Saturday, September 28, 2019

Journos rush to double down on claim by admitted compulsive liar Pompeo-Moon of Alabama…(Since US War Industry wins every election, and, as a parasite, can’t exist without being attached to US taxpayers, it’s time to admit US taxpayers are slaves)

“To claim that the man who bragged (vid) We lied, we cheated, we stole” and continues to lie every time he opens his mouth can “confirm” anything is lunatic.” 

9/27/19, Note To Journos-When Pompeo Doubles Down On A Lie He Does Not “Confirm” It," Moon of Alabama

“Some people can’t think but tweet anyway:

The Israeli ‘journalist’ isn’t the only one who fell for Pompeo’s nonsense.

*MSN – US confirms Syria’s Assad used chemical weapons in May: Pompeo 

*Yahoo – US Intel Confirms Syria Committed Chemical Weapons Attack in May 

*Breitbart – US confirms Syria’s Assad used chemical weapons in May: Pompeo 

To claim that the man who bragged (vid) We lied, we cheated, we stole” and continues to lie every time he opens his mouth can “confirm” anything is lunatic. What Pompeo falsely claimed ‘confirmed’ [is] only a false claim his department had earlier made. 

The NYT headlined more truthful – U.S. Concludes Syria Used Chemical Weapons in May Attack: 

The United States has concluded that Syria used chlorine gas in an attack against [US-backed Islamic terrorist] rebels last May [2019], saying Thursday that it was the latest use of chemical weapons by President Bashar al-Assad’s government in the eight-year [so-called] civil war but stopping short of threatening a military response. 

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned Mr. Assad’s government that “we’re going to do everything we can reasonably do to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.” 

But he said that [supposed] chlorine attacks amounted to a “different situation” than the suspected [alleged] use of sarin, a nerve agent, that killed 80 people and provoked missile strikes against a Syrian air base by the Trump administration in April 2017 [less than 3 months after his inauguration].” 

As I did not remember any alleged chemical weapon attack in May [2019] I followed the link the NYT provided in its piece. It goes to a May 21 report by Edward Wong – U.S. Says Assad May Be Using Chemical Weapons in Syria Again: 

“The State Department said on Tuesday that the Syrian government might be renewing its use of chemical weapons, citing a suspected chlorine attack in northwest Syria, and maintaining that any use of such weapons would lead the United States and its allies to “respond quickly and appropriately.” 

The Trump administration said the suspected attack took place on Sunday in the Idlib area, the final stronghold of [Islamic terrorist] rebels who have tried to topple the government of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria.” 

The Times report was based on a somewhat generic State Department statement that did not even describe where and when the alleged incident happened nor did it describe how it happened or if anyone was allegedly hurt: 

“Unfortunately, we continue to see signs that the Assad regime may be renewing its use of chemical weapons, including an alleged chlorine attack in [terrorist stronghold] northwest Syria [Idlib] on the morning of May 19, 2019. We are still gathering information on this [alleged] incident, but we repeat our warning that if the Assad regime uses chemical weapons, the United States and our allies will respond quickly and appropriately. The May 19 alleged attack in northwest Syria is…” 

Idleb [Idlib] governorate is 6,097 km2 (2,354 sq mi) large. If there was attack why couldn’t the State Department be more specific. Who “alleged” that such an attack had happened? 

Curiously neither the Syrian Observatory nor any of the usual propaganda outlets nor the MI6 White Helmets fakers reported…any gas attack on Sunday May 19 in Idlib. 

In its May 21 [2019] report the Times also noted that: 

“Independent monitoring groups and foreign news organizations have not issued any notable reports of a chemical weapons attack on Sunday.” 

There were no reports of a gas attack on May 19 in Idleb governorate because no gas attack had happened. [Trump via] Pompeo’s State Department made that up to warn the Syrian army from liberating [innocent Syrians trapped in US-backed terrorist controlled] Idleb. It was threat that another fake chemical weapon would be made up and used as justification for U.S. bombing if the Syrian army would begin to liberate Idleb [Idlib]. 

This opens the question why [Trump via] Pompeo came out yesterday to “confirm” an attack that had never happened. 

The reason is like this outrage mentioned in the last paragraphs of today’s NYT piece: 

“Also on Thursday, the Treasury Department imposed economic penalties against a subsidiary of a Russian shipping company, three of its executives, and five vessels accused of evading American sanctions to deliver jet fuel to Russian forces in Syria who are assisting Mr. Assad’s government.” 

That the U.S. sanctions a Russian transport services company which provides logistic services for the legitimate [invited] Russian forces in Syria is unprecedented and in fact outrageous. 

Yesterday’s gas claim was not a confirmation but another Pompeo lie only put up to give some fig leaf excuse for the absolutely undiplomatic and illegitimate U.S. behavior.” 


[Commenter cites a report that 4 terrorists did claim to be injured by the alleged chlorine Pompeo references]: 

Southfront item on this cites Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem:… 

Southfront states: 

[9/27/19] “According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), four terrorists of al-Qaeda-affiliated Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) were injured in the alleged attack. 

Speaking to the Russian news agency, TASS, [Syrian Foreign Minister Walid] Muallem linked the new accusations to the recent progress in the Syrian peace process. 

“When we make political progress for the Syrian people, the Americans always surprise us with such statements,” Muallem said, calling the accusations “fake.” 

I’ll go further and declare the Outlaw US Empire to be the terrorists.”… 

Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 27 2019 18:16 utc | 10

“It’s simply amazing that, the next day Ukraine-gate happens, Trump deepens Iranian sanctions, give USD 52 million to Guaidó, sanction Raul Castro for manifesting support for Maduro, sanction Russian companies for simply delivering goods for its country’s military bases in Syria and the US Congress passes an Act essentially condemning China for violations of human rights in HK. Even more amazing, the American media is not showing signs it is willing to stop either: it is also doubling down on the aggressive propaganda each day 

What’s most impressive is that, after 2008, we from the rest of the world thought the USA would gradually tone down on the high moral ground rhetoric strategy. But it seems the exact opposite happened: the Americans are doubling down on their moral superiority narrative and doubling down of foreign interventions.”… 

Posted by: vk | Sep 27 2019 21:49 utc | 33
My comment:

Trump’s likely unintended accomplishment as president has been proving that US elections are meaningless, should be cancelled, and that therefore US taxpayers are slaves. Whoever wins the presidency is merely another servant of the parasitic, Islamic terrorist sponsoring US War Industry. As a parasite, the War Industry couldn’t exist without being attached to US taxpayers. Both US political parties have merged with the War Industry, congress even refuses to pass the “Stop Funding Terrorists Act.” Where does this leave voters who don’t wish to be slaves of mass murderers? It leaves them conquered and in chains. As to Pres. Trump, it’s certainly true that on major issues he’s the exact opposite of the Candidate Trump who won the election. But it’s plain to see the US is now about foreign wars all the time, a permanent US taxpayer funded military/intel state, obsessed with selling weapons to the world. US taxpayers are forced to line tanks around borders of countries thousands of miles away, but are specifically prohibited from placing tanks along every inch of their own dangerous border, and called “racist” for even suggesting it. At least Communist countries don’t lie and claim elections matter. 


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