Friday, August 30, 2019

All UN “outrage” should be directed at terror-sponsor US and not Syria or Russia. UN and US should offer to help Syria rescue its 3 million citizens trapped in the violent, US-created Islamic terrorist controlled Idlib-Reuters…(Trump has even threatened to attack Syria for trying to rescue its own people from Idlib)

The only “truce” Syria needs is for US illegal occupation to end and for Trump to stop being a Human Shield for Islamic terrorists in Idlib, threatening a “massive attack” on Syria if its elected president merely attempts to rescue millions of innocent Syrians from Islamic terrorist controlled Idlib. Of course it was US-made TOW anti-tank missiles provided by the US to terror groups in Idlib that enabled terrorists to conquer Idlib province in the spring of 2015 along with billions in financial backing. Did you know all US humanitarian aid in Syria goes only to terrorist controlled areas, US won’t give a penny to starving kids unless they live under terrorists? As to UN and US claims about Idlib, the only “news” from Idlib comes from jihadist PR groups there. Western reporters can’t go to Idlib because they’d be beheaded..How badly do US mass murderers want to break Syria?..Syria has “been the target of one of the most expensive and sophisticated disinformation campaigns in recent history.”…Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent with the single goal of extracting as many US taxpayer dollars as needed to destroy Syria and deliver it to terrorists…as US did in Libya.

8/29/19, U.N. Security Council mulls calling for Idlib truce, Russia likely to oppose,” UK.Reuters, Michelle Nichols, United Nations

“The United Nations Security Council is considering a draft resolution that would call for a truce in northwestern Syria “to avoid a further deterioration of the already catastrophic humanitarian situation,” though diplomats said on Thursday that such a move is likely to face opposition from veto-power Russia. 

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, backed by Russian air power, have been waging an offensive in the Idlib region, the last remaining [Islamic terrorist, many of whom are takfiri (extremist-jihadi) fighters] rebel-held territory in Syria’s war. [Thanks entirely to massive US state sponsorship of Islamic terrorism in Syria]. Much of the region is controlled by jihadists linked to the former Nusra Front, which was linked to al Qaeda. 

Kuwait, Germany and Belgium circulated a draft resolution, seen by Reuters, to the 15-member U.N. Security Council late on Wednesday that would express “outrage at the unacceptable levels of violence escalating in and around Idlib.” It was not immediately clear when they aimed to put it to a vote. 

A resolution needs nine votes in favour and no vetoes by Russia, China, the United States, France or Britain to pass. 

“Three million people [trapped under terrorist rule thanks to US] — two-thirds of them women and children — are counting on your support to make this violence stop, U.N. aid chief Mark Lowcock told the Security Council on Thursday….[Now you “care!” Where were you when violent terrorists captured 3 million people in Idlib, thus condemning them to a life of torture and misery?] 

Russia’s Deputy U.N. Ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy did not comment directly on the proposed draft resolution, but questioned the timing. 

“As soon as the Syrian forces achieve some kind of advantage on the territory and begin to force terrorists out, our colleagues begin to say that we should stop military activity,” he said.

There is a need to have an uncompromising fight against terrorists.” [Thank-you, Russia. Since the US government today lavishly supports headslicing terrorists, ordinary Americans have no choice but to hope Russia prevails.] 


Senior British diplomat Stephen Hickey, speaking at his last Security Council meeting, said that despite best efforts the council had failed the people of Syria [because the Security Council allowed the US to make Idlib a terrorist state]. He noted Russia’s 12 vetoes of resolutions to shield the Assad government during the more than eight-year-long conflict. [This is a complete lie. US and UN are massive human shields for Islamic terrorists in Syria. US has illegally invaded and occupied Syria, has no business there whatsoever. Russia is Syria’s only hope against US funded Islamic terrorist takeover]. 

“We must now come together urgently to stop the violence in Idlib and to protect Syrians from further suffering,” he said. [Pal, if you're against “violence and suffering” of Syrian people, you’d insist they be rescued from terrorists the US inflicted on them in Idlib]. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Russia and Turkey had agreed on steps to tackle [terrorist] militants in northwestern Syria and “normalise” the situation. Russian and Turkish forces in northern Syria are allies of opposing sides in the [US invasion and overthrow of Syria] civil war. [It’s not a “civil war.” It’s US mass murder.] 

The U.N. draft resolution also demands that all parties, particularly the Syrian government, must comply with international law,”… 

[Ed. note: “International Law?" Great idea, but no one should comply with “international law” until the terror sponsoring US does. Why doesn’t UN say that “particularly” US must respect international law and evacuate 100% of US personnel from Syria within 24 hours? US respects no laws, not even the so-called “rules based international order” it’s supposedly in charge of: International law contains a whole host of checks and balances built into the system in a way that rules do not….Rules could indeed be made up by whoever has the power to do so, and they could be changed as frequently as the most powerful wishes.”…Only the Russians are defending international law….Unlike the United States, Russia is not seeking to impose its own vision on the world.” US must apologize to Assad for invading his country for no reason and spending years and many billions of dollars arming terrorists for the sole purpose of murdering Syria.] 

(continuing): ““including the respect and protection of civilians and civilian objects, as well the respect and protection of all medical personnel and humanitarian personnel.” [As to “attacks on civilians in Idlib, the “butchery” is done by US pals, the takfiri, foreign jihadist fighters in Syria who ruthlessly use civilians as hostages. As to so-called “humanitarian personnel” in Idlib, the US continues to protect glamorous jihadist White Helmets personnel by labeling them humanitarian workers.”] 

U.N Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced earlier this month that the world body would investigate [alleged] attacks on U.N.-supported facilities and other humanitarian sites in northwest Syria. Russia and Syria have said their forces are not targeting civilians or civilian infrastructure….[The only “news” coming from Idlib is from jihadist PR groups. All others will be beheaded] 

“The rules are clear,” Lowcock said. “People’s homes, hospitals, schools, water systems and markets must be protected. There can be no reason, rationale, excuse or justification for the destruction of civilian areas on the scale seen in Idlib.”” [Who's doing the alleged "destruction" in Idlib? Idlib is terrorist controlled, western reporters can’t go there or they’ll be beheaded. All the “news” from Idlib is from lavishly funded terrorist PR groups like White Helmets. Who on the ground, apart from jihadist groups, is giving you your alleged information? Since you think terrorists are the good guys, this whole discussion is moot.] 

“Reporting by Michelle Nichols; editing by Jonathan Oatis”

Image: 12/30/2018, “US flag flies in Syria’s Manbij despite pullout notice,” AFP, Delil Souleiman. What “international law” allows the US to invade Syria and plant its flag on Syrian land?...



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