Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Globalization and endless wars render voters and elections meaningless. For example, much more CO2 is created by globalization and endless wars than would be removed by banning all cars in Europe, thus neutering the Green Party and its voters-Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire

5/28/19, “Analysis of the European Parliamentary elections,” Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire 

“The results of the European Parliamentary elections do not correspond in any way to what was expected – including by this writer…. 

5— In Germany and France, the substitution of the goals of the « civil society » for political questions 

The Anglo-Saxon expression « civil society » indicates associations which, because of their status, are not associated with politics, but defend other causes. This is precisely the case of environmental questions, which are often transnational, but always subordinate to political considerations. For example, even if we were to get rid of all the cars and trucks in the Union, the decrease of Co2 would be minimal compared with the quantity produced by the ships and aircraft necessary for economic globalisation. Or again, even if we were to protect, all the species which are becoming extinct, not only in the Union, but all over the world, this would not preserve the biodiversity destroyed by war. Incidentally, in a war situation, all environmental regulations would be forgotten. The expansion of the Green Party in Germany (20%) and in France (13%), therefore translates the impotence of voters in political matters. Since we can not act against imperialism and economic globalisation, let’s make ourselves useful in other ways.

The powers are preparing for a new Cold War.”


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