Tuesday, December 17, 2019

18,000 Al Qaeda linked Uyghur terrorists remain in Idlib, refuse to leave. 10,000 said ready to fight to the death. German and French groups give them food and health aid, US “allies” love terrorists

18,000 Al Qaeda linked Uyghur terrorists remain in Idlib province in Syria

Image: Uyghur children taught to be terrorists. July 4, 2015, “TIP, Turkestan Islamic Party, publishes photos of Uyghur fighters including children bearing arms in Syria,” via memri 

 12/16/19, “The CIA and Uyghur Jihadists,” Voltaire Network 

The “Xinjiang papers”, released on 16 November 2019 by the New York Times, have been spinned by the Western media as a plan to suppress Uyghur culture in China [1]. Written in Chinese, their interpretation may not be easily accessible to the Western world. In reality, China protects Uyghur culture, tolerates Muslim religion, while trying to stymie terrorist attacks and the separatist push coming from the World Uyghur Congress (WUC).

China has already published numerous studies [2] clarifying its policy.

The documents published by the New York Times attest to the determination of the Chinese government to use any means necessary to maintain civil peace. President Xi has called on the police to show “absolutely no mercy” towards terrorists. Indeed, the Chinese leader is up against a powerful organization, i.e. the World Uyghur Congress, which was created by the CIA during the Cold War, and which the US daily disingeniously portrays as being totally peaceful. 

However, the World Uyghur Congress, based in Munich (Germany), has directly claimed responsibility for many deadly attacks in China. In addition, thousands of Uyghur combatants were sent to be trained in Syria with Turkey’s assistance. [3] More than 18,000 Uyghur jihadists are currently occupying the city of al-Zanbaki (Idlib governorate) where German and French NGOs provide them with food and health services. 

Uyghur jihadists have garnered many supporters in Europe. Thus, lobbyists gathered in Brussels behind closed doors for a three-day seminar (7-9 December 2019), followed on 10 December by a conference in the European Parliament co-chaired by French MEP, Raphaël Glucksmann, and WUC president Dolkun Isa.” [image below]
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[1] “‘Absolutely No Mercy’: Leaked Files Expose How China Organized Mass Detentions of Muslims”, Austin Ramzy and Chris Buckley, The New York Times, November 16, 2019
[2] “Human Rights in Xinjiang – Development and Progress”, 1 June 2017; “Cultural Protection and Development in Xinjiang”, 13 December 2018; “The Fight against Terrorism and Extremism and Human Rights Protection in Xinjiang”, Voltaire Network, 18 March 2019.
[3] “The CIA is using Turkey to pressure China, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 19 February 2019.


Feb. 19, 2019, The CIA is using Turkey to pressure China,” Voltaire, by Thierry Meyssan 

The US campaign against the repression of the Uyghurs seems to be compromised by the investment of Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, in the Xinjiang authorities [13]. Prince is not only the principal businessmen specialised in the creation of private armies, he is also the brother of Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s Secretary for Education. His security agents are apparently mercenaries working on behalf of Bingtuan, a Han militia in Xinjiang.

It so happens that during the 1990’s, when the present Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was the head of the Millî Görüs and Mayor of Istanbul, he supplied a rear base for various Islamist terrorist movements, whether they were Tatars, Chechens or Uyghurs [14]. 

The question must therefore be asked – is the Turkish declaration against the Han repression of the Uyghurs a simple interior stance in order to avoid being over-run by the opposition parties, or is it a new state policy which conforms to the former responsibilities of President Erdoğan in the CIA terrorist strategy?   

The East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) was very active during the war against Syria, with the support of the [Turkish] National Intelligence Organization (NİT). For many months, 18,000 Uyghurs (including at least 5,000 jihadist combatants) lived secretly in al-Zambari, a Syrian town on the Turkish frontier in the governorate of Idleb. They maintained their position with the help of the German and French special forces [15].”… 

[ETIM, a branch of Al-Qaeda in China, is considered a terrorist organization by the United Nations. 22 of its fighters were arrested by U.S. forces in Afghanistan and interned at Guantánamo. The presence of Chinese Islamist fighters in Syria has been recorded since October 2012 [3].”    

(continuing): “While President Donald Trump is preparing for a commercial struggle with Beijing, everything seems to be developing as if a reconciliation has occurred between the CIA and Turkey, aimed at planning further secret operations against China.” 

Thierry Meyssan  


Pete Kimberley  
[1] “List of government bids related to re-education facilities”, Jamestown Foundation, May 15, 2017.
[2] “According to Washington, Peking has just banned the Koran (sic)”, Translation Anoosha Boralessa, Voltaire Network, 6 October 2017.
[3] “Western Campaign for the Rights of Chinese Islamists”, Translation Anoosha Boralessa, Voltaire Network, 18 November 2018.
[4] This Committee, created in 2001, is composed of 15 members : 5 from the Senate, 5 from the House of Representatives, and 5 from the federal government. The Trump administration has not yet named anyone to sit on this Committee.
[5] “Turkey condemns China”, Voltaire Network, 9 February 2019.
[6] “China responds to Turkey”, Voltaire Network, 11 February 2019.
[7] “Human Rights in Xinjiang – Development and Progress”, Voltaire Network, 1 June 2017.
[8] “Cultural Protection and Development in Xinjiang”, Voltaire Network, 13 December 2018.
[9] “Jihadists returning from Syria: already more than 150 dead in China”, Voltaire Network, 6 November 2014.
[10] “China revises regulation on religious affairs”, Voltaire Network, 7 September 2017.
[11] The « Five Eyes » is a military alliance founded during the Second World War, comprising Australia, Canada, the USA, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. It also manages the Echelon interception system as well as the « promotion of democracy ».
[12] « Que se passe-t-il dans le Xinjiang ? », par Domenico Losurdo, Traduction Marie-Ange Patrizio, Réseau Voltaire, 12 juillet 2009.
[13] “Erik Prince invests in China”, Translation Anoosha Boralessa, Voltaire Network, 7 February 2019.
[14] During his alliance with Russia, President Erdoğan suspended his system for the support of Tatar and Chechen Islamists. See: « L’Ukraine et la Turquie créent une Brigade internationale islamique contre la Russie », par Thierry Meyssan, Télévision nationale syrienne , Réseau Voltaire, 12 août 2015
[15] “The 18,000 al-Qaeda Uighurs in Syria, Translation Roger Lagassé, Voltaire Network, 21 August 2018.



According to the leadership, most fighters would be ready to surrender, only 10,000 men would be ready to fight to the death.
However, according to the Syrian press, a Uyghur colony would have transformed the city of al-Zanbaki (just on the Turkish border) into an entrenched camp. We do not know much about what is going on in this city, which is forbidden to anyone. It would have sheltered 18,000 people. 

Speaking Turkish, rather than Chinese, they have benefited so far from the support of the Turkish secret services. 

These Uyghurs claim to be al-Qaeda. They refuse to return to China (where they would be judged) [1] and Turkey now refuses to host them. 

The presence of this sizeable Chinese colony disrupts the liberation plans for the region.” 

[1] Chinese jihadists back from Syria”, “Jihadists returning from Syria: already more than 150 dead in China", Voltaire Network, July 3, 2013 & November 3, 2014.



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