Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pathetic US Pentagon chief says US military is preparing a response to Iran’s alleged undermining of so-called “rules based international order.” This imaginary US-led “order” isn’t “international law,” rather merely “rules” US makes up and enforces on others but exempts itself and global fat cats

“Contrary to popular belief, a rules-based international order is not in continuity with the past, but a replacement for an international law-based order.“…7/7/2018, In Defense of the International Law-Based Order, Australian Institute of International Affairs…International law contains a whole host of checks and balances built into the system in a way that rules do not….Rules could indeed be made up by whoever has the power to do so, and they could be changed as frequently as the most powerful wishes.”…

9/17/19, US will ´defend´ [rules-based] international order being ´undermined by Iran´: Pentagon chief," AFP, Washington 

“US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Monday that the US military is preparing a response to the attack on major Saudi Arabia oil facilities. 

After briefing President Donald Trump in the White House, Esper singled out Iran as undermining [rules-based] international order, without directly pinning blame on Tehran for the attack. 

“The United States military, with our interagency team, is working with our partners to address this unprecedented attack and defend the [so-called] international rules-based orderthat is [allegedly] being undermined by Iran,” he said in a tweet. 

Esper said he and the Pentagon leadership met with Trump in the wake of Saturday´s attack, which analysts say appear to have involved drones and possibly cruise missiles launched from a nearby country. 

Earlier he also spoke with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman as well as Iraqi Defense Minister Najah al-Shemmari. There was, however, no suggestion of what kind of response Washington or its [so-called] Gulf allies were considering. 

The Iran-supported Huthi rebels in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attack. 

But the Riyadh-led coalition fighting the Huthis said earlier Monday that the weapons were Iranian-made, and it remains unclear where they were launched from.” 



Chatham House, 2015: “US-led Rules based international order” long ago proved non-functional. US bombings, 2003 invasion of Iraq, US drone programs, and 2008 world financial collapse proved US elites and global fat cats were exempt from “rules.” US could’ve proposed updating obviously antiquated WWII era “rules” but has shown no interest in doing so. US isn’t constrained by “laws,” or even “rules.” US makes the “rules” and is in charge of enforcing them, so it’s not punished for its massive support Islamic terrorism in Syria or its standard global practice of starving innocents to force “regime change” and surrender to US bankers….2015, Challenges to the Rules-Based International Order," Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London Conference, Session OneUK monarchy is patron of Chatham House.


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