on these topics will be conducted, advocacy campaigns will be carried out, and reports and analyses will be published on a regular basis. 

Promoting Accountability
Accountability and Governance

To expose instances of corruption among public officials at the regional and federal levels. Public records will be used to research, investigate, and produce reports and articles on issues related to public corruption. Original documentation will be collected and publicized to demonstrate corrupt activities and their political and societal consequences. Research will be published online and disseminated in collaboration with local and international media outlets. 

Promoting Civic Engagement
Freedom of Information

To maintain an online platform to facilitate the exchange of information on local issues and to work offline to help local civil society and NGOs to organize activist campaigns and civic initiatives. To involve a broader segment of the local population in civic activism and to promote public discussion of local problems at the neighborhood, municipal, and regional level. 

Promoting Civic Participation among Religious Youth
Civic Education

To foster the development of conflict prevention and pluralism methodologies in Eurasia. A civic education curriculum will be developed in consultation with international and local experts on conflict prevention methodologies. 

Promoting Human Rights
Human Rights

To raise public awareness of human rights violations, particularly those animated by political motives. A nationwide information and news collection network will be utilized to bring attention to such violations. A website will be maintained through which regular updates on instances of civil and human rights violations will be publicized. 

Promoting Independent Media
Freedom of Information

To promote the independent assessment of political and social developments and of human rights violations in the region. A quarterly magazine will be produced, published, and made available to the public for free, in which it will provide independent analyses of issues related to political, social, and human rights developments. The program will also operate an informational website. 

Promoting Independent Media Content
Freedom of Information

To improve the public’s awareness of and access to high-quality independent media content. The capacity of leading independent media outlets to effectively promote and disseminate their reporting online will be researched and monitored in order to improve the understanding of online media consumption by Russian-language audiences. 

Promoting Internet Freedom
Freedom of Information

To defend the rights of citizens to the freedoms of expression and association, security, and privacy on the Internet. The project will provide accurate information and promote public awareness and engagement around significant digital rights issues. Informational resources will be maintained about digital rights and relevant trends and developments will be monitored and analyzed. 

Protecting Activists
Human Rights

To foster the respect of, and adherence to, international norms on human rights, the rule of law, and democratic values, and to raise domestic and international awareness of the importance of these issues. Legal proceedings will be monitored and research will be conducted, information will be published, and, in some cases, legal aid will be provided to victims of violations. 

Protecting Ethnic Minorities
Human Rights

To defend the rights of ethnic minorities. Legal aid will be provided to members of minority populations with a focus on obtaining citizenship or other legal status for stateless persons. Advocacy will be conducted on behalf of marginalized and stateless peoples and strategies will be developed to coordinate efforts to acquire documents necessary for displaced ethnic minorities to obtain legal status from the states succeeding the former Soviet Union.

Protecting Human Rights
Human Rights

To reduce incidences of human rights violations, to strengthen compliance with international human rights standards, and to help citizens understand their rights. Legal support will be provided to victims of gross human rights abuses, and informational campaigns about these cases and other abuses will be conducted for the general public. 

Protecting Human Rights
Human Rights

To enable young people and their families to protect their rights and to decrease the frequency of human rights abuses. Human rights seminars, presentations, and consultations on these issues will be conducted throughout the project period. Online and phone hotlines will be maintained to offer emergency legal assistance and counsel. 

Protecting Minority Rights
Human Rights

To provide information support and legal counsel and to inform the public about ongoing abuses of the rights of minorities. A series of public events will be conducted to raise awareness about ongoing discrimination of minorities and infringement of human rights in the region. Legal counsel will also be provided to victims of discrimination or other civil rights abuses. 

Protecting the Right to Information
Freedom of Information

To assist citizens in realizing their right to access information and to raise awareness of the legal right to access information. Legal assistance will be offered to victims of violations of this right, and informational campaigns on freedom of information and the rule of law will be conducted for the general public. 

Providing an Open Space for Civil Society
NGO Strengthening

To enhance the capacity of civil society and to facilitate networking and collaboration between activists. Public events and civic education programs, including lectures, discussions, and trainings, will be organized and ongoing collaboration between activists will be supported through mentoring, networking, and administrative assistance. 

