Monday, November 11, 2019

Trump fully on board with his Deep State soul mates favoring endless, illegal Syrian occupation. Deep State even allows its pal Trump to tell obvious lies to potential voters about Syria because they know he means none of it-Federico Pieraccini, Strategic Culture


Tweet. Cave. Repeat. Equals 2020 Defeat,” Ryan Detert..."Trump sold out, and there's no way to sugarcoat it."

10/20/19, “Betrayal and Deception: Syria Is a Prime Example of US Foreign Policy,” Strategic Culture, Federico Pieraccini 

“Given that the deep state retains ultimate control of US foreign policy, Trump is allowed to do and say what he wants – provided it is only within the confines of his media playpen, safe in the knowledge that his motivations are purely electoral and not really aimed and upending the foreign-policy consensus of the US establishment.

If we look beyond Trump’s histrionics, we can see that the US deep state continues its illegal stay in Syria, with Trump in reality having no intention of opposing the military-industrial complex (indeed often appointing its members to serve in his administration), with these two parties finding a common point of agreement in the alleged threat posed by Iran…. 

Trump is of course more than aware that a complete US withdrawal from Syria would go against the interests of Riyadh and Tel Aviv, those who actually have an influence on him…. 

Erdogan and Trump didn’t seem to consider the possibility of the SDF and Damascus finding common ground, but this is exactly what happened…. 

Turkey and the US have have for years armed and financed terrorism in the region, as have Qatar and Saudi Arabia (in spite of their ideological differences). Even the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were involved in the destabilization of Syria. 

All this chaos is ultimately supervised and directed by the United States, which has for years been coordinating in the region color revolutions, the Arab Spring, and proxy wars. Any other interpretation of events would be disingenuous and untruthful.”…


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