Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Great news that Turkey won’t be US vassal state though it will, like the US, use violence to achieve its goals. US tax dollars are already at work to undermine Erdogan-Voltaire Net, Thierry Meyssan…(US taxpayers need every nation to refuse to submit to US thugs)

Together, with the help of the CIA [US taxpayers], they are trying to organise dissidence [against Erdogan] within the AKP. Langley [CIA] aims at realising by electoral means what was attempted by the attempted assassination of President Erdoğan in 2016.” 

8/6/19, Turkey will not align itself with either NATO or the CSTO, Voltaire Net, by Thierry Meyssan  

“After three years of relative withdrawal from the international scene, Turkey has specified its direction. While still remaining a member of the Atlantic Alliance and its integrated command structure, it intends to express its independence. It will not receive orders either from the Atlantic Alliance or the Collective Security Treaty Organisation. On the interior, while defining itself as Muslim, it wants to integrate the minorities on a national basis and fight the elements which are under the orders of the United States.  

Turkey is changing, and the projections of George Friedman, founder of Stratfor, are shown to be wrong. If the ex-Ottoman empire is to develop, it will not be as a vassal of the United States…. 

We thought that with the AKP, (Justice and Development Party), Turkey was becoming an inclusive Islamic democracy, comparing its doctrine to that of European Christian-Democracy.

Progressively, it reconnected with its Ottoman splendour by becoming the spokesman for the Muslim world. Supported by the United States, it was destined to become a first-rate economic power. Pursuing its modernisation and its Westernisation, it turned its back on its most important client, Libya, then on its economic partner, Syria, and increasingly strengthened its relations with the West. 

However, the attempted assassination in Marmaris of newly-elected President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on 15 July 2016, which morphed into an improvised coup d’État, failed miserably to change the state of things. For three years, the AKP struggled to manage the situation. It began to examine its policies. It instituted the third anniversary of the coup d’État, in order to clarify its positions. 

First of all, contrary to what we had believed, modern Turkey is neither with the West nor the East. It defines itself as a nation connected with both worlds, half Asian, half European, nothing of which is changed by its adhesion to the Atlantic Alliance or its participation in the Western wars of the « Arab Spring ». 

This is illustrated by its purchase of the Russian S-400 anti-aircraft system. Ankara claims both its membership of NATO and its right to buy weapons from the Alliance’s adversary. It even specifies – correctly – that nothing in the texts prevents it from making this choice, and authorises no-one to sanction it. 

More than ever, the Turks are « the children of the wolves » who conquered Asia and a part of Europe. It is in this context that we should understand the Astana negotiations (Russia-Iran-Turkey) for peace in Syria. Or again, the anti-imperialist declarations of the Turkish delegation at the Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Caracas. 

Second, Turkey is basing its economic independence on its Turkish Stream energy project and the exploration of the exclusive maritime zone of Cyprus. This is obviously its weak point. Certain segments of the Russo-European gas pipeline which cross Turkey are already operational, but the European Commission can always oppose it, under US pressure ; the importance of investments will not be any greater than for North Stream 2.

Finally, according to international Law, Turkey has no rights to the exclusive maritime zone of Cyprus, and the support of the puppet state of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus counts for nothing. 

It is in this context that the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, has just announced the suspension of the agreement on migration with the European Union (just after the payment of their annual two billion Euros). 

Third, Turkey has broken with the Anglo-Saxon financial model. The quality of life in Turkey has been deteriorating progressively since the Western war against Libya, and even more so during the Western war against Syria. Ankara therefore suddenly decided to take up the reins of its central bank and to lower its interest rates from 24 % to 19,75 %. No-one knows what will be the economic consequences of this decision. 

Fourth, contrary to the period between 2002 and 2016, it was still possible for the minorities to be Turkish, but not for those individuals who have built alliances abroad. Since the coup d’État, a gigantic purge has expelled from the army and the administration all those who were suspected of having subordinate links with the United States, and particularly the disciples of Fethullah Gülen (now a refugee in Pennsylvania). Hundreds of thousands of citizens have been imprisoned. The war has not been pursued against the Kurdish minority, but against the Kurds allied with Washington. 

Unlike the perception we have of him, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is not imposing dictatorship by way of personal mythomania, but is resorting to violence to change the course of his country.

 President Erdoğan, ex-officer of Millî Görüş (an extreme right wing organisation opposing non-Muslims), awarded an exceptional derogation authorising the construction of a church. He laid the first stone on 3 August 2019. 

Fifth, Turkey defines itself as a Muslim state which respects minorities. For example, President Erdoğan has just laid the first stone of a Syriac church in Istanbul. This choice is incompatible with his blind support for the Muslim Brotherhood and his project for a Caliphate. « Muslim solidarity » is an illusion devoid of meaning and – as for Iran— he will have to decide to which « Islam » he is referring. At present, Ankara has broken with its previous posture by diminishing its help for the Muslims of the Chinese Xinjiang. 

