Pentecostal pastors preach “prosperity theology” to US-bound Central Americans, make big money praying for and smuggling Central Americans to free lives on the backs of US taxpayers. Coyotes use Bible verses and images of Pentacostal pastors in ads-UK Guardian, Kinosian…(“May God Bless” enslaved US taxpayers)
“May God Bless” enslaved US taxpayers, for they are the perfect unpaid partner for “prosperity theology” of Pentacostal pastors. “Pentecostal churches are omnipresent in the mostly indigenous regions where most of the country’s migrants are from. Those churches cater not only to religious faith but also to baser motives: worshippers are told they will achieve health and wealth in exchange for regular tithes.“…“In the case of the poor, they are especially attracted to prosperity theology, also known as the health and wealth gospel....People are told that, with sufficient faith and active petition of God, eventually the things that you want in life will be yours. That’s a very powerful message to someone who has very little.”
6/28/19, “‘May God bless you’: evangelical pastors’ hidden role in human smuggling’s boom," UK Guardian, Sarah Kinosian, Huehuetenango
Among comments at Lucianne, 6/30/19
“Reply 12 – Posted by: NorthernDog 6/30/2019 6:03:11 PM (No. 110678)
What happens once all these people get
to the US? They have no way to support themselves. No housing, no car,
no job, no food, etc… I don’t think the church is supposed to turn people into hapless dependents.”
“Reply 13 – Posted by: msjena 6/30/2019 6:07:08 PM (No. 110681)
That some pastors who purport to be “evangelical” are facilitating illegal immigration says nothing about Christians who follow the Bible as authority (ie, evangelicals).”
“Reply 14 – Posted by: bad-hair 6/30/2019 7:01:12 PM (No. 110706)
And when they finally get here the Southern Baptist Social Services “non-profits” bill the government $700 a week each.”
“Reply 15 – Posted by: Bur Oak 6/30/2019 7:45:45 PM (No. 110731)
I’d like to know what the Guardian’s definition of evangelical is and how they know these were evangelical pastors.”
“Reply 16 – Posted by: Rumblehog 7/1/2019 12:43:42 AM (No. 110828)
Paying for someone to break Federal law isn’t “sweet” or “Christian” it is felonious. Throw him in Federal prison and let him find converts there.”
“Reply 26 – Posted by: Harlowe 7/1/2019 9:39:44 AM (No. 111060)
FTA: “Pentecostal churches are omnipresent in the mostly indigenous regions where most of the country’s migrants are from.”
Take note that “Pentecostal churches”
predominate the area. The author, without identifying the specific
church involved, is misrepresenting Evangelical churches; the
church involved may be a Pentecostal church, and not an Evangelical
church. There is a difference between Evangelicals and Pentecostals
that is worth pointing out which eludes most journalists. Pentecostals
places emphasis on “openness to spirituality that is not necessarily
centered in the Bible” whereas Evangelicals adhere to “Divine revelation” as the source of all truth, “Scripture is its verifying principle.””
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