“If a nation cannot defend its border, it ceases to exist in any meaningful way….We give up certain freedoms in order to secure others. But if that transaction no longer works…it ceases to have power over us.“…”Return
of the city-state. Nation-states came late to history, and there’s
plenty of evidence to suggest they won’t make it to the end of the
century,” aeon.co, Jamie Bartlett, 9/5/2017
“Failed state, a state that is unable to perform the two fundamental functions of the sovereign nation-state in the modern world system: it cannot project authority over its territory and peoples, and it cannot protect its national boundaries.…State failure manifests itself when a state can no longer deliver physical security.…Failed states are known to be hospitable to and to harbour dangerous nonstate actors such as…groups that commit terrorist acts.”…“Failed State,” Britannica.com, by Naazneen H. Barma (Biography: Assistant
Professor of National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School,
Monterey, Calif. Director, Bridging the Gap Project. She contributed an
article on “Failed State” to SAGE Publications’ Encyclopedia of Governance (2007))
Added: The US Military either sees legal problems in defending us, doesn’t like doing it, and/or has “much bigger fish to fry”
than preventing foreign invaders from crossing the 2000 mile US
southern border. Obviously, it should no longer receive US taxpayer
funding. The US military is concerned with everyone and everything except what is supposedly the US “Homeland.” Forcing US taxpayers to fund a military that can’t or won’t protect them is slavery.
11/5/18, “The Pentagon is resisting Trump’s most controversial military requests for the border,” Vox.com, Alex Ward
“The military won’t do everything Trump wants them to.”
“Resistance to President Donald Trump’s strong-handed military
proposals to counter a caravan of immigrants headed toward the
US-Mexico border is coming from a surprising place: the Pentagon.
“According to official documents obtained by the Washington Post, troops are allowed to use deadly force to protect “all persons, foreign or domestic, who are faced with imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm, and where lesser means have failed or cannot be reasonably employed.”…
It’s so striking that Trump continues to say the military will take actions it likely won’t….
[Timothy] Dunn [of Salisbury University] said it’s also possible the Pentagon just doesn’t want to involve itself too much in a mission it may not care for.
“The military historically has never really been enthusiastic about doing border policing,” he told me. “They have much bigger fish to fry.””
Comment: All homeless foreigners from
violent cultures who
take one step onto US soil receive immediate gifts of all
expenses paid lives via US taxpayers. The US military is happy to use
heavy weapons to defend borders all over the world but has no interest
in providing the same service to the US Homeland. “Deadly force”
wouldn’t be needed and wouldn’t be an issue if the US simply had very
high, thick walls. But the US doesn’t exist to the US political class
and its donors. They’re adamant on open borders for the constant pool of
slave-wage, non-English speaking workers they provide. As
the US political class engineers the genocide of the US by merging it
with Latin America, overwhelmed US local and state
governments require more money to take care of the flood of homeless
people from violent cultures. Financially stressed public schools
encounter new expenses that can only be met by diverting funds carefully
budgeted for the needs of children already here. This is exactly how
our superiors planned it beginning with WWII era agreements and
finalized by the 1965 Immigration Act. Slow death by strangulation.
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