“It seems that any class which opposes its own destruction is accused of being populated by racist and ignorant folks that can’t see that salvation lies in a carbon-managed and globalized world. It becomes imperative, therefore, to shut down all the venues where such an ‘ignorant lot’ could communicate their views, attempt to organize and thereby threaten the prevailing social order.”
6/13/19, “From Dollar Hegemony to Global Warming: Globalization, Glyphosate and Doctrines of Consent,” Colin Todhunter, Counterpunch
“There has been an unprecedented
campaign to re-engineer social consensus in the West. Part of this
strategy, involves getting populations in Western countries to fixate on
‘global warming’, ‘gender equity’ and ‘anti-racism’: by focusing on
identity politics and climate change, the devastating effects and
injustices brought about by globalized capitalism and associated
militarism largely remain unchallenged by the masses and stay firmly in the background….
CT [Colin Todhunter]: Can you say something about the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests), Brexit and the Trump electoral phenomenon.
DR [Denis Rancourt]: Combine aggressive
globalization, constant financial predation, gutting of the Western
working and middle classes and a glib discourse of climate change,
anti-racism and gender equity and something has to give.
French geographer Christophe Guilluy predicted the reactions in some
detail, and it is not difficult to understand. It is no accident that
the revolting working-
and middle-classes are critical of the narratives of climate crisis,
anti-racism and gender equity; and that their voices are cast by the
mainstream media as racist, misogynist and ignorant of science.
It seems that any class which opposes its own destruction is accused of being populated by racist and ignorant folks that can’t see that salvation lies in a carbon-managed and globalized world. It becomes imperative, therefore, to shut down all the venues where such an ‘ignorant lot’ could communicate their views, attempt to organize and thereby threaten the prevailing social order.””
[DR is: “Denis Rancourt, researcher at Ontario Civil Liberties Association, in a new report. Rancourt is a former full professor of physics at the University of Ottawa in Canada and author of ‘Geo-economics and geo-politics drive successive eras of predatory globalization and social engineering: Historical emergence of climate change, gender equity, and anti-racism as state doctrines’ (April 2019).]
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