Providing Independent Local Reporting and Combating Corruption
Freedom of Information

To raise awareness of local issues, to provide accurate information on local and national news, and to foster government accountability and combat public corruption. A website covering local news, events, and civic initiatives will be maintained and a program to monitor and combat local public corruption will be conducted. 

Public Dialogue
Human Rights

To support civil society activists and human rights defenders and to promote understanding of human rights and legal norms. Public discussions on topics related to history, human rights, and local issues will be facilitated. A resource center will be maintained and support will be offered to activists, local NGOs, and civic initiative groups. 

Public Movements, Past and Present
Human Rights

To raise awareness of the problems facing civil society and to improve understanding of the role of repression in history and modern society. The project will develop its online presence, including by adding content to its website and social media pages, and it will host a series of events and discussions dedicated to these topics. 

Raising Awareness of Human Rights
Human Rights

To provide free legal representation and consultations to victims of human rights violations. Information will be collected about human rights violations and legal assistance will be provided to victims. Regional and international instruments for the protection of human rights will be promoted and utilized among human rights defenders and civil society organizations. 

Regional Journalism Training
Freedom of Information

To develop and improve professional capacities of regional journalists and to cultivate independent journalism networks among participants and trainers. A multi-part comprehensive multimedia training, to include information on best practices in the field and on personal security, will be offered to journalists and bloggers. 

Resolving Social Issues
Democratic Ideas and Values

To facilitate the discussion of approaches to addressing social issues and to foster cooperation between activists. The program will include an event dedicated to the discussion of current social issues and how to address them. Following this event, participants will be encouraged to work together to solve common problems through civic activism and education. . 

Right to Access Information
Freedom of Information

To provide public access to accurate information about important ecological issues. Violations of citizens’ rights will be monitored and legal, informational, and logistical support and legal expertise will be offered to victims of human rights violations. Information will be published to raise awareness of contemporary ecological and human rights issues. 

School of Investigative Journalism
Freedom of Information

To strengthen the capacities of regional journalists and to increase the amount of independent investigative journalism available to the Russian public. In order to foster regional and national networks among journalists, the project activities include conducting an investigative journalism training program and providing informational and technical support to participants. 

Strengthening Civil Society
NGO Strengthening

To provide informational, legal, technical, and financial assistance to NGOs and initiative groups. Events will be facilitated focusing on common problems faced by NGOs and civil society activists. Training will be provided and legal aid will be given on topics such as legal challenges, registration procedures, and reporting requirements for activists and civil society professionals. 

Strengthening Women’s Organizations
Human Rights

To strengthen civil society and to improve the ability of women in society to protect their rights. Trainings will help participants identify and address pressing social and political issues in the region. 

Support for Independent Journalism
Freedom of Information

To increase the amount of high-quality investigative journalism available to the public and to provide an independent source of news and analysis, including in video format, on significant social issues and developments. Investigative reporting, news coverage, and analytical commentary will be published online and through social media networks. 

Supporting Activism
Political Processes

To support civic activists in their work to address systemic issues at the local level. Research on local-level civic activism will be conducted. The project will also help civic organizations and individual activists to develop their capacity to better serve the people in their communities through informational and advocacy campaigns. 

Supporting Activists
Democratic Ideas and Values

To support democratic activists who have come under pressure due to their work. Fellowships will be provided to activists at risk and humanitarian and other support will be offered to political prisoners. Public awareness of human rights issues, including the issue of politically motivated persecution of democratic activists, will be raised. 

Supporting Activists
Freedom of Information

To provide support for civil society activists under pressure. Legal support and technical assistance will be provided to civil society activists and independent journalists facing pressure or threats due to the nature of their work. Capacity-building and technical support programs for civil society activists and organizations will be conducted. 

Supporting Civic Activism
Civic Education

To support local civic activism to engage the public in discussing and solving locally relevant issues. The program will help civic activists to develop their capacity to do so by offering trainings on outreach strategies and on defending citizens’ human and civil rights. It will also provide ongoing mentoring and networking assistance to participants of its programs. 

