Thursday, May 16, 2019

Trump hiring of Elliott Abrams is sufficient reason not to re-elect him. Better yet, Trump should resign in disgrace. He's not an innocent bystander in his own White House. It's true that no other candidates were worth voting for in 2016, but if you're a fraud you have to go

It’s not possible that Trump disagrees with Bolton or Elliott Abrams, or that he’s playing “good cop, bad cop.” If you hire the repulsive Elliott Abrams, you know exactly what you’re getting, you know you’re insulting all Americans, and you don’t care. He’s made it clear that his agenda as president is the exact opposite on major issues than the positions for which he was elected. He certainly shouldn’t be re-elected. In fact, he should resign immediately. Leave the Oval Office empty for awhile.

5/15/19, “Reminder: Trump, Not Bolton, is the President,” James W. Angle III, The American Conservative 

“This president is already letting someone else be Trump—Bolton on foreign policy and Jared Kushner on immigration. The results are different than what his supporters voted for and could be disastrous for the republic…. 

It is understandable that some George W. Bush retreads would make it into the next Republican administration. It is inexplicable that Never Trump neocon Elliot Abrams has been pulled from retirement to oversee Venezuela policy. 

Trump has [claimed that he] sought to end two wars—Afghanistan and Syria—without starting a major new one, unlike his two immediate predecessors. If he does not soon remind Bolton and company who is in charge [assuming Trump cares either way] instead of acting like an innocent bystander in his own White House, his foreign policy legacy will be very different—and the American people will likely let someone else be commander-in-chief.”


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