Currently, the Turkish army occupies Northern Cyprus, is at war in Iraq, Syria and Libya, and is deployed all around Saudi Arabia-in Qatar, Kuwaït, Sudan and the Red Sea. This omnipresent activism can not last, particularly in opposition with Israël and the Atlantic Alliance. 

All of this in fact opens up new perspectives which the United States do not want. Already the ex-Minister for the Economy, Ali Babacan, and his ex-Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu have joined Abdullah Gül, the ex-President of the Republic. Gül abandoned his rivalry with his ex-partner Erdoğan during the legislative elections, and considers that the defeat of the AKP in the municipal elections – particularly in Istanbul – opens the way for preventing the imposition of a dictatorship. Together, with the help of the CIA [US taxpayers], they are trying to organise dissidence [against Erdogan] within the AKP. Langley [CIA] aims at realising by electoral means what was attempted by the attempted assassination of President Erdoğan in 2016. 

« If they don’t disappoint us, who will? », declared President Erdoğan.”  

Thierry Meyssan 

Political consultant, President-founder of the Réseau Voltaire (Voltaire Network). Latest work in English – Before Our Very Eyes, Fake Wars and Big Lies: From 9/11 to Donald Trump, Progressive Press, 2019. 

Daesh realises the dream of the Muslim Brotherhood – the Caliphate Fake wars and big lies (7/25)

First setbacks for the Muslim Brotherhood, Fake wars and big lies (6/25)


Added: Who wants to keep Americans ignorant, effectively barefoot and pregnant? 

8/4/19, Who wants to kill the Voltaire Network?

“For 8 years, the Voltaire Network has been unable to open a bank account in a Western country. Whatever the location, after having received a primary agreement, we were informed that our account had been refused by the Central Bank of the country concerned, but without any reason being given. Everything transpires as if there existed a confidential international black list shared by the Central Banks. 

Today we are obliged to reimburse the money invested for the hosting and maintenance of the site over the last few years – a total of 48,000 Euros. 

A collection box system – the Internet site Leetchi – was created in France by a branch of the Crédit Mutuel Arkéa for the collection of donations. In last June, this site was blocked by the Justice Department after it had acted to close down a collection on behalf of the boxer Christophe Dettinger, accusing him of wanting to avoid paying his legal expenses, but to put money aside in order to pay any eventual fines, which is illegal. Mr.Dettinger was charged with having bare-knuckled some gendarmes (in riot gear) who were manhandling a woman during a Yellow Vests demonstration. 

Then came the sudden appearance of second collection box system, Le Pot Commun. It is in all points absolutely identical to the first. Its Internet site is the copy and paste of Leetchi, which leads us to believe that it is run by the same company. Two weeks ago, we contacted them to organise a collection. They accepted our request as well as the administrative credentials we had sent them. However, when we gave them the order to transfer the money already collected to a designated bank account which had been opened for the occasion, they no longer replied. On 25 July, they wrote that the order had been recorded, but not executed. We wrote to them several times. They did not answer. Suddenly, on 1 August, they closed our collection and sent a message to all our donors announcing they would reimburse them, allegedly « at their demand ». 

To sum up: 

* We still have to reimburse 48,000 Euros, and we don’t have a penny. Your money did not reach us.
* Le Pot Commun has refused to honour the contract – not because of the suspicion of a possible infraction, but entirely by discrimination against our political opinions.
*Le Pot Commun has stolen the sum already gathered (47,771 Euros).The fact that it has taken on itself to reimburse our donors protects it from legal proceedings for theft on the donors’ part, but not on ours.
*In order to pay back our donors, Le Pot Commun has linked files that they had no right to connect. It has composed an illegal, nominative, political file which includes, apart from the name of the collection, the names of the donors and their bank information.

At this stage, we do not know who is at the origin of these offences. 

The Voltaire Network was founded in 1994 at the European Parliament. It first of all united governmental political parties, national trade unions, and newspapers in order to defend the freedom of expression in France, which was threatened by a legal amendment. As from 1999 and the entry of France into war against Serbia, it turned its gaze towards foreign policy, to which it applied its critical attention. After the attacks of 2001, it published many enquiries on this subject with the support of all its members. However, in 2002, when its founder and president, Thierry Meyssan, published a compilation of the events of 9/11, many organisations withdrew their support. Progressively, the Voltaire Network became a source of information and analysis concerning many on-going conflicts. Its articles are today translated into several languages and figure in the Press reviews of numerous governments. 

The continuation or disappearance of the Voltaire Network is therefore a political issue on an international scale. 

We are asking you: 

*To check that you have been reimbursed for your donation without added expenses. In the Dettinger affair, several people complained that they had been robbed. If this case should arise, contact us via
*To come to our help as quickly as possible by sending a bank transfer to the dedicated bank account, opened for this purpose by our representative in France, Alain Benajam. As for the motive of the transfer, please write PRECISELY « Soutien à ». Here is the bank information: [at link]. 

We will keep you informed about what happens next. This affair will enable us all to judge whether or not France still operates by the rule of law.”


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