Saturday, May 11, 2019

Neoliberal elites ensure that US elections are meaningless and US voters are ignored. Whatever Americans vote for, mostly for economic reasons but also a few other good reasons, Neoliberal economic Elites ignore it-A Week in the Life of the Empire, commenter

1/9/19, “A Week in the Life of the Empire,” The Saker,

Among comments to article: 

It just does not matter what Americans want in our rigged system. Whatever we vote for, mostly for economic reasons but also a few other good reasons, Neoliberal economic Elites ignore it...Americans do understand…the need to stop the mass flow of welfare-assisted immigration, curbing the illegal kind entirely and reducing the legal kind significantly.” 

Endgame Napoleon says: May 9, 2019 at 9:26 pm GMT 

One thing Americans do understand, though, is the need to stop the mass flow of welfare-assisted immigration, curbing the illegal kind entirely and reducing the legal kind significantly. Americans have made this clear twice: in the election of Donald J. Trump and in the equally unexpected rise of Ross Perot, an unprecedentedly successful Third Party candidate in the Nineties who rocketed to prominence by boldly condemning “the giant sucking sound of jobs going across the border to Mexico.” 

It just does not matter what Americans want in our rigged system. Whatever we vote for, mostly for economic reasons but also a few other good reasons, Neoliberal economic Elites ignore it, pursuing their own economic interests once in office. [Meaning the US is a dictatorship and we are slaves. Communist countries are at least honest about what they are.]  

Maybe, Perot would have done the same thing as Trump if he had made it to the White House. But people like Ann Coulter are popular because—like Perot—they articulate in no uncertain terms crucial, popular points that most politicians are just too cowering to even address verbally, much less redressing voters’ grievances with any real action. 

On the campaign trail, Trump cleverly sidestepped the issue of immigration with mocking comedy that could be conveniently repackaged in case of any victory. It was just a matter of interpretation: whether you heard more Build The Wall or more Big Beautiful Door in the wall in Trump’s thunderous speeches. Trump’s voters heard Build The Wall, and [with no Wall in sight] many did not show up to vote for Republicans in the [Nov. 2018] midterms, whereas the Cheap Labor Lobby and the corporate donor class heard Big Beautiful Door.”


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