Saturday, December 21, 2019

Per UN Security Council Resolution 2254, no “ceasefire” in Syria shall apply to fighting any terrorist individual or group, and all UN members should help “eradicate the safe haven” areas in Syria established by terrorist groups

UN Security Council Resolution 2254 regarding Syria calls on UN member states “to eradicate the safe haven they [terrorist groups] have established over significant parts of Syria, and notes that the aforementioned ceasefire will not apply to offensive or defensive actions against these [Islamic terrorist] individuals, groups, undertakings and entities.” 

9/29/2018, From Idlib to Xinjiang: Uyghur Fighters Trained for Terror,by Steven Sahiounie

“UN resolution 2254 clearly states all UN member states must fight terrorist groups, such as ISIS, Al Qaeda, Jibhat al Nusra and other radical armed jihadists. Because Idlib has been home to thousands of foreign jihadists, as well as the very small community of Free Syrian Army (FSA), who the UN, USA, and NATO call “moderate rebels”; the “War on Terror” began by President George W. Bush was held in limbo. The Russian, Syrian and Iranian position was to follow international law, and the letter of the UN 2254, which makes it clear that fighting the ISIS and Al Qaeda, and their affiliates, is the only way forward, in the path to restoring peace and security to Idlib…. 

The other half of the story in Idlib is missing in mainstream media. Where is the story of millions of civilian hostages and human shields who have suffered in Idlib since the terrorist occupation in began in 2013?  What about the men prevented from leaving, where residents were threatened with death if they didn’t stay to defend Idlib from the final battle? Note how as the last battle in Idlib was approaching, real civilians reported the terrorists were not allowing them to leave. What about the women used as slaves by the terrorists and foreign interlopers? What about the children prevented from accessing a normal education, and forced into servitude by the terrorists?  Those stories will eventually be told the survivors. Either way, the real untold stories of Idlib will come out, although much to the chagrin of propaganda outlets like CNN and others who have taken it upon themselves to be the PR adjuncts of al Qaeda in Idlib.”
“Steven Sahiounie is an American citizen born in Fresno, California.  He has been living permanently in Latakia, Syria,which was his father’s original hometown. Steven is a freelance journalist specialising in Syrian affairs, and a university student studying English Literature. See more of Steven’s featured work here.”

Added: UN Security Council “Resolution 2254, Middle East (Syria),” “Adopted by the Security Council at its 7588th meeting, on 18 December 2015:″ 

“8. Reiterates its call in resolution 2249 (2015) for Member States to prevent and suppress terrorist acts committed specifically by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as Da’esh), Al-Nusra Front (ANF), and all other individuals, groups, undertakings, and entities associated with Al Qaeda or ISIL, and other terrorist groups, as designated by the Security Council, and as may further be agreed by the ISSG and determined by the Security Council, pursuant to the Statement of the ISSG of 14 November 2015, and to eradicate the safe haven they have established over significant parts of Syria, and notes that the aforementioned ceasefire will not apply to offensive or defensive actions against these [Islamic terrorist] individuals, groups, undertakings and entities, as set forth in the 14 November 2015 ISSG Statement;”…


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