Sunday, October 6, 2019

Metallica performs “Enter Sandman” live in Moscow, Sept. 21, 1991. Tens of thousands of young Russians saw 4 western heavy metal bands in one day in a free, outdoor concert

Sept. 1991, “Metallica–Enter Sandman Live Moscow 1991,” performed Sat. Sept. 21, 1991 

Posted on You Tube 6/13/2011. (Another version with lyrics and better audio)

…….Enter Sandman, Live at Monsters of Rock, Tushino Air Field, Moscow” ... Sat. Sept. 21, 1991

9/29/1991, Heavy-Metal Groups Shake Moscow,” NY Times, William E. Schmidt 

Bare chested and painted in tattoos, the lead singer for a Texas heavy-metal rock group named Pantera gazed over a sea of tens of thousands of screaming Soviet fans sprawled over the Tushino Airfield Saturday afternoon and said that he was moved.

“It’s a killer thing we are all here together,” screamed the singer, Phil Anselmo, who had just removed a yellow devil’s mask, “and shows that music is the universal language.”

With that, members of Pantera, one of four Western heavy-metal bands appearing at what was described as the first free outdoor Western rock concert in Soviet history, lurched into their ear-splitting hit “Primal Concrete Slave” while the audience of teen-agers, bikers in black leather and other fans jammed their fists in the air and swayed jerkily with the heavy bass beat. 

The one-day concert, called “Monsters of Rock” and sponsored by Time Warner Inc., the entertainment and publishing conglomerate, brought to Moscow some of the West’s most popular heavy-metal bands, like AC/DC and Metallica. Crowd Estimated at 150,000  while other estimates ranged as much as three times higher.

Until a few years ago, AC/DC and its music were formally banned in the Soviet Union. Andrei Orlov, a music critic and writer, said the decision to let AC/DC play in Moscow reflects not only the liberalizing effect that President Mikhail S. Gorbachev has had on most aspects of life here but also a long overdue recognition of popular reality.

“Look at the graffiti in the city,” Mr. Orlov said. “AC/DC is written on every wall.” 

The concert was not the first time Western heavy-metal acts have played Moscow. In 1989, Ozzy Osbourne, Bon Jovi and Motley Crue filled Lenin Stadium for two days to help raise money for Soviet charities. Film by Time Warner.

Officials at Time Warner described the concert as a “celebration of democracy and freedom” in the Soviet Union, in the wake of last month’s failed coup. 

In return for bringing the acts to Moscow, Time Warner will come away with a documentary film that will presumably celebrate Time Warner celebrating democracy and freedom in the Soviet Union. There were nearly twice as many camera operators on and near the stage at any point than there were musicians. And automated cameras on booms dipped and curled above the crowd at Tushino, a sprawling and little-used military air base in northwest Moscow. 

There were some scattered arrests, as ranks of police officers wearing helmets and wielding truncheons chased after troublemakers and drunken youth, who appeared to be well represented among the crowd. Police took little chance on the crowd’s getting out of hand. More than 1,000 militiamen were on guard around the stage,and more were hidden in trucks parked farther away.”
Added: Metallica’s Enter Sandman" of course was the entrance music of NY Yankee relief pitcher, Mariano Rivera. Many of Rivera’s fans happily connect the song with his 19 stellar seasons with the Yankees, 1995-2013, his 141 post season innings, his many All Star game appearances, and enjoyed seeing Metallica live at Yankee Stadium. Rivera politely says he prefers Christian music and that the song was chosen for him by someone else. In 2019 Rivera became the first MLB player to be elected unanimously to the National Baseball Hall of Fame.


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