Supporting Civil Society
Human Rights

To support civic education and public dialogue initiatives, to foster greater public discussion of human rights, and to help build the capacity of civil society. Events will be hosted, including public discussions, seminars, lectures, roundtables, and trainings. In addition, civil society activists and organizations will be trained and given opportunities to network. 

Supporting Civil Society
Human Rights

To build the capacity of human rights defenders. Trainings will be held to improve the capacity of local activists and human rights lawyers to conduct their work effectively. Consultations and support will be given to participants as they continue their work. In addition, strategy meetings will be hosted and advocacy campaigns will be conducted. 

Supporting Court Monitoring and the Rule of Law
Rule of Law

To improve the accountability of criminal and civil courts and to promote respect for the rule of law. A series of trainings will be held for young activists interested in participating in court monitoring. News and educational materials about monitoring will be published and an analytical report on court monitoring and rule of law issues will be produced. 

Supporting Democratic Institutions
Rule of Law

To provide practical trainings to human rights defenders and monitors in five regions. Expert assistance and coordination efforts will be organized to connect like-minded defenders and to increase their capacity to represent victims of abuse and negligence. Legal and technical services will be offered to improve monitoring capabilities of local activists. 

Supporting Freedom of Information and Expression
Freedom of Information

To provide an independent source of information on social, political, and human rights developments and to foster a community of discussion around these issues. A website will be maintained with regularly updated news and information and a program to raise awareness about and counter-censorship online will be carried out. 

Supporting Human Rights Defenders
Human Rights

To provide support to human rights activists at risk. In response to a growing authoritarian crackdown against civil society actors, activists who have come under pressure will be hosted through a respite and rehabilitation program. The program may include networking opportunities or legal, informational, or technical assistance for individual activists. 

Supporting Independent Media
Freedom of Information

To provide independent news and analysis on social, political, and human rights developments, and to foster open discussion and debate on these topics. Content related to the development of democratic norms and competitive politics will be published in the form of independent reporting, news updates, and opinion pieces. 

Supporting Independent Media
Freedom of Information

To increase the availability of independent investigative reporting and to provide an independent source of information on important developments in the region. An independent Russian-language media project will be supported to provide quality reporting to the public. Articles, investigations, and opinion pieces will be published on the website. 

Supporting Independent Political Analysis
Freedom of Information

To provide expert political analysis. Activities will include publishing research on political trends and social movements through in-depth reports, a regularly updated website, and a series of public events. 

Supporting Independent Regional Media
Freedom of Information

To provide an independent source of news and analysis on significant local developments and to increase the amount of independent investigative reporting in video format available to the Russian-language public. Investigative video reporting on significant topics affecting local citizens will be commissioned and published online. 

Supporting Local Activism
Civic Education

To support civic activists in their work to address systemic issues at the local level. Research and outreach on local-level civic activism will be conducted. Civic organizations and individual activists will also be helped to develop their capacity to serve the people in their communities better through advocacy campaigns. 

Supporting Open Dialogue
Democratic Ideas and Values

To support civic debate and open dialogue by providing a venue and resource center for a network of independent civil society groups. Information and technical support will be provided to civil society groups, and a database of historical figures and events will be created and advertised through public events and publications. 

Supporting Regional Independent Media
Freedom of Information

To improve the availability of objective information and news at the local level. An independent newspaper and a daily online newspaper with both regional reporting and posts from regional experts and journalists will be supported. Investigative reporting, news coverage, and analytical commentary will be published online and through social media networks. 

Supporting the Defense of Human Rights
Human Rights

To reduce and deter the occurrence of human rights violations committed by law enforcement agencies, judicial officials, and penal authorities. Human rights violations will be monitored, documented, and publicized to raise public awareness of these issues. Legal assistance will be provided to victims of human rights abuses and their families.”



State Department’s Mission: Coup d’etat,” image from The Technocratic Tyranny, 2/27/2016

Comment: Obviously it's fine with Trump that Pompeo continues to lie and spew hateful propaganda against Russia.


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