Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Republicans win both North Carolina congressional elections on 9/10/19: Dan Bishop in 9th CD by 3937 votes, Dr. Greg Murphy in 3rd CD by 27,572 votes. The great Diamond and Silk headlined Trump North Carolina rally, 9/9/19

Big win for Dan Bishop considering he won by 3937 votes and the Nov. 2018 Republican candidate only won by 905 votes. The original Nov. 2018 election result was thrown out due to irregularities.

Above, 9/9/19, The great Diamond and Silk address crowd at Trump rally for Bishop and Murphy in Fayetteville, North Carolina, screen shot from You Tube video 

9/10/19, “North Carolina Special Election Results: Ninth House District, NY Times, Matthew Bloch, Jasmine C. Lee

The 9th CD election won by Republican Dan Bishop by 3937 votes was the conclusion of a Nov. 2018 midterm election. Irregularities in the original contest caused it to be scrapped and a new election ordered. 

In Nov. 2018 result, only 905 votes separated Democrat McCready and then Republican candidate Mark Harris. Dan Bishop beat nine other Republicans in the May 14 [2019] primary. Mr. Harris did not run. The biggest spender behind Mr. McCready has been the Environmental Defense Action Fund and its super PAC, EDF Action Votes, spending a combined $586,000, according to a report by Open Secrets.” 8/13/19, Washington Times

Above, 9/10/19, Diamond and Silk on Bishop win: “Told y’all that we saw a Bishop. That’s Dan Bishop ! “CHECK”,” Diamond and Silk twitter

The 3rd CD won by Republican Dr. Greg Murphy by 27,572 votes was a special election to replace deceased Republican Walter Jones. 

9/10/19, “North Carolina Special Election Results: Third House District,” NY Times, Matthew Bloch, Jasmine C. Lee

“North Carolina’s Third Congressional District was left vacant when Representative Walter B. Jones Jr. died in February, prompting a special election between State Representative Greg Murphy, a Republican, and former Mayor Allen Thomas of Greenville, a Democrat. The district, which covers most of the state’s coastline, leans strongly Republican.”…


Added: Even better news is that to get the Republican nomination Dr. Greg Murphy beat an Establishment Republican candidate in the primary runoff in July 2019, 59.7% to 40.3%: 

“Dr. Greg Murphy, the conservative anti-establishment candidate in North Carolina’s third congressional district, crushed the establishment-backed Dr. Joan Perry on his way to winning the GOP nomination for the special election Tuesday night in what amounted to a proxy battle inside the Republican Party.